The Growth Rate of Black Hair versus Others..


New Member
Someone told me that becuase our hair is generally kinky or coily, it slows the rate of growth because curly, kinky, or coily hair, unlike straight hair, has to coil out of the hair shaft where as straight hair pushes right through and therefore grows a lot faster. This was the response given to me when I asked someone why did it seem that people from European cultures seemed to have a faster growth ratef than most people of African decent. What do you guys think? :ohwell:

But of course, in no way would this hinder me from reaching my goals, as i'm sure many others, I guess it just requires a little more patience... Gaining the virtue of patience while waiting for my hair to grow! :smirk:
growth isn't the problem - retaining it is. black women have a harder time retaining their growth because of breakage and shedding due to dryness and chemicals.
thefineprint said:
growth isn't the problem - retaining it is. black women have a harder time retaining their growth because of breakage and shedding due to dryness and chemicals.

that makes sense to me. Thanks... ;)
Funny thing, a white co-worker friend and I wanted to grow our hair this year, we both pretty much started at nose/chin length. I have passed her by several inches. She actually was asking me for advice. I told her to start taking Biotin. I think with good hair care regiments the race is for anyone.;)
It's just that our hair appears to grow more slowly since straight hair appears longer than kinky or curly hair of the same length.

Also, thefineprint is right about breakage and shedding. When we have to get a lot trimmed because of split ends or unevenness, it seems like our hair isn't growing quickly.
There are a number of factors involved but the main thing is that since our hair is coily, it grows up and out and will not see the stretched out length unless pressed(provided that it is healthy).

The other factor I want to say, is hair care. We do so much to our hair that it doesn't get a chance to grow.

But given the right care and diet it grows just as fast as anyone else's.
Staright hair just shows the length right off, whereas curly/wavy hair shrinks up, actually any curlyhead can have the same growth or more than any straighthair it just takes longer to see it cause of the curls.