The Gay Agenda in Your Child's School... Here's What You Can Do


"God is the Only Truth -- Period"
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The weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God through the pulling down of 'strongholds'....

True Tolerance. org

Concerned about the pro-gay agenda in your child’s public school? It’s sad, but many public schools have, in the name of “tolerance,” stifled free speech and true diversity by silencing students of faith, and those with conservative perspectives.

Note: If this link doesn't work, it's on the right margin of the pages that I've linked above and below:

Pro-gay Classroom Materials

This isn’t true tolerance. True Tolerance means a free and respectful exchange of ideas.

The good news is, thanks to, there’s something you can do about it.

Make your voice heard—and balance out the bias—by giving your school officials helpful legal facts and social science data. Click the links below to see how easy it is.

What You Can Do... :yep:


Can They Do That In My School?Why is one-sided promotion of homosexuality happening in your child’s school?

One reason could be that your school officials are being heavily pressured by special interest groups. That’s why they need to hear your voice too!

Often, schools are told they must comply with these advocacy groups’ demands — such as mandatory “diversity” training or pro-gay curricula—or they could face legal liability for not making their school “safe.”

“Safety” is being used as a political arm-twisting tool to force an adult agenda into schools.

You can help by equipping school officials with a more balanced perspective based on legally accurate facts.

First, educate yourself by reviewing the “What Parents Need to Know” section (see box in upper right hand corner). Then “Take Action” by giving your school officials information from legal experts.


In addition to being legally inaccurate, pro-gay advocacy groups’ one-sided messages also are irresponsible, and even dangerous, from a psychological perspective.

We know from social science research, that children are still developing both physically and emotionally during the middle and high school years. So a significant percentage of kids experience sexual confusion during this crucial time period.

Clearly, schools shouldn’t be opening their doors to messages that push vulnerable children into prematurely embracing a sexual identity based on the demands of special interest groups.

And the truth is—as taxpaying parents and community citizens—you have more of a stake in what happens in your schools than these outside advocacy groups.

Your concerns, and your voice, deserve equal respect.
First, educate yourself by reviewing the “What Parents Need to Know” section (see box in upper right hand corner).

Then “Take Action” by giving your school officials information that counters the unbalanced information they’re currently getting from groups like GLSEN—the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network

Take Action:

Thank you for your willingness to take a stand and protect your community by giving information to your public school officials.

The Alliance Defense Fund, Focus on the Family and Exodus International have joined together to give you the best information available—including a legal memorandum and fact-based responses to claims made by advocacy groups. This information has been compiled into PDF files, complete with a cover letter from the Alliance Defense Fund that you can print and deliver—or email—to your school officials.

The Alliance Defense Fund has handled many cases involving the issues discussed on this Web site and stands ready to provide your school officials with free legal advice, clarification or answers to questions they may have.

Download Complete PackageAlliance Defense Fund (ADF) cover letter
Executive Summary from Focus on the Family
Legal Memorandum from ADF
Fact-based Responses to Unsubstantiated Claims Made By Homosexual Advocacy Groups
(compiled by Focus on the Family and Exodus International)
Email Complete Package to Your School Official or Educator

If you don’t want to send the complete package as indicated above, we recommend you send your school the Alliance Defense Fund’s legal memorandum. (Note: The complete package option above includes the legal memorandum.)

Download the Legal Memorandum Package (includes ADF cover letter)

Email the Legal Memorandum Package to Your School Official or Educator

If you’d only like to send the portion of the information concerning social-issues and fact-based responses to pro-gay claims (compiled by Focus on the Family and Exodus International), you can do so by using the links below.

“Fact-based Responses to Unsubstantiated Claims Made By Homosexual Advocacy Groups” (includes ADF cover letter)

Email the “Fact-based Responses” Package to Your School Official or Educator

:nono::nono::nono: And for this, prayer was taken out of schools to let the enemy come in with this to be thrown at our children. Why not call it what it is, plain and simple pornography. :nono:

There is soooooo much going on and so much that the media will never address. Yet God has given us the Internet to find out what's going on so that we can protect our families, Churches and loved ones.
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Pastors need to make their congregations aware of this. Members should make their Pastors aware. Just be 'aware and then pray and act'.

Gays don't have a problem acting... :nono: Well they don't. And they are taking FULL action upon the minds of our children againt the Holiness of God, our Father in Heaven.

More Links: What Parents Should Know:



Please visit the following links for more information on the organizations that contributed much of the information available on this Web site.
Focus on the Family - dedicated to serving, strengthening and defending families worldwide.

Exodus International - the largest information and referral ministry in the world addressing homosexual issues

The Alliance Defense Fund - a legal alliance defending the right to hear and speak the truth.

For more information on how students can respond in a bold, loving and grace-filled way to the pro-homosexual Day of Silence, check out the Day of Truth. Thousands of students will be celebrating the Day of Truth in their schools on April 20, the Monday after Day of Silence. Sign up today for T-shirts and buttons you can wear in your school!

To receive daily updates on current issues affecting students and families – including tips on how you can impact those issues, sign up to receive CitizenLink alerts.

You can also access more in-depth articles, facts and research on many issues – including education, bioethics and sanctity of human life, homosexuality and gender, marriage and family, the law and courts, etc., by visiting Focus on Family’s Issue Analysis section.
Thank you Shimmie. My soon-to-be 5 year old will be starting school soon (albeit a Church of England school - I live in London - but still) and this has been a concern on my mind. The UK is FIERCE in wanting to promote Gay and Lesbian material, viewpoints etc over here, whilst stifling Christianity.

This material is just what we need. Thank you again :kiss:
Thank you Shimmie. My soon-to-be 5 year old will be starting school soon (albeit a Church of England school - I live in London - but still) and this has been a concern on my mind. The UK is FIERCE in wanting to promote Gay and Lesbian material, viewpoints etc over here, whilst stifling Christianity.

This material is just what we need. Thank you again :kiss:
You are quite welcome. :kiss: Hugs to your precious little one. I used to teach Pre-K and Kindergarten in both a Private Christian School and in our Church's Sunday School, and I love it and the children.

We have to protect our children. They are at such grave risk being introduced into the gay lifestyle. It's gone way too far and it's no different than teaching our children pornography.

Help for Parents Who Feel Powerless:

What to do when your child's school conducts a one-sided "diversity" day or other homosexuality promotion.

School officials in Deerfield, Ill., outraged parents by including pro-gay speakers in a mandatory freshman advisory class for kids as young as 14. The officials then ignored the parents’ complaints.

So what do you do if a school board disregards your concerns? Give up, or fight back?

The good news is, you have the power to fight back—through federal and Supreme Court rulings that have outlawed "viewpoint discrimination."

That principle is best explained in three U.S. Supreme Court cases—
Lamb’s Chapel v. Ctr. Moriches Union Free Sch. Dist. (1993), Good News Club v. Milford Central School (1993) and Rosenberger v. Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia (1995).

Though these cases didn't deal directly with homosexuality, they clarified principles that have helped parents defeat unfair pro-gay policies. First of all, the Court said that when public schools open their doors to speakers or written expressions, they have created a "limited public forum"—"limited" means some restrictions on speech are allowed.

Even so, those restrictions must be "viewpoint neutral"—meaning they cannot allow secular speakers, and then censor others simply because they happen to have a religious perspective.

One-sided "Diversity" Days

That double standard is often on display during school "diversity" days—events that usually portray homosexuality as good and normal, and attack opposing viewpoints as bigotry.

Gay activists have tried to intimidate schools by arguing that allowing ex-gays speakers—people who’ve left the homosexual lifestyle and often have deeply held religious convictions— would violate the Establishment Clause.

But the U.S. Supreme Court has actually said the opposite: "More than once have we rejected the position that the Establishment Clause even justifies, much less requires, a refusal to extend free speech rights to religious speakers who participate in broad-reaching government

programs neutral in design," (

In fact, such actions actually "risk fostering a pervasive bias or hostility to religion, which could undermine the very neutrality the Establishment Clause requires."

This principle worked for Judeo-Christian parents in Wisconsin who cited viewpoint discrimination when they complained about the Diversity Day at Viroqua High School in Wisconsin. They demanded that the school include an ex-gay speaker—rather than do that, school officials canceled the event.

Another important victory is the 2003 federal court opinion,
Hansen v. Ann Arbor Public Schools, against a Michigan high school.


(Continued next post...)


As part of its Diversity Week, the school featured a "Religion and Homosexuality" panel of pro-gay religious leaders. Betsy Hansen, a member of the school's student Christian club, asked permission to include a clergy leader representing her club's perspective — or be allowed to speak on the panel.

Her request was denied. But Hansen was vindicated when the court found the school had not followed the viewpoint neutrality principle, and thus violated both her free speech rights and the Establishment Clause.

The court quoted the U.S. Supreme Court's 1969
Tinker v. Des Moines ruling: "In our system, state-operated schools may not be enclaves of totalitarianism."

Pro-gay curricula

The viewpoint neutrality principle can also apply to what's being taught in your child's classroom. For instance, parents in Maryland protested a pro-gay curriculum that was going to be piloted in eighth and 10th grade classes.

One of the accompanying worksheets listed as a "myth" the statement that "Homosexuality is a sin." The curriculum even went so far as to disparage specific denominations — including Baptists and "Fundamentalists."

Not surprisingly, there was an uprising in the local community. And in May 2005, a federal court halted the proposed curriculum, because it presented "only one view on the subject — that homosexuality is a natural and morally correct lifestyle — to the exclusion of other perspectives," (
Citizens for a Responsible Curriculum v. Montgomery County Public Schools).

The court also ordered the school to give protesting parents and ex-gays a voice in curriculum selection.

How can parents and students use these legal precedents? If your child's school insists on promoting homosexuality, pay close attention to how it handles religious topics. If the school presents pro-gay theology to the exclusion of other beliefs, it's likely violating the Constitution.

Also, begin rallying the community to pressure the school to include other perspectives, citing court decisions like
Hansen and Citizens for a Responsible Curriculum.

If your child’s library is flooded with pro-gay books, donate ex-gay books to represent another viewpoint.

Student-led events

Recent court decisions have also empowered socially conservative students to respectfully take matters into their own hands.

In recent years, students in North Carolina, Oregon and New Jersey have challenged school policies and, in each case, won the right to counteract the pro-gay Day of Silence with their own student-led Day of Truth (

And it's not just on the issue of homosexuality that viewpoint-neutrality principles are winning. In one year alone, public school students won four legal challenges allowing them to celebrate a "Pro-Life Day of Silent Solidarity."

The bottom line is, taxpaying parents and students have a right and a responsibility to request that their viewpoints be represented in their own local schools—as well as the backing of numerous federal court rulings. So parents should never buy into the lie that they have to completely surrender ground to outside, gay activist groups.

Candi Cushman is the Education Analyst for Focus on the Family's Government and Public Policy division.


As part of its Diversity Week, the school featured a "Religion and Homosexuality" panel of pro-gay religious leaders. Betsy Hansen, a member of the school's student Christian club, asked permission to include a clergy leader representing her club's perspective — or be allowed to speak on the panel.

Her request was denied. But Hansen was vindicated when the court found the school had not followed the viewpoint neutrality principle, and thus violated both her free speech rights and the Establishment Clause.

The court quoted the U.S. Supreme Court's 1969 Tinker v. Des Moines ruling: "In our system, state-operated schools may not be enclaves of totalitarianism."

Pro-gay curricula

The viewpoint neutrality principle can also apply to what's being taught in your child's classroom. For instance, parents in Maryland protested a pro-gay curriculum that was going to be piloted in eighth and 10th grade classes.

One of the accompanying worksheets listed as a "myth" the statement that "Homosexuality is a sin." The curriculum even went so far as to disparage specific denominations — including Baptists and "Fundamentalists."

Not surprisingly, there was an uprising in the local community. And in May 2005, a federal court halted the proposed curriculum, because it presented "only one view on the subject — that homosexuality is a natural and morally correct lifestyle — to the exclusion of other perspectives," (
Citizens for a Responsible Curriculum v. Montgomery County Public Schools).

The court also ordered the school to give protesting parents and ex-gays a voice in curriculum selection.

How can parents and students use these legal precedents? If your child's school insists on promoting homosexuality, pay close attention to how it handles religious topics. If the school presents pro-gay theology to the exclusion of other beliefs, it's likely violating the Constitution.

Also, begin rallying the community to pressure the school to include other perspectives, citing court decisions like
Hansen and Citizens for a Responsible Curriculum.

If your child’s library is flooded with pro-gay books, donate ex-gay books to represent another viewpoint.

Student-led events

Recent court decisions have also empowered socially conservative students to respectfully take matters into their own hands.

In recent years, students in North Carolina, Oregon and New Jersey have challenged school policies and, in each case, won the right to counteract the pro-gay Day of Silence with their own student-led Day of Truth (

And it's not just on the issue of homosexuality that viewpoint-neutrality principles are winning. In one year alone, public school students won four legal challenges allowing them to celebrate a "Pro-Life Day of Silent Solidarity."

The bottom line is, taxpaying parents and students have a right and a responsibility to request that their viewpoints be represented in their own local schools—as well as the backing of numerous federal court rulings. So parents should never buy into the lie that they have to completely surrender ground to outside, gay activist groups.

Candi Cushman is the Education Analyst for Focus on the Family's Government and Public Policy division.

Awesome information, sis...and I printed it out to have at my next pastoral meeting:yep:

Thank you Shimmie - I will be sharing this information with my church as well.
Folks haven't seen nothing yet. This gay agenda has gone pure wild and I mean wild. They're really out to take over. But they messed up when it comes to our children. :nono::nono::nono:
They have this in the bay...tolerance courses that parents can't have their children taken out of.....smh.

I don't have a problem with folks saying to treat everyone equal, but I wouldn't want them teaching my children that this lifestyle is natural, acceptable, and OK.

That's my problem. Yes, they are picked on just like the fat kids the kids with funny accent, the kids who don't speak english, the weird looking kid etc....and tolerance in treating EVERYONE with respect is a good thing. But, they area going to teach that this is a natural and acceptable lifestyle and it isn't. It goes against what I would have taught...

I would probably take my kid out and protest.