For the last few weeks I have been getting my hair done in the salon. I mean I don't style my hair at all at home. It is time for a touch up so I definately do not want to wash my own hair. Handling new growth is especially difficult at this length because it becomes so much more of a task just to style it. I found a good hairdresser in Harlem who only does short hair but she puts so much GUNK on my hair that it becomes itchy and slimy and extremely limp after only a few days. I asked her not to put as much stuff on it the week before last and my style barely lasted walking out the door. I usually don't put anything on my scalp because it is very oily. I tried Monoi oil, which is supposed to be very light, and Wanakee oil, but they made my hair more slimy and it made my scalp itch more. Is there anything I can put on my scalp that will make the itching stop without making it more slimy and limp?