The Infinity Bible Code


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The Infinity Code - a tool for serious Bible students to access deep subjects in Scripture

This code, revealed to Al Neal after three and a half decades of intense Bible research, enables the serious Bible student to access some very deep subjects within Scripture. Some of the findings have been released at speaking engagements during the last several years. There was one constant request. "Please reproduce the spreadsheets and printed aids!" So, enjoy this release of essential helps.
Introduction to the Infinity Bible Code by Bill Schnoebelen

God has given us an incredibly awesome Book in His Bible! Praise His wonderful Name for that! The Word of God is the means by which we are Born Again! Through its preaching the captives are set free. Nations and kingdoms are rooted out and planted through its prophetic power.
In the past couple of decades, the assault against the Bible has been intensified, even from within the church. At the same time, science has sought to dethrone the Bible as the ultimate source of truth. God, however, is not surprised by any of this.
Today, for many people, science and technology have become the new "gods" of this humanistic age. Thus, I believe it is entirely appropriate that God should provide more mathematical proof of His Word than ever before. Elements of this have started to emerge in the past couple of years with the so-called "Bible code'' phenomenon. more