The Holy Spirit is Taking Over! Revival is Here! Praise God All Mighty!!!


"God is the Only Truth -- Period"
Staff member
I've been wanting to see something 'break' in this Forum since I've been here. And I know that many of you have been in serious intercessory prayer for this very thing. There is truly a Revival on the Horizon in this Forum. And it's not going to be hindered nor aborted.

God is moving. And He is not playing games. All who 'confess' Him as Lord are coming out with an outpouring of the Holy Spirit like never before. The truth is being spoken like never before and it will be undisputed, for God has had enough of the opposition.

People in this forum have been hurting and are in need of this move of God in their lives and it shall no longer hindered. The Mighty Spirit of God is tearing down the walls of hostility (Ephesians 2) and we who are His, are being drawn nigh unto Him by the Blood of Jesus.

Jesus said whosoever will, let them come freely to the waters of life. His waters, His life...His salvation.

I see healings in all areas of people's lives and their families. I see the operation of the Holy One, dealing one-on-one with each of us corporately and individually. I see the Mighty Hand of God, doing a clean sweep of the enemy and the hindering spirits which have so easily beset us. For God has had enough. He has heard the cries of His daughters; He has seen the tears of hindered prayers; He has seen the sufferings of those who chose to 'stand' in faith upon His word, no matter what.

And as He answered the cry of the children of Israel, so has He heard our cries and He answers,

"Yes, I am that I am, and I am your Abba Father. I am coming soon to rescue you and for all to see how much you mean to me. For I am God and there is no other..I am God...your heavenly Father.

I am pouring out my Spirit upon 'your' flesh...your flesh and those of your heart and house. Your flesh, the flesh of your husbands, those here and those to come. I am pouring out my Spirit upon all Flesh, those who are born unto you and those who are soon to be birthed within you.

I am, that I am, I am God who delivers you from the hand of the enemy. I am, that I am, I am God who has set you on high above the waters of despair; the fires of destruction, the winds of grief, the terrains of lost hope and dreams. Your terrains which shall now become enlarged...enlarging your territories, expanding more of me into more of you.

Be open to my call, my voice, my not forsake the call of the voice you've known, you've heard. For as my child, you know my voice and the voice of the stranger, you shall not follow. For thine ear shall hear a word behind it saying, "This is the way, walk ye in it, whether you turn from the left or to the right." Trust my voice for there is no other that you know to lead you, to guide you, to love you.

I am your Heavenly Father, trust my voice, for my visitation is upon you now.." (Selah)

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Isaiah 50:2b-9

Was my arm too short to ransom you? Do I lack the strength to rescue you? By a mere rebuke I dry up the sea, I turn rivers into a desert; their fish rot for lack of water and die of thirst.

I clothe the sky with darkness and make sackcloth its covering." The Sovereign LORD has given me an instructed tongue, to know the word that sustains the weary.

He wakens me morning by morning, wakens my ear to listen like one being taught. The Sovereign LORD has opened my ears, and I have not been rebellious; I have not drawn back.

I offered my back to those who beat me, my cheeks to those who pulled out my beard; I did not hide my face from mocking and spitting.

Because the Sovereign LORD helps me, I will not be disgraced. Therefore have I set my face like flint, and I know I will not be put to shame.

He who vindicates me is near..It is the Sovereign LORD who helps me.

This thread noted below it the catalyst of God's Revival. The Undisputed Truth is being told...without the enemy's oppostion. To God be the glory.

Posts #8 by Ritzbitz78 and #9 by MindTwister are powerful and in total flow with the Holy Spirit's message posted by Brownsugarflygirl.

Revival is here in the place. Holy Spirit thou art welcome stay. We honor your presence, in Jesus' name, Amen and Amen.

Blessings Ladies...blessings to each of you. The move of God is here.
I really do feel the move of God here, and I'm so happy for it! He is just and faithful to answer prayers, and fight battles, and I'm glad for it. I can truly say as Psalm 37:25 states: "I have been young and now I am old; but I have never seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread." I praise God for that testimony! :)
pebbles said:
I really do feel the move of God here, and I'm so happy for it! He is just and faithful to answer prayers, and fight battles, and I'm glad for it. I can truly say as Psalm 37:25 states: "I have been young and now I am old; but I have never seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread." I praise God for that testimony! :)

Amen, Pebs. Amen. You are so right about this. This is so needed.

This forum is on the brink of a serious 'Awareness' of God.

His presence is about to be made known to all. For truly He is pouring out His Spirit upon all flesh. (Joel 2).

These not just typed-written words here in these threads. Peoples' lives are here. Members have been pouring out their hearts in more ways than one.

AND God is listening.

He really is listening. He has heard the cries of His children and He is saying "Yes...I am coming soon to rescue you, and if you would just look up, you will see that I am already here. Just let me in..."

When posting in this forum, this is not a session of "Type and Go' - I wonder if He'll show?" Prayers are serious! They are real! Because the persons behind the keyboards and computer screens are REAL! And God cares and is here to show it. We just have to let Him in...!

We can't 'hang back' for fear of speaking what may offend. Front page news! The devil will ALWAYS be offended. And he will always try to hinder the move of God in our lives. But when the Truth is allowed to flow through the enemy's obstacles, (which are paper thin), the Truth is then allowed to set people free.

That's all God wants. By allowing His Truth to be freely spoken, He is able to set people free. People are learning what their strongholds are; people are recognizing where the enemy has been lurking and hindering their prayers. People are set free to set others free. People are alert to deceptions, by exposing the enemy of their souls. People are open to the move of God in their lives and needed.

I see the book of Acts in this place. Signs and wonders for more and more members are going to be caught up in the Spirit and allowing Him to have free flow in them; speaking the word of Truth, allowing God to have His way; and here to stay.

Let His Children Say, Amen... are so amazing and in tune with the Spirit of God....Keep up the ministry.

Its just amazing how God sets things in place...I came "up in here" to find out about my hair and God had a completely different plan in mind...I thank God that He is able to use me...I am a submitted vessel. I go back and read my posts like "Who wrote that?" :confused: LOL. So you know the author is the Holy Spirit! :grin: You ladies are a blessing to my life, my Spirit, and my soul...and I will continue to give what the Lord places within me.

Jesus is real...He is touching lives every day through this site! Praise God!
brownsugarflyygirl said: are so amazing and in tune with the Spirit of God....Keep up the ministry.

Its just amazing how God sets things in place...I came "up in here" to find out about my hair and God had a completely different plan in mind...I thank God that He is able to use me...I am a submitted vessel. I go back and read my posts like "Who wrote that?" :confused: LOL. So you know the author is the Holy Spirit! :grin: You ladies are a blessing to my life, my Spirit, and my soul...and I will continue to give what the Lord places within me.

Jesus is real...He is touching lives every day through this site! Praise God!

Keep it coming, angel, and don't quench the Spirit. You are truly speaking the undesputed Truth and setting people free at levels which we've yet to see.

He's truly found someone in you that He can freely flow through. So do not 'hang back', just let Him flow through you and have His way.

It's truly the same as when God says in Genesis 3:16 "...and your desire shall be to your husband." Well, that's what it's like with us, His Vessels, His hand-maidens -- our desire is to Him as our husband. We freely and lovingly submit to the Holy Spirit to just flow through us to freely give His loving treasures to us and is then passed down to others.

Each of us here in this forum, are His vessels and He wants so much to use us to His glory, bringing those to Him who never would otherwise and separating those who are lost from the enemy.

Let your Pastors see what you have written; you need a covering for your ministry. We all do. Every person in ministry has a spiritual covering. This is our protection. All Pastors have one; even the widely known ministers that we see and hear through the media, each have a covering.

I'm under three (my Pastors and my mentor); I have the covering of other ministers who guard my gift in prayer each day. I am also submitted to the Authority of this forum, for that is the order of ministry, submitting to the order of the 'house' as the word calls us to do.

"Brownsugarflygirl", you've given birth a revelation that God 'seeded' into your heart. Now that this baby has been born, you will begin to take all necessary precautions to nurture and protect it. You will experience different levels of growth to this message and more 'babies' (more births) are going to be added.

But as with all baby's, 'Mommie' will have challenges as well. There will be times of opposition and you will have to literally go into spiritual warfare, so that your baby's life is not taken. Yet, you will always win, because this baby of yours is 'Truth' and Truth always wins and stands out among and far above every 'untruth'.

Hence the need for your covering. Persons that you are held accountable to. Persons who will know your where-abouts and how to pray for you.

You are a Minister of Reconciliation, bring those who were estranged from their Father in Heaven, back to where they belong. No longer estranged or Prodicals; but back home, wearing the ring of love, the coat of understanding and forgiveness, and eating of the 'fatted calf' hunger and thirst no more.

Don't quench the flow...;)
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