The Gift from God


Well-Known Member
  • God gives everyone of us a gift when we are born.
  • It is a spiritual gift. It's sort of like a physical present with a bow on it.
  • All of us open the present.
  • Some of us are given wealth and celebrity.
  • Others are given poverty and obscurity.
  • Most of us are given "the daily grind" having to go to work, struggle from paycheck to paycheck and hope that there is enough left for a retirement that is financially comfortable.
  • My personal theory is that the tools we are given do NOT define who we are in His eyes.
  • Rather, He is looking for us to use the tools He has given us to deal with life the best way possible in His eyes.
  • Some of us take these tools and enhance them, going from middle of the road or poverty to wealth and celebrity.
  • Some of us take the tools and cycle downwards.
  • Most of us keep the Gift we have been given. I am one of those people. But today I realized I have SO MUCH with what He has given me. I have my health, a strong marriage, a Mom who is 90 and healthy, a career that has been good to me. And despite spending much of my life asking why I didn't get a "good present" from God, He has stayed by my side and kept whispering in my ear "You are okay, I will take care of you".
  • Today, I turn a new leaf. No more wishing for more. From now on I am grateful for my gift and will use the tools to the best of my ability in His eyes. I will use what I have: The ability to be kind to others, to give freely and not expect a thank you or anything in return, the ability to be as healthy as I can afford to be and many many other things within my control for the purpose of good.
Thanks for reading this.