The Hair Bible-A Complete Guide to Health and Care


New Member
I bought this book a few weeks ago and I believe this is the most comprehensive hair book I have ever read. The author is Philip Kingsley. There are 29 very informative chapters in this book. Here are some chapters that I felt were really interesting: The Ethnic Behaviour of Hair, Hair Myths, and Your Health and your Hair. There is even a chapter called "Drug Side Effects" which lists prescription drugs which may cause hair loss. Surprisingly it is a very long list. Anyway, if you want a hair book that is based on facts and not trying to sell you anything, then this book is for you!
Re: The Hair Bible-A Complete Guide to Health and

Thanks girl--sounds wonderful! It's looks like it's a pretty new book too
thanks Airleno,
Do you think you could give us an excerpt? I want to see how comparable it is to our info and others.