The Itchies


New Member
Does Castor Oil make your scalp itch? I've added this to my oils and my head itches like crazy. Has this happened to anyone or is my head just being a little weird?
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lshevonne said:
Does Castor Oil make your scalp itch? I've added this to my oils and my head itches like crazy. Has this happened to anyone or is my head just being a little weird?

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Your head is being weird! LOL...Just joking
It's probably because castor oil is a growth stimulant so you might be getting growing "ithchies"!!
i was about to say that also. But other than that you may be a allergic reaction. But then again I strongly believe it is a growth stimulant that is giving you the itches.
No, your head is not weird. The same thing happened to me - but my scalp was itching so much I couldn't take it. I had to wash my hair and it took me a while to get the nerve to try again. Well my latest oil mixes don't have nearly as much castor oil so I don't have that problem anymore. But, yes I agree that castor oil is some potent stuff!!!
Okay, now I want to know what brand of castor oil this is. Is it pure castor oil? Please tell me!!
I'm happy I'm not alone. I don't have the bottle now, but I got it from a local grocery store here in Austin called H.E.B. Well, I hope I do get some good growth.
Thanks ladies for the replies. Miss Weird Hair... LOL
Ok ladies I have to admit, I've been reading a lot of posts about itchies, and honestly I don't know how you would be able to tell the difference between 'good' itchies (growth) or bad itchies (irritation, allergic reaction). What is the difference?

I don't want this post to be percieved as negative or trying to start a debate, I'm truly truly curious because I don't know

Like, when people get activator on their scalp, they get itchies, and I doubt that is growth stimulation. I'm really skeptical from products causing external itchies simply because I'm so allergic to so much stuff. I got castor oil on my scalp, I got the itchies and when I parted my hair and looked at the scalp it was reddened. I was almost certain that it was a bad reaction, so now I'll use the remaining oil on my ends as a pre-shampoo only...and won't buy it again.

I'm not saying good itchies aren't possible, I just wondered how you could tell the difference? (I think this is important for some members that may be getting irritation from something--I mean products, not vitamins... but not have the guts to stop doing it because they think its giving them growth).
yes I understand also. I have tried many products my head doesn't itch. But you just have to check if it is an irritation. But for real Castor Oil does promote heavy growth so that is why I thought it may be the growth.
Hey Kaela
I've looked at my scalp and it doesn't appear to be irritated so I don't think that is the reason. As far as the growth thing we'll see.
lshevonne, I kept talking about this when we discussed the PPB. It makes my hair itch a lot and it also made it grow alot the last two months while in braids. My hairline is also becoming thicker. NEVER stopping the use of castor oil--ever.
*doing the snake*
I got major itchies when I added castor oil to my regime also! between the pp biotin and that I have itchies 24/7 and I never noticed them before these things were added. I also noticed a sudden influx of new growth! Nails and hair are growing like crazy! Now if I break a nail to the nub It's back and long enough to file in 2wks. As for the itchies being an allergic reaction, I think theres a difference. at least in mine. when I get s-curl on my scalp its more of a sharp itch that I have to dig in and scratch. the other itchies are constant and while I dont HAVE to scratch them (good thing cause they are all over!) they are noticable. I'm typing right now and my scalp is "tingling!" I've gotten so much new growth since adding pp biotin and castor oil that I keep playing with it! I love the texture and I've never had this much to really pay attention to it before. bad thing is I can't keep my fingers from stroking and twirling my new growth and I'm getting a touch up on Teusday so I'm sure I'm probably irritating my scalp enough to where I'm gonna burn!
Well im glad to know im not alone in some itchies i been having lately. I just washed my hair this past friday then when i went and put in my bantu knots w/settin lotion, jojoba oil(ORS kind) and some mango butter i cant tell which 1 might be casuing it. I'm now using S-curl activator and Parenevu(sp) tea tree stimulating growth grease and some olive oil and a bit of Motions hair lotion(yeah i no its quite alot im using) I think a way to tell if its good itchies(never heard of such a thing unless it tells u this will happen on the bottle and until i got to this board) is when u scratch your head and u look at your fingers and there is no dirt and no hair u pulled out, i'd guess to say those are good itchies. I guess, i dunno. :^) I have alot of new growth, woo man. LOL. Imma get permed maybe next week or so. But i am glad im not the only 1 having these itchies, not alot but enough.
Ok i am itching more than usual. I'm scratching like 5-7 times in a half hour. Maybe this is from the Extra dosage of Biotin i took. hmmm. I am now up to 2400
oh? could it? I dunno. i used it last night and today i am not itchin as much yday. I dunno what was goin on then and today its hotter.
U no, Ish, me and your hair is the same length. :^D Good to find some1 w/similar length hair can help eachother out w/ways to make it grow.
For about 3 or so years i have had this 1 baaad itch in the middle top crown of my head. Woo man it use to be bad. But since i have stopped using some rollers i use to use it has lessened and now its stopped even MORESO after i have taken these pills. Now as i feel around that area of my head it is THE 'thickest' area of my head. I mean the new growth is the THICKEST there so i guess something i was using, doing for a while has just made it heavy in that area. Gets hard to comb through and brush and even finger but it is thick cant wait to break it down to see how long my hair is there.
My hair as been itching so much, I am trying to deal with it, I dont notice any dirt or hair coming out. But I do notice that it is all around my head, back or front. It can be very
I wash 1 day, then skip to the 3 day and wash again, but still I have itching. I just got my biotin hope to start taking it Friday. Does anyone know how many mcg(800 per pill) I should take, and if Sundown is a good brand thanks
I take PP Biotin 1000 mcgs (1mg). I take five pills a day which equals 5000 mcgs or 5mgs. Ive been taking them for one week and I woke up this morning with the itchies....might be my 7 + weeks of new growth....
hold up!! the castor oil may be creating the itches as well. its like i cant win!!! i put castor oil on my scalp because they said to put it on your scalp nightly before a touchup and i have. and i have also been experiencing itching like crazy. i think it the pp biotin. i take 5mg and its like my head feels like ants are marching one by one on my scalp. i cant scratch it either because i am due for a touchup so i have patting my head which has become more like i am beating myself and then i tried to just take my hand and try to massage my scalp but not to mess with it but it feels more like i am squeezing my brain. i cant wait till i get this touchup so i can finally scratch. if this itching results in more growth i can handle it. also if it persist i may really enjoy doing the daily washing. my hair and my scalp will be happy.
God bless you all.
Azull11, That was funny about patting your head has become more like beating yourself!!!
I stopped beating myself and gave into scratching... just down right dug in and started SCRATCHING. I was on the phone and didn't realize I was scratching until it was too late than then I just couldn't stop. It felt so good!
I'm gonna pay for it tomorrow because I'm getting my touch-up come hell or high water. Can't go another hour without one!!

I take PP Biotin and didn't really experience the itchies. I ordered some castor oil from Cedarvale and got the itchies right away!! Had to wash the next day and the itching went away. The itching I'm experience now is when your scalp knows you're due for touch-up itching!
NEVER stopping the use of castor oil--ever.
*doing the snake*

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You got me sitting here laughing and doing the snake at work. People are walking by my cubicle, wondering what is wrong with me.
I ordered some castor oil from Cedarvale and got the itchies right away!! Had to wash the next day and the itching went away.

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Are you rapping or is this just a coincidence that it rhymes.
I ordered some castor oil from Cedarvale and got the itchies right away!! Had to wash the next day and the itching went away.

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Are you rapping or is this just a coincidence that it rhymes.

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LMBO!! Ok, I gotta stop reading this board today. You guys have my stomach hurting from laughing so hard!
I just started getting the itchies yesterday and it was soooo bad and went on for sooooo long. I had my mother check my scalp and she said it was as clean as a whistle.

At first I thought maybe the PP Biotin since that has been mentioned so many times for causing itchies. But then I just started using castor oil last Saturday so maybe it's that.