The Hair Index

ms jadu

Well-Known Member
I was searching the web today, hoping that I could find some answers about hair growth phases, hair loss phases (shedding), and what nutrients my hair needs. Well there was something called the hair index that popped up. To make a long story short, I found the answers to my questions and beyond. I just wanted to share it with you ladies.

I hope that this helps with any question you may have.
I know this site, and I love it. It's extremely informative and helped me to understand a lot about hair.
I think this should be pinned. Posters could refer to this site for answers. I think it covers pretty much everything, except for the differnce in hair types with "black" hair types.
Informative it is.

Notice the way they discribe the BEAUTIFUL,STUNNING,HEALTHY hair
? all were of non-African decent.

So what,s up with the line of products that claim is great for our hair? Sure hell didn,t use the sister in the pics on the product for us.Procter & Gamble is and has always been a racisist company not that others are not,they are more forward about it.The only pic of a "african" with long hair was of a brother, the women had extensions.
I would not trust their NEW products especially formulated for my hair type.We are gonna have to create out own company.Members only. Folks would knock down the doors to get at what we could come up with(always want what you cannot get).effective marketing ya think?.Imagine the pics of our sisters here with hair growing down their backs!!The Billboards across the US.Clamoring for inteviews,our new jet, oh the glam travel frist class all expense paid includes shopping and spa of course.

A bit light headed today,daydreaming of greatness for all of us....
Hi there! I took a look at the site, and it is pretty good!

On page 78, they did describe a woman of African descent as having beautiful, stunning hair.
Thanks for posting.

I think this site sucks.

Did anyone notice that everyone's hair is described with no comment about damage, but as soon as they get to the "african american" hair part, they have to say how it is usually damaged?

Then it says healthy hair shines. How many unrelaxed women do you find with hair that shines?

If most of us were born with hair that doesn't shine, there must be an evolutionary reason for it.


I was searching the web today, hoping that I could find some answers about hair growth phases, hair loss phases (shedding), and what nutrients my hair needs. Well there was something called the hair index that popped up. To make a long story short, I found the answers to my questions and beyond. I just wanted to share it with you ladies.

I hope that this helps with any question you may have.

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That's not fair they should black people who were almost bald. And white people with long hair. That isn't fair.
Actually I was offended after reading the information.
It seemed very biased and geared toward people of European and Asian decent. The things they stated about AA hair came from pure ignorance and lack of research. I am very displeased with the information that was posted about our hair!
I've seen that site posted on other hairboards and in previous threads.

There's some good info there but I think a newbie to healthy hair care methods and hairboards would have difficulty filtering out the bad info.