The In-Laws


New Member
I am so thankful that my fiance has such an amazing mother. The rest of his family is amazing as well. Great in-laws. I though I was on candid camera when I first met his fam. Talk about the cleavers :lachen: I love 'em though.

Now my ex's fam were in-laws from hell, his sister and brother were always haters/trouble makers and his mother always wanted be in charge of decorating my home or tell him what he should do with me when him and I argued, i'm talking color purple style (beat her) :rolleyes: Good thing I knew how to kick ass as well :lachen:. Me and him used to argue so much about it. It was like damn woman...let the ninja grow up! I am so glad I got out of that marriage, but just as glad to get away from his fam...they put the d-y-s in dysunctional

Do you get along good with your in-laws? hate 'em? Love 'em?
I dont get along with most of DH's family. Especially his mother. From day one she's been a pain in the butt until he showed her that wasn't going to be accepted. She's like that to everyone he's been with, unless they do things for her or give her money.:wallbash: I'm not the one.:nono:

umm unless the daughter was handicapped in some way and she doesnt have a significant other, why oh why was the moma applying her vagistat?
My MotherOutLaw is a super trip.

A few years ago, DH bought a treadmill for me but it was defective. He called Sears to come and pick it up. Two young Black guys, around age 20, came to take the treadmill back to Sears. Instead of asking me who these young men were, (wow, I guess she didn't notice the huge truck in front of our house, blocking our driveway), she calls my husband at work and tells him that I have two men over here. Now, why in the world would I do that knowing that she is right downstairs?

My DH called me from work furious from what his mom had told him that I was no good and she had warned him about me. He told her who the young men were but she still insisted that I was fooling around with them. She also called all of his 4 brothers to tell them the same thing.

When I told her that she hurt me when she did this, all she had to see to me was, yea I know that made you angry.:perplexed

She really had to think that I got it going on cause the young men were very attractive. But, they were dressed in overalls, and wearing beat-up work boots.
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umm unless the daughter was handicapped in some way and she doesnt have a significant other, why oh why was the moma applying her vagistat?
Because she's super possesive, obsessive of her grown half a century old children. She has to feel needed by them---its her whole reason for existing. She is married but her husband has always been in the background and her offspring became her husband as well as her whole life. And she despises those who married them because she and her childrens relationship had to change. She's lucky they all pretty much married after 30 and to their first gir/boyfriends. its also called inabling, keeping them needy and dependent to have that control.
FH's mom loves me. The first time I met her, she told him I was very pretty which according to him is huge because she never said anything about any of his exes. She bought me a nice Christmas gift and raved about my gift of high end chocolates that I sent her. I never met his father he died this past spring- probably a good thing since he was a known racist. Mom even called to ask how I was doing after the news featured a story about numerous tornadoes in my area- she didn't even ask about him. :grin:
Because she's super possesive, obsessive of her grown half a century old children. She has to feel needed by them---its her whole reason for existing. She is married but her husband has always been in the background and her offspring became her husband as well as her whole life. And she despises those who married them because she and her childrens relationship had to change. She's lucky they all pretty much married after 30 and to their first gir/boyfriends. its also called inabling, keeping them needy and dependent to have that control.

She reminds me of my mother:ohwell:
I need this thread especially today.

I think my MIL and SIL are in cohoots to hate me. In front of DH they are loving and kind to me. Behind closed! This is what has happened in the last year and a week.
A) she got married last year and said that she married dude for money
B) she stole a lot of my wedding and reception ideas
~1. I got NO help from any of his family members
~2. his maternal aunts and uncles didn't show up and have yet to say congrats
C) she brought her wedding DVD to my bridal shower
D) she came to our wedding (4 months later) with tude (I changed stuff for the better)
E) the next day, she was at his sister's house showing her former in-laws her wedding DVD, and honeymoon pics :look:
F) I threw DH a birthday party at our house and we prepared all the food. She had SIL ask me if we boiled the meat before we cooked it. I didn't respond. SIL went outside and asked DH the same question. He took the phone and went off on her. She apologized to him...and not me.
G) She called and asked how the bills were coming. When he mentioned that our water bill was less than $20 she said that we needed to wash more :look:
H) She had him buy a stereo set for her DH for their anniversary. He paid $100 for it. I was upset b/c he didn't discuss this purchase with me. He said that she was going to pay him back.
~1. she wrote him a check and for the past two weeks it couldn't be cashed due to insufficient funds.
I) they don't call me or the house to speak. They call his cell phones and if he doesn't answer all day THEN they call the house.
DH's mom is aiight, but his sisters are on some other ish. Really sucks being married to the baby and the only boy....