The Henna Threads...


Taking a Break from Posting
Are so full of information but yet..I'm still a little lost.I just need someone to reinforce my understandings..
1. I can use Henna right after I mix it on my Black Hair before the color release so it does not release any color on my hair.
2. I can also use Cassia but it does not work as well as the Henna.(I just want shiny strong hair. From what I gather, Cassia is not as potent as Henna)
3. Indigo dyes the hair black if color is released on to the hair.
Is this correct?
What I am trying to say is I would like to be a part of the Henna movement Without color..or having to Indigo. I just want to make sure I do it without looking like a burnt match from the neck up..Help a sista out,please.
Henna does NOT lift color the highlights on dark hair are only visible in the sun. So you won't hardly see the color.