The humidity is back... which means frizz!

I like pmichael's style idea but my kitchen is not correct enough (especially well into a touch up) to wear it exposed like that...
I am going to try the Blackstrap Molasses stuff one day.
Thanks for posting it again. I forgot all about it.

The Vitamin C crystals are also supposed to help with frizz. I remember Jada1111 posted about this a while ago. But when she said not to scoop the Vit C with a metal spoon it kinda scared me off. (reminded me of the henna/metallic salts and a metal spoon/bowl stuff)

I read an article about drugstore products that are supposed to help with frizz in humid weather. They did a test and put women in a humidity chamber all with different anti frizz products in their hair.

The two that worked the best were

Pantene Anti Frizz Creme Moisturizing Curls Shaper and

Redken Outshine anti-frizz polishing milk.

The ladies using these products 'supposedly' did not get frizzy hair.

I have had moderate success with Frizz Ease Moisture Barrier hairspray. I only used it here in LA where it doesnt get too humid on my flat ironed hair and I was OK for the evening. I was too chicken to try it out in a humid area like Miami.


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Hi Valleygirl!
Yes I rememer about the vitamin C crystals also. The Redken sounds good(the PJ in me is intrigued). I have to look for it. Thanks!
Bumping because I want to try this and thanks to Nyambura for keeping a copy of the application instructions!

Also, the links below discuss the BSM experiences of three members from LHCF's Network54 days. Please be sure to scroll down and read Mahalialee's responses. She was our resident expert on Black Strap Molasses.

Jade21 5/28/02

jada1111 6/7/02

beana3 6/9/02
I know that most people on this board have enough hair care products but for me I just got this stuff called deep repair by a company called Indola. It really does strengthen my hair and I've noticed that my hair isn't frizzy anymore. I live in GA so everyday is a humid day. I also use heat, which this product really defends against the damage. I wish that I could get some pics up.
For a minute there, I was wondering what part of the country was having humidity at this moment, cuz it's starting to blister in DC.
I live in humid central most of the months up here and I found a product that will have the raindrops bouncing of of your hair!

Of corse I cross refernces the ingrdients with my handy directory and of course it's not for everday use because of <font color="brown"> <font color="black"> Cyclomethicone </font> - A volatile silicone compound used to reduce the greasy feel of tanning oils.
</font> but it does work!