The Friends At The Court...


Well-Known Member
My divorce was final in 1992. The ex dodged the child support order which went into arrears. I figured that social security will pay off the friend of the court and I can use it towards my retirement. The man changed states twice and remarried and had three more children.

I got a phone call last week from the man. He sounded very upset. He applied for disability and social security detected a child support bill. They are sending me $1000.00 straight off the top. He owes me fourteen thousand. The weirdo said to me that he would be sending me a form to sign off on the arrears. I have raised our son by myself for 25 years. The kid has special needs. I bought a pair of shoes in 2006 that I still wear. I plan on taking all of this money.

I have been told that if you have not remarried and are caring for a child of the marriage that was declared completely disabled, the ten year rule to collect a social security benefit from his earnings does not apply. I am assembling the documents to head for the social security office. My son needs his state id and his birth certificate. I will have the birth certificate, my marriage license, the divorce decree and my drivers license. My son was declared disabled by the social security administration according to his date of birth. He is 27.

Why am I writing this? I did not expect a payoff on all the money I spent alone, neglecting my own needs and happiness until his 62nd birthday. This would be 8/11/2022. Do not give up ladies. You need that money. You have to obtain funding for the times that you will not be able to work. I just wanted to encourage someone whose rat child's father eloped with your money. Stay on it!!:timer:
My divorce was final in 1992. The ex dodged the child support order which went into arrears. I figured that social security will pay off the friend of the court and I can use it towards my retirement. The man changed states twice and remarried and had three more children.

I got a phone call last week from the man. He sounded very upset. He applied for disability and social security detected a child support bill. They are sending me $1000.00 straight off the top. He owes me fourteen thousand. The weirdo said to me that he would be sending me a form to sign off on the arrears. I have raised our son by myself for 25 years. The kid has special needs. I bought a pair of shoes in 2006 that I still wear. I plan on taking all of this money.

I have been told that if you have not remarried and are caring for a child of the marriage that was declared completely disabled, the ten year rule to collect a social security benefit from his earnings does not apply. I am assembling the documents to head for the social security office. My son needs his state id and his birth certificate. I will have the birth certificate, my marriage license, the divorce decree and my drivers license. My son was declared disabled by the social security administration according to his date of birth. He is 27.

Why am I writing this? I did not expect a payoff on all the money I spent alone, neglecting my own needs and happiness until his 62nd birthday. This would be 8/11/2022. Do not give up ladies. You need that money. You have to obtain funding for the times that you will not be able to work. I just wanted to encourage someone whose rat child's father eloped with your money. Stay on it!!:timer:

I hope that when your ex husband called you, you went :

Hello lovely ones! This is an update. I had a little time on my hands and decided to call the friend of the court hotline to see if they collected any money yet. They collected over $8000 dollars since. 10/2/2017. I am waiting on the card I asked them to place the funds on. Dont give up on collecting the money. It will arrive. You need those payments regardless of the age of the offspring. It enrages me to hear someone attempt to excuse child abandonment using a childs age as a reason you should not receive compensation for all your sacrifices. In the meantime, my stash is low and my hair is dry. I need a few hair products and Black Friday is next month. Yep!:amen::drool::meditate:
So uh, did you ever receive the remainder?

I received the 8800 in January. I still receive 340 a month which goes to medicine or utilities. The dishwasher was delivered to the house and will be installed at Easter break. I changed the subfloor in the bathroom and it has new vinyl and a new cabinet. I have to get a new bed. Everything is going well. The kid got a new suit recently. Praise Jesus! Hold on ladies. You will get that money. The woman is the weaker vessel. They want to use us to do everything. Then they still want to cry broke. No.
The state of Michigan notified me that I had been declared eligible for Michigan Medicaid as of 3/1/2018. Where Is the doctors office? And the dentist also. Podiatrist, orthopedics, eye doctor, eye glass selection. I want to get scandalous with it.

I think qualifying was a mistake on their part but in the meantime:vette:

This is a thread to love. The man still owes me close. To 4,000 dollars. What shall I do next? Paint the house, update the flooring, replace my eyeglasses:thewave:. Did I mention the van I bought in November 2017.?:worship2: I did not expect a positive result on my insurance. How much are implants now?:sekret:

I am very grateful.i have been working part time since 2006. This means penny pinching. Some of my medicine cost quite a bit. When I lost my insurance the bill came to 1,000 dollars a month. :thud:

God has showed up and showed out. I was worried.:meditate:
He can give you more than you ask or think.....:amen: