The Forces of Darkness Trying to Attack Me and My Family Pt. 2.....


Well-Known Member
Note to readers aboutprevious thread: For those who read my first post and will read it, I apologize if my story sounds like I'm being overly superstitious or blaming demons about these incidents that have occured. I don't blame the devil for everything that goes wrong in my life, it's just certain events happen that appear as supernatural (I hope I used the right word/ I'm not good at explaining things), and if they've happened many times before, that's when I'll come up with the conclusion that unseen forces are at work. Also before the events happen, I receive gut wrenching butterflies in my stomach and a stronger sense of being very alert and sensitive to my surroundings. Again I apologize...:(

This is the pt. 2 to my experience, only this time it was targeted towards me and my fiancee. It happened around the month of December, my fiancee and I had just moved into a two bedroom apt. While we were in the process of moving our furniture in, we ran into a couple that we assumed lived right underneath us. We exchanged greetings, as they noticed that we were moving in and a 'welcome to the neighborhood' from them. About three weeks later, the night before the incident, my boyfriend came into my room and asked me a question about the bible; to be more specific about scriptures in the book of Revelation concerning the antichrist. We talked about it a little, and after he went off to bed I started getting butterflies in my stomach/ I ignored them, but throughout the day, they would sporadically show up.

Around 8 p.m that night we were both on the internet reading a silly topic about chinese zodiacs one reason was so that we could come up with cartoon character designs for future school projects(we both study animation in college), and just out of boredom and curiosity to see what it said about us. The butterflies in my stomach had flared up even worse by now, and I started getting the feeling that someone was watching us but unseen(I didn't let my fiancee know though).

Thirty minutes later, our doorbell rang and my fiancee went to answer it ,I wished I'd stopped him though. In came the woman that lived below, giving us a bag of fruits, candy and soda as a welcome to the neighborhood gift,then asked if we wanted to go down to her apartment to have some drinks and talk. Little red flags came up with me, and I was going to refuse and postpone for another time, but not wanting to seem rude, I went with my fiancee to her apartment.

Here's where it starts getting weird.

On our way down, she asked us our age and we answered not thinking anything about it(since we're always being asked anyway) and started immediately on the topic about the bible, strangely enough the same exact topic that my fiancee and I were talking about hours before. We'd mentioned that we've discussed the topic earlier and then she looks up to the sky and asks "You brought me to them for a reason didn't you?", and then asks if we knew who she was talking to. We said yes( it reminded me of Queen Latifah in the movie Last Holiday when she was having her conversations with God vocally)thinking she meant God. However she said that her spirit guides or guardian spirits had sent her to us.

When we were in her apartment, she offered us drinks, but not at first what we expected. She invited us into her kitchen and pulled out a huge bottle of vodka(one of the main reasons why she asked our age) and offered to it to us. We both refused it quickly informing her that we don't drink alcohol and got soda instead. However while we were in her living room talking, she kept asking us if we wanted some vodka while we kept giving her the same answer, but my fiancee finally drank a little when she called him into the kitchen and continued to offer it(which I thought was strange).During our conversation, she asked us what months we were born in and we told her: mine being August, and my fiancee being in January.

She then exclaimes, " Wow a leo and a capricorn together?! That's weird..." and goes to get her zodiac book to look up our months. After that, she got into the topic of the bible again, and how instead of there being God, there were others called the great ones such as the great mother spirit and the great father spirit watching us. The whole time during the conversation, I felt like an open target for something to pry into my inner self as if someone was staring me down trying to read my thoughts. She also claimed that women had ruled the world and Isis was the queen over all the women and worshipped Dianna, the queen of heaven. Another red flag went up when she said this with me knowing that Dianna was a pagan goddess of witchcraft.

I'll continue later. It's raining hard w/ lightning and thunder. I don't want the power to go off while I'm typing. I will finish it in the same post. :)
I can tell you already that you're not overly superstitious and you do have a sound mind. You have been through some very legitimate experiences in life. By that meaning, you have encountered situations in serious question to you. You simply need to talk it out.

As for this woman, from what I'm gathering in perspective, she was in her own 'world' so to speak. Without me reading any further, I'm sensing that she had a mental disorder of some kind; I wouldn't be surprised if she was on some type of medication for a chemical imbalance of some sort. To whom she was speaking, 'this was her world of imagination.'

I have no doubt of bizarre happenings regarding this woman. Whatever you share further would not surprise me if something more did occur. The supernatural world is real.

But know this dear one...Jesus is Lord of All.

I'm looking forward to reading the rest of your story. You need to 'talk it out' to release it from your spirit.

BTW: I have stories too. ;)
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There is no need to apologize. If you feel the woman had bad intentions, then she probably did.

She sounds more like a slightly disturbed person who really wanted some neighbors, and thought that God/Bible would be enough of a connection for her to start talking about astrology and so on.

The talking to the sky would have bothered me a great deal though. Maybe you could try ministering to her about how you see the Lord? Only if she doesn't seem dangerous or threating to you. And you say initally she came with another man-what did you think of him?

Shimmie made some very vaild points as well, and she may need serious psychatriac (sp) help. But I (of course not knowing how she made you feel, or being there) get the feeling she was very lonely and wanted someone to connect with very badly.

But take time out to pray on the subject. There's a reason you met her, and it's important to find out that reason.
Back to Finish My Story (by the way, thanks for the comments. My fiancee did find the fact of her talking to the sky greatly disturbing/ I thought it was weird)

I left off with the lady talking about worshipping the goddess dianna since she was the 'great mother' and God was the 'great father' and other 'great ones' called that we know as angels, but they were great guardians,and that everybody had one watching over them. She also went on to explain that her guardians were right there in the room with her ( I believe those were demons) she then called me into the kitchen and started staring at me and for some very unknown reason I started crying.

Fact 1: I don't cry in front people, especially strangers unless it's a close family member or loved one I talk to.

Fact 2: I didn't trust her, so crying in front of her made me confused and angry at the point that I did cry in front of her.

Well she started telling me that everything will be alright, but the thing was, everything was fine to begin with. I could never explain or understand what caused the emotional outburst. She again offered me some vodka and I finally said yes so she could stop asking me (I still wished I hadn't though), goy a teaspoon full and mixed it with the fruit punch. We went back into the living room and she started a topic on me saying that I need to be listen to more and not to be ignored while I'm talking. She then kept focusing on me in between conversations, but I kept my mouth shut.

Finally my fiancee decided that it was time to go, but for some reason she wanted to talk to me more, so I stayed behind(I don't usually do this, staying alone in a stranger's house that is...)

After he left I noticed a few things in her living room and doorway. I noticed in her living room she had a minature cauldron on one over her side tables that was surrounded by stones and crystals. In the cauldron were a few hebal looking plants. At her doorway, she had the Quran and decorations in the shape of the Quran; above her door was a large Chinese coin with symbols on them, and a horseshoe propped up behind her wall. When I asked about them she said that they were her good luck charms, she then showed me a bag (filled with something)that was hanging from her vent in the hallway and said it was to keep negative spirits out of her house. And the seasalt posted in the corner of her ceiling was to keep negative energy from coming down into her apartment. She also wore a dark pendant around her neck saying that it kept her safe.

I had told her that if felt like someone I couldn't see was watching me from behind and she replied "Oh those are my guardian spirits keeping you at bay..."/ I felt that they were more that guardian spirits. She also said that her house was haunted and that a girl was buried right beside her bed(meaning that there were graves that the apartment complex was built over).

After that she tried to pry into my personal life by trying to do an unsuspected reading on me (oh by the way, during our conversation when my fiancee was with me, she mentioned that psychics(sp?) were gifted people and could talk to their guardian spirits) and assumed that I had two children in the past. I assured her that I never had any children and she bluntly said "You're lying" and went on to say that I was pregnant with one child but had an abortion, and the second child I gave birth to but the child died.

Funny thing is, what she was speaking of didn't happen to me but to someone close to me in my family. That's when I definately knew dark forces were at hand. After that she started questioning me about me and my fiancee and if I really loved him, I told her yes, but she kept asking me as if she didn't believe me(maybe it was because I didn't show emotion when I replied, I didn't want her to know my personal feelings/ she was even bold enough to introduce me to another man). Finally after a short conversation, she does another unsuspected reading and claimed that I had two past lives: one as a palamino horse from an Native American tribe and the before that, a seven year old belly dancing Malaysian girl who had died (from what she didn't tell me). To top the icing on the cake, she started getting a faraway look in her eyes as if she were in a trance and started speaking in a very strong Asian accent, telling me about my past life as a Malaysian girl.

After that incident, I decided that it was time for me to go explaining to her that I didn't want to overstay my welcome. Honestly I just had to get out of her house, everything I felt around her I knew was demonic. I told my fiancee what had happened and we both prayed and prayed over our apartment. After that (about 2 months had past), we didn't hear or even see her/ but my fiancee said that she showed up the other day while I was at school and was asking about movies. I think she wanted to pry again.

I probably left some things out, but I will leave comments on this post if anything comes to remembrance. But that is part two of my experience.
seraphim712 said:
Back to Finish My Story (by the way, thanks for the comments. My fiancee did find the fact of her talking to the sky greatly disturbing/ I thought it was weird)

I left off with the lady talking about worshipping the goddess dianna since she was the 'great mother' and God was the 'great father' and other 'great ones' called that we know as angels, but they were great guardians,and that everybody had one watching over them. She also went on to explain that her guardians were right there in the room with her ( I believe those were demons) she then called me into the kitchen and started staring at me and for some very unknown reason I started crying.

Fact 1: I don't cry in front people, especially strangers unless it's a close family member or loved one I talk to.

Fact 2: I didn't trust her, so crying in front of her made me confused and angry at the point that I did cry in front of her.

Well she started telling me that everything will be alright, but the thing was, everything was fine to begin with. I could never explain or understand what caused the emotional outburst. She again offered me some vodka and I finally said yes so she could stop asking me (I still wished I hadn't though), goy a teaspoon full and mixed it with the fruit punch. We went back into the living room and she started a topic on me saying that I need to be listen to more and not to be ignored while I'm talking. She then kept focusing on me in between conversations, but I kept my mouth shut.

Finally my fiancee decided that it was time to go, but for some reason she wanted to talk to me more, so I stayed behind(I don't usually do this, staying alone in a stranger's house that is...)

After he left I noticed a few things in her living room and doorway. I noticed in her living room she had a minature cauldron on one over her side tables that was surrounded by stones and crystals. In the cauldron were a few hebal looking plants. At her doorway, she had the Quran and decorations in the shape of the Quran; above her door was a large Chinese coin with symbols on them, and a horseshoe propped up behind her wall. When I asked about them she said that they were her good luck charms, she then showed me a bag (filled with something)that was hanging from her vent in the hallway and said it was to keep negative spirits out of her house. And the seasalt posted in the corner of her ceiling was to keep negative energy from coming down into her apartment. She also wore a dark pendant around her neck saying that it kept her safe.

I had told her that if felt like someone I couldn't see was watching me from behind and she replied "Oh those are my guardian spirits keeping you at bay..."/ I felt that they were more that guardian spirits. She also said that her house was haunted and that a girl was buried right beside her bed(meaning that there were graves that the apartment complex was built over).

After that she tried to pry into my personal life by trying to do an unsuspected reading on me (oh by the way, during our conversation when my fiancee was with me, she mentioned that psychics(sp?) were gifted people and could talk to their guardian spirits) and assumed that I had two children in the past. I assured her that I never had any children and she bluntly said "You're lying" and went on to say that I was pregnant with one child but had an abortion, and the second child I gave birth to but the child died.

Funny thing is, what she was speaking of didn't happen to me but to someone close to me in my family. That's when I definately knew dark forces were at hand. After that she started questioning me about me and my fiancee and if I really loved him, I told her yes, but she kept asking me as if she didn't believe me(maybe it was because I didn't show emotion when I replied, I didn't want her to know my personal feelings/ she was even bold enough to introduce me to another man). Finally after a short conversation, she does another unsuspected reading and claimed that I had two past lives: one as a palamino horse from an Native American tribe and the before that, a seven year old belly dancing Malaysian girl who had died (from what she didn't tell me). To top the icing on the cake, she started getting a faraway look in her eyes as if she were in a trance and started speaking in a very strong Asian accent, telling me about my past life as a Malaysian girl.

After that incident, I decided that it was time for me to go explaining to her that I didn't want to overstay my welcome. Honestly I just had to get out of her house, everything I felt around her I knew was demonic. I told my fiancee what had happened and we both prayed and prayed over our apartment. After that (about 2 months had past), we didn't hear or even see her/ but my fiancee said that she showed up the other day while I was at school and was asking about movies. I think she wanted to pry again.

I probably left some things out, but I will leave comments on this post if anything comes to remembrance. But that is part two of my experience.

This is a very lonely woman who has spent too much time 'on her own'. She 's made an alliance with the spiritual realm, to keep her company. I'm still not discounting that this woman is also ill with a psychotic disorder; a chemical imbalance of some kind.

Granted there is definitely demonic activity here and definitely in a form of witchcraft...a 'Controlling Spirit" using spiritual influence to invoke a spirit of fear in you; which is what caused you to cry. There's an activity in the spiritual realm called the 'tranference of spirits'. This means that a spirit can be transferred from one person to another. I truly believe that this woman is grieving from a past trauma sn she is looking to unload it; it is very possible that you picked up on her grief which caused you to cry. The spirit world is quite active and influencial.

I would not be surprised if this woman is suffering from Post Traumatic Disorder, as a result of a past of sexual abuse; perhaps a childhood rape and she has 'escaped' into a world where she could only find comfort...her spiritual guardians. Perhaps there was no one to protect or or to save her and she mentally escaped suppressing the experience.

Look at the clues of mental instability:

The spiritual guardians who protect her...Note: even from you.

Questions to Ponder:

Why would she have invited you into her home (with continued persistance) and still yet need protection from you?

Regarding the tangible articles of Protection in display all around her home: Why does she feel the need for so much protection, and in the form of inanimate objects and again those (Persons) in the spiritual realm.

Her attempts to 'read' you: They were each inacurate lies; yet it is obvious that she does have a communication going on with demons which are called 'familar spirits.' They are called familiar because they have been around us since time began and they are familiar with the events in our lives. She's been communicating with them obviously for quite some time.

I can share a lot more and perhaps I will later. But there's something more important. You have a serious decision to pray about.

Now, with all this being said. How do you feel about living with her as your neighbor? It's obvious that she has 'attached' herself to you and your boyfriend. You are her objects of connection, be it out of lonliness or as part of her agenda. Her agenda meaning, that whatever she spends her time focusing on, you and your boyfriend are part of her focus and she is not going away.

She will be a contant nuisance and 'fear'....YES ... Fear, for you will never have peace as long as you are there. The devil will have your mind going a million thoughts a minute 'wondering' and jumping when things don't 'feel' right. Especially if you are there alone.

Prayer alone is not the answer for this. You have to be proactive and just move. It's either that or your peace of mind. She has you in a quandry and it only going to become more stressful for you.

This happens far more than people realize. This woman could very possibly be a poor soul who has lost her way OR a woman who has chosen to live in the world of the occult. We both know that none of this is of God.

I feel compassion for her, but that alone is not the answer. You have to use wisdom and either leave or stand up to her and let her know that she does not make you feel comfortable. However do not cross wits with her. Not that she will harm you, but you will 'fear' that she will.

Pray and see how God leads you. In the meantime, spend more time in prayer and God's word and less time away from it. Annoint your home with blessed oil. Thank God for the Blood of Jesus and actually, just move the hell on out of hell.

It's not worth being there and going through the 'trauma' of dealing with her. As I said, she is not going to leave you alone. She's very, very lonely, but her ways of reaching out are unhealthy. Do not take any food or drink from her. And neither any garments. For it appears that she's using it as a tool of influence and control. Just stand firm and say no. You have to stand firm and not fearful.

The same power 'Jesus' that allowed to become fed up and leave her home, stand firm in it and continue to just say no. Not 'no thank you.' Just No. Look her firmly in the eye and just say No. She has to see that her controlling spirit is not controlling you. You still need to move.

God bless you, precious one. ;) ((((( Hugs )))))
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Shimmie said:
This is a very lonely woman who has spent too much time 'on her own'. She 's made an alliance with the spiritual realm, to keep her company. I'm still not discounting that this woman is also ill with a psychotic disorder; a chemical imbalance of some kind.

Granted there is definitely demonic activity here and definitely in a form of witchcraft...a 'Controlling Spirit" using spiritual influence to invoke a spirit of fear in you; which is what caused you to cry. There's an activity in the spiritual realm called the 'tranference of spirits'. This means that a spirit can be transferred from one person to another. I truly believe that this woman is grieving from a past trauma sn she is looking to unload it; it is very possible that you picked up on her grief which caused you to cry. The spirit world is quite active and influencial.

I would not be surprised if this woman is suffering from Post Traumatic Disorder, as a result of a past of sexual abuse; perhaps a childhood rape and she has 'escaped' into a world where she could only find comfort...her spiritual guardians. Perhaps there was no one to protect or or to save her and she mentally escaped suppressing the experience.

Look at the clues of mental instability:

The spiritual guardians who protect her...Note: even from you.

Questions to Ponder:

Why would she have invited you into her home (with continued persistance) and still yet need protection from you?

Regarding the tangible articles of Protection in display all around her home: Why does she feel the need for so much protection, and in the form of inanimate objects and again those (Persons) in the spiritual realm.

Her attempts to 'read' you: They were each inacurate lies; yet it is obvious that she does have a communication going on with demons which are called 'familar spirits.' They are called familiar because they have been around us since time began and they are familiar with the events in our lives. She's been communicating with them obviously for quite some time.

I can share a lot more and perhaps I will later. But there's something more important. You have a serious decision to pray about.

Now, with all this being said. How do you feel about living with her as your neighbor? It's obvious that she has 'attached' herself to you and your boyfriend. You are her objects of connection, be it out of lonliness or as part of her agenda. Her agenda meaning, that whatever she spends her time focusing on, you and your boyfriend are part of her focus and she is not going away.

She will be a contant nuisance and 'fear'....YES ... Fear, for you will never have peace as long as you are there. The devil will have your mind going a million thoughts a minute 'wondering' and jumping when things don't 'feel' right. Especially if you are there alone.

Prayer alone is not the answer for this. You have to be proactive and just move. It's either that or your peace of mind. She has you in a quandry and it only going to become more stressful for you.

This happens far more than people realize. This woman could very possibly be a poor soul who has lost her way OR a woman who has chosen to live in the world of the occult. We both know that none of this is of God.

I feel compassion for her, but that alone is not the answer. You have to use wisdom and either leave or stand up to her and let her know that she does not make you feel comfortable. However do not cross wits with her. Not that she will harm you, but you will 'fear' that she will.

Pray and see how God leads you. In the meantime, spend more time in prayer and God's word and less time away from it. Annoint your home with blessed oil. Thank God for the Blood of Jesus and actually, just move the hell on out of hell.

It's not worth being there and going through the 'trauma' of dealing with her. As I said, she is not going to leave you alone. She's very, very lonely, but her ways of reaching out are unhealthy. Do not take any food or drink from her. And neither any garments. For it appears that she's using it as a tool of influence and control. Just stand firm and say no. You have to stand firm and not fearful.

The same power 'Jesus' that allowed to become fed up and leave her home, stand firm in it and continue to just say no. Not 'no thank you.' Just No. Look her firmly in the eye and just say No. She has to see that her controlling spirit is not controlling you. You still need to move.

God bless you, precious one. ;) ((((( Hugs )))))
Shimmie you are in point. I think she's a higly sad/disturbed woman who had lost her way.

I will pray for her and you. Stay OUT of her hosue though. Is there a Bible you can give her? She needs professional help (spiritually and medically).
StrawberryQueen said:
Shimmie you are in point. I think she's a higly sad/disturbed woman who had lost her way.

I will pray for her and you. Stay OUT of her hosue though. Is there a Bible you can give her? She needs professional help (spiritually and medically).

Know what angel? I can guarantee you that this woman has not only one Bible but a few and in other translations. You see the devil uses the Bible as his foundation to strengthen his deceptions. How else would he be able to deceive a Christian Believer?

There's another factor. The Bible is the only orginal source of any foundation in this earth, for it is God's word. Everything, be it good or evil has evolved from the Bible's text. It can be used for evil as well as for good.

Why? Because satan who was with God has no other resource to draw from. Hence you will see/hear much in this life that 'appears' as God, but it isn't. That's why it is so important to be aware of how we obtain information and it's source and it's teachers. Unless we are lead of the Holy Spirit, it's in serious question and should be avoided at all costs.
Shimmie said:
Know what angel? I can guarantee you that this woman has not only one Bible but a few and in other translations. You see the devil uses the Bible as his foundation to strengthen his deceptions. How else would he be able to deceive a Christian Believer?

There's another factor. The Bible is the only orginal source of any foundation in this earth, for it is God's word. Everything, be it good or evil has evolved from the Bible's text. It can be used for evil as well as for good.

Why? Because satan who was with God has no other resource to draw from. Hence you will see/hear much in this life that 'appears' as God, but it isn't. That's why it is so important to be aware of how we obtain information and it's source and it's teachers. Unless we are lead of the Holy Spirit, it's in serious question and should be avoided at all costs.

Now that you brought up whether if she had a Bible or not (which she does btw.) I remember that during our conversation that she mention that King James was a crazy man who misinterpreted the Bible on purpose. Now I know that some thing he may have mistranslated since it was being converted from one language to another, but I doubt he misinterpreted the word of God. The funny thing was, she was talking about the Bible being misinterpreted and putting it down, but she contradicted herself by using scriptures from the Bible to get her point across. :confused:
seraphim712 said:
Now that you brought up whether if she had a Bible or not (which she does btw.) I remember that during our conversation that she mention that King James was a crazy man who misinterpreted the Bible on purpose. Now I know that some thing he may have mistranslated since it was being converted from one language to another, but I doubt he misinterpreted the word of God. The funny thing was, she was talking about the Bible being misinterpreted and putting it down, but she contradicted herself by using scriptures from the Bible to get her point across. :confused:

Yep :yep: This is a typical pattern of those who have a mental instability and also influenced by the spiritual realm. They use the word of God but in a manner of conflicting prespectives and dialogue.

May I share this? God is not the author of confusion. But satan is and he loves to thrive upon those who have mental illnesses. he uses their frail status to his advantage.
Shimmie said:
This is a very lonely woman who has spent too much time 'on her own'. She 's made an alliance with the spiritual realm, to keep her company. I'm still not discounting that this woman is also ill with a psychotic disorder; a chemical imbalance of some kind.

Granted there is definitely demonic activity here and definitely in a form of witchcraft...a 'Controlling Spirit" using spiritual influence to invoke a spirit of fear in you; which is what caused you to cry. There's an activity in the spiritual realm called the 'tranference of spirits'. This means that a spirit can be transferred from one person to another. I truly believe that this woman is grieving from a past trauma sn she is looking to unload it; it is very possible that you picked up on her grief which caused you to cry. The spirit world is quite active and influencial.

I would not be surprised if this woman is suffering from Post Traumatic Disorder, as a result of a past of sexual abuse; perhaps a childhood rape and she has 'escaped' into a world where she could only find comfort...her spiritual guardians. Perhaps there was no one to protect or or to save her and she mentally escaped suppressing the experience.

Look at the clues of mental instability:

The spiritual guardians who protect her...Note: even from you.

Questions to Ponder:

Why would she have invited you into her home (with continued persistance) and still yet need protection from you?

Regarding the tangible articles of Protection in display all around her home: Why does she feel the need for so much protection, and in the form of inanimate objects and again those (Persons) in the spiritual realm.

Her attempts to 'read' you: They were each inacurate lies; yet it is obvious that she does have a communication going on with demons which are called 'familar spirits.' They are called familiar because they have been around us since time began and they are familiar with the events in our lives. She's been communicating with them obviously for quite some time.

I can share a lot more and perhaps I will later. But there's something more important. You have a serious decision to pray about.

Now, with all this being said. How do you feel about living with her as your neighbor? It's obvious that she has 'attached' herself to you and your boyfriend. You are her objects of connection, be it out of lonliness or as part of her agenda. Her agenda meaning, that whatever she spends her time focusing on, you and your boyfriend are part of her focus and she is not going away.

She will be a contant nuisance and 'fear'....YES ... Fear, for you will never have peace as long as you are there. The devil will have your mind going a million thoughts a minute 'wondering' and jumping when things don't 'feel' right. Especially if you are there alone.

Prayer alone is not the answer for this. You have to be proactive and just move. It's either that or your peace of mind. She has you in a quandry and it only going to become more stressful for you.

This happens far more than people realize. This woman could very possibly be a poor soul who has lost her way OR a woman who has chosen to live in the world of the occult. We both know that none of this is of God.

I feel compassion for her, but that alone is not the answer. You have to use wisdom and either leave or stand up to her and let her know that she does not make you feel comfortable. However do not cross wits with her. Not that she will harm you, but you will 'fear' that she will.

Pray and see how God leads you. In the meantime, spend more time in prayer and God's word and less time away from it. Annoint your home with blessed oil. Thank God for the Blood of Jesus and actually, just move the hell on out of hell.

It's not worth being there and going through the 'trauma' of dealing with her. As I said, she is not going to leave you alone. She's very, very lonely, but her ways of reaching out are unhealthy. Do not take any food or drink from her. And neither any garments. For it appears that she's using it as a tool of influence and control. Just stand firm and say no. You have to stand firm and not fearful.

The same power 'Jesus' that allowed to become fed up and leave her home, stand firm in it and continue to just say no. Not 'no thank you.' Just No. Look her firmly in the eye and just say No. She has to see that her controlling spirit is not controlling you. You still need to move.

God bless you, precious one. ;) ((((( Hugs )))))

My Goodness!!! :eek: :eek: :eek: I just realized after reading your comment;the sections that I highlighted about what you said: you hit it dead on the nail!!! I apologize, I usually get brain farts while I'm telling stories about things that happened to me, so I'll forget and leave something out. That's why I said I would continue to leave updates if anything came to remembrance, and your comment helped me to remember something she told me.

I remember her telling me after my boyfriend had left that she didn't like orange lolipops and ice picks. This was brought up when I was mentioning that I didn't like certain types of candy, however her reason for not liking the orange lolipop was totally different from mine. She said that she was with a man ( I don't remember if it was a distant relative or a person she knew in the neighborhood) that had bought her the lolipop from the corner store. He took her to a secluded place and coaxed her into performing a sexual act on him... well if you noticed that I highlighted lolipop, you get the idea what type of sexual act he wanted her to do...:perplexed.

Her being seven yrs. old at the time, she didn't know any better, but did know that it was wrong in a way (she says she remembers him saying: 'Do to me what you're doing to that lolipop.'). I forgot how she said that her brothers found out or caught him in the act, but they ended up stabbing and killing him with an ice pick. She said 'Ever since then, I never liked orange lolipops or ice picks'.

Wow, how did you figure that out just by reading my post? You sound like a wise grandmother, or someone who's been around something similar to mine in the past.
seraphim712 said:
My Goodness!!! :eek: :eek: :eek: I just realized after reading your comment;the sections that I highlighted about what you said: you hit it dead on the nail!!! I apologize, I usually get brain farts while I'm telling stories about things that happened to me, so I'll forget and leave something out. That's why I said I would continue to leave updates if anything came to remembrance, and your comment helped me to remember something she told me.

I remember her telling me after my boyfriend had left that she didn't like orange lolipops and ice picks. This was brought up when I was mentioning that I didn't like certain types of candy, however her reason for not liking the orange lolipop was totally different from mine. She said that she was with a man ( I don't remember if it was a distant relative or a person she knew in the neighborhood) that had bought her the lolipop from the corner store. He took her to a secluded place and coaxed her into performing a sexual act on him... well if you noticed that I highlighted lolipop, you get the idea what type of sexual act he wanted her to do...:perplexed.

Her being seven yrs. old at the time, she didn't know any better, but did know that it was wrong in a way (she says she remembers him saying: 'Do to me what you're doing to that lolipop.'). I forgot how she said that her brothers found out or caught him in the act, but they ended up stabbing and killing him with an ice pick. She said 'Ever since then, I never liked orange lolipops or ice picks'.

Wow, how did you figure that out just by reading my post? You sound like a wise grandmother, or someone who's been around something similar to mine in the past.

:lol: Oh Sweetheart. A wise grandmother...I like that. My children will say otherwise, such as Mommmmmmmm! :lol:

But it's the Holy Spirit in operation. Not me. I'm just the vessel that He is speaking through. He does this all the time. Jesus promised us that He would leave us with a comforter who would lead and guide us into all truth. The Holy Spirit is our guide and couselor. He gives us discernment and that's the only reason why I was able to see this. Because as for me, I don't know a thing without Him. This is why we have to choose with caution, the counsel we seek.

For the precious woman, the signs were all there. A 'little girl' still in trauma. First a rape and a dispicable one and then murder. That adds up to Brute Force and no child can handle that, let alone an adult. She had no one to turn to except her 'guardians.' I have no doubt that she may be dealing with mulitple personalities. She's afraid of being 'herself' and she's running from the person she really wants to be and that's free.

She needs love and serious prayer. But with those spirits in operation, it has to go deeper and with medical treatment to stabilize her.
seraphim712 said:
Why not? Did I say something wrong?
Oh no, most definitely not. In fact I am very interested what happened and I put myself in your shoes all the way. It's just that I am also (unfortunately) easily spooked (yet intrigued) by this stuff and happened to be reading it before deciding to turn in for the night. I was almost positive that I'd be thinking about that crazy woman and what she said to you. But thank God I didnt. I think it was all the stuff Shimmie said that helped....Believe me you didnt say anything wrong at all. Im glad you shared this.
HoneyLemonDrop said:
Ok this was one thread I should NOT have read before going to bed. *sigh*

btw, glad to see you back Shimmie.

Hi HLD, Thank you so much for your warm welcome. I'm glad to 'see' you too. ;)

Now as for your bedtime story:

:lol: I hear you. But it's a blessing that the Lord lead Seraphim to share her experience. We never know who is reading our threads and whom God is setting free. God did this for His glory and there will be many more threads that He will plant here.

It's time for the truth to come out. We have nothing to fear.

This woman, that Seraphim is speakig about, is actually quite harmless; but it's the spiritual relationship she is nurturing which is bringing more harm to herself than it could to anyone else.

Granted, there are some spiritual dangers out there, but it's dangerous only to those who associate themselves with them. And many associations appear harmless which in truth it is a artificial light.

So, you have nothing to fear. The Blood of Jesus is your protection... God's Mercy Eternally.

Seraphim, you made a wonderful contribution here. It's a definite awareness and God wants us to be free from fear.

God bless you.
Shimmie said:
Hi HLD, Thank you so much for your warm welcome. I'm glad to 'see' you too. ;)

Now as for your bedtime story:

:lol: I hear you. But it's a blessing that the Lord lead Seraphim to share her experience. We never know who is reading our threads and whom God is setting free. God did this for His glory and there will be many more threads that He will plant here.

It's time for the truth to come out. We have nothing to fear.

This woman, that Seraphim is speakig about, is actually quite harmless; but it's the spiritual relationship she is nurturing which is bringing more harm to herself than it could to anyone else.

Granted, there are some spiritual dangers out there, but it's dangerous only to those who associate themselves with them. And many associations appear harmless which in truth it is a artificial light.

So, you have nothing to fear. The Blood of Jesus is your protection... God's Mercy Eternally.

Seraphim, you made a wonderful contribution here. It's a definite awareness and God wants us to be free from fear.

God bless you.

I just saw this thread. Shimmie is absolutley right. Demonic forces are not to be feared beacuse nothing can separate us form the love of God. (except ourselves) God gives us discernment to protect us. Throughout His word and in many ways He says "no weapon formed against us shall prosper" and "if God is for us, who can be against us?"

These words stay with me when I encounter "strange" things or something I may not understand.

However, truly "dangerous" things do not come in what seems to be a "strange" or "foriegn" package. For me, red flags go up right off the bat-- telling me to stay away (stay on God's path). I find, the things that can really hurt us spiritually tend to be very attractive and subtle... A little compromise here... trying to fit in there... a distraction... a deterant... All can rob us of fully experiencing the Glory of God in our lives... At least this has been my experience.
Shimmie said:
Hi HLD, Thank you so much for your warm welcome. I'm glad to 'see' you too. ;)

Now as for your bedtime story:

:lol: I hear you. But it's a blessing that the Lord lead Seraphim to share her experience. We never know who is reading our threads and whom God is setting free. God did this for His glory and there will be many more threads that He will plant here.

It's time for the truth to come out. We have nothing to fear.

This woman, that Seraphim is speakig about, is actually quite harmless; but it's the spiritual relationship she is nurturing which is bringing more harm to herself than it could to anyone else.

Granted, there are some spiritual dangers out there, but it's dangerous only to those who associate themselves with them. And many associations appear harmless which in truth it is a artificial light.

So, you have nothing to fear. The Blood of Jesus is your protection... God's Mercy Eternally.

Seraphim, you made a wonderful contribution here. It's a definite awareness and God wants us to be free from fear.

God bless you.

Thanks Shimmie....:)
If I were you I'd stay away for her from that couple, they're bad news. What people don't realize is that when someone commits evil acts on a child it could also be a way to damage their spirit so that evil "demonic" forces can have access to them, it definately meese them up so they wild out with drugs, drinking, promiscuity etc... later. Watch out, you are not responsible to save her, the whole thing about them pushing vodka/liquor on you guys and you said multiple times that you don't drink, and they kept pushing until you did, seems like they want to seduce you and your fiancee, into doing and becoming people you aren't.
I may be making you more paranoid, but don't sleep on this you've had many strange feelings that somethings not right with her, don't be fooled by that I'm damaged goods con. JMO
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i CAN TELL YOU THIS! I am from new orleans and was raised in the church.
I know a few people who practiced santeria- which is a voodo religion and there is one thing i learned you cannot let some things near you. there are angels and demons that walk this earth. you have to stay prayed up.
or as my grandmother says, their whole purpose is to see hwo they can get off -track demons come in the most fimilair of settings but if you pray for a spirit of descernment- you know who is who. Remember , satan is a fallen angel and even he knows the whole bible.

i suggest getting some annoited oil and praying over your house.
Wow! Where do I start?!

Seraphim712, I strongly suggest that you NOT go into HER apartment or have HER in YOUR apartment anymore. Second, just has someone else said, do not eat or drink anything that she has concocted nor receive any "gifts" from her. That woman is affiliated with witchcraft, whether she has a mental disorder, I can't say, but she certainly has the spirit of divination.

The bible warns us to not be ignorant of satan's devices: 2 Corinthians 2:11 "Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices." In Ephesians 6:11, it says, "Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil."

Remember that the Word also says, in 1 John 4:4, "Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world." So take authority over satan and all of his devices.

Are you a currently a member of a bible-believing church? If so, share your situation some of the elders. Perhaps they can further advise you and pray over your apartment with you. If not, YOU pray. Annoint your door jams with oil (EVOO will do fine) and thank God that He has granted you the same authority that He gave Jesus over satan. Tell satan to get behind you and that he has no place in your lives. Then thank God that it is done.

Finally (and maybe most important) you and your boyfriend have to make a tough decision. I know it isn't easy, but you can not continue to live together and say that you are in God's perfect will for your lives. (Even though you have separate bedrooms.) When you are out of His will, His covering is eventually lifted. It is nothing but grace that keeps us all. This may be one of the ways, that satan has gained access. I am not judging sis, I am just sharing in love what the word says and sharing out of experience. If this post were about hair and you mentioned that you and your boyfriend were living together, I wouldn't have said a thing.

So, I pray that you will take my suggestions in the spirit they were intended. I will keep you and your situation in my prayers. Please keep us posted.

In His Love,

Royal Glory
dede1174 said:
i CAN TELL YOU THIS! I am from new orleans and was raised in the church.
I know a few people who practiced santeria- which is a voodo religion and there is one thing i learned you cannot let some things near you. there are angels and demons that walk this earth. you have to stay prayed up. or as my grandmother says, their whole purpose is to see hwo they can get off -track demons come in the most fimilair of settings but if you pray for a spirit of descernment- you know who is who.

Remember , satan is a fallen angel and even he knows the whole bible.

i suggest getting some annoited oil and praying over your house.

They really need to move out; for it takes time and much prayer and fasting and the annointed covering of the Holy Spirit to put this spriit at bay. They are too vunerable to be there around it.
Royal Glory said:
Wow! Where do I start?!

Seraphim712, I strongly suggest that you NOT go into HER apartment or have HER in YOUR apartment anymore. Second, just has someone else said, do not eat or drink anything that she has concocted nor receive any "gifts" from her. That woman is affiliated with witchcraft, whether she has a mental disorder, I can't say, but she certainly has the spirit of divination.

The bible warns us to not be ignorant of satan's devices: 2 Corinthians 2:11 "Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices." In Ephesians 6:11, it says, "Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil."

Remember that the Word also says, in 1 John 4:4, "Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world." So take authority over satan and all of his devices.

Are you a currently a member of a bible-believing church? If so, share your situation some of the elders. Perhaps they can further advise you and pray over your apartment with you. If not, YOU pray. Annoint your door jams with oil (EVOO will do fine) and thank God that He has granted you the same authority that He gave Jesus over satan. Tell satan to get behind you and that he has no place in your lives. Then thank God that it is done.

Finally (and maybe most important) you and your boyfriend have to make a tough decision. I know it isn't easy, but you can not continue to live together and say that you are in God's perfect will for your lives. (Even though you have separate bedrooms.) When you are out of His will, His covering is eventually lifted. It is nothing but grace that keeps us all. This may be one of the ways, that satan has gained access. I am not judging sis, I am just sharing in love what the word says and sharing out of experience. If this post were about hair and you mentioned that you and your boyfriend were living together, I wouldn't have said a thing.

So, I pray that you will take my suggestions in the spirit they were intended. I will keep you and your situation in my prayers. Please keep us posted.

In His Love,

Royal Glory

Royal Glory, you shared this admonishment beautifully ;) and these changes are vital.
Shimmie said:
They really need to move out; for it takes time and much prayer and fasting and the annointed covering of the Holy Spirit to put this spriit at bay. They are too vunerable to be there around it.

I agree, wholeheartedly.
If it were me, I don't think I would move based on one annoying lady. Now if I had other problems with my apartment and didn't like it plus I had to deal with this lady, then I might move. I've been around people with different beliefs or atheist in the past, and they didn't bother me like that though, but I am a person who speaks my mind and who likes good conversation or should I say good debate. Maybe that's why they leave me alone. If I think they are trying to "win me over," I tell them I would like to schedule a bible study and invite some family and church friends and the reverend. They pretty much fade away. I do know how to get most people to leave me alone when I don't want to be bothered. I guess I feel like "You can't touch a child of God." And even if you can touch a child of God (I look at Job), as long as he/she has faith and God--he/she is going to come through it victoriously, baby. You have to handle this in the way you feel is best and pray on it as well. I am the type of woman who will tell her, "Look mam, we can be neighbors, perhaps even friends. I will not force my Christianity on you and you worship who you want to, BUT as for me and my house, we shall serve the Lord our God, Our Father which art in heaven..the Lord Jesus..." That woman would not come around me often. Trust.:lol:
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Christa438 said:
If it were me, I don't think I would move based on one annoying lady. Now if I had other problems with my apartment and didn't like it plus I had to deal with this lady, then I might move. I've been around people with different beliefs or atheist in the past, and they didn't bother me like that though, but I am a person who speaks my mind and who likes good conversation or should I say good debate. Maybe that's why they leave me alone. If I think they are trying to "win me over," I tell them I would like to schedule a bible study and invite some family and church friends and the reverend. They pretty much fade away. I do know how to get most people to leave me alone when I don't want to be bothered. I guess I feel like "You can't touch a child of God." And even if you can touch a child of God (I look at Job), as long as he/she has faith and God--he/she is going to come through it victoriously, baby. You have to handle this in the way you feel is best and pray on it as well. I am the type of woman who will tell her, "Look mam, we can be neighbors, perhaps even friends. I will not force my Christianity on you and you worship who you want to, BUT as for me and my house, we shall serve the Lord our God, Our Father which art in heaven..the Lord Jesus..." That woman would not come around me often. Trust.:lol:

You've made wonderfully excellent points. And I totally agree with you when it comes to taking a stand with those who annoy us. :lol: All I do is 'appear' and the devil's day is messed up; I won't shut up about Jesus. :lol:

Yet, in the OP's case, she's already being negatively affected by what this woman practices. witchcraft is real and the OP and her financee' are in a very vunerable postion because of their encounter with her. Indeed we are protected by the power of Jesus and by His shed Blood. Nothing can or ever will 'cross it.'

However in this case, the battlefield is their peace of mind, which has been gained access to by this woman's satanicrelationship and its delvings. Moving is their only option in addition to being under the cover of their church and making any and all changes for God to fully bless them.

I love your 'boldness.' You sound like me... :lol: I chase every devil out. :lol:

God bless you... ;)
Shimmie said:
You've made wonderfully excellent points. And I totally agree with you when it comes to taking a stand with those who annoy us. :lol: All I do is 'appear' and the devil's day is messed up; I won't shut up about Jesus. :lol:

Yet, in the OP's case, she's already being negatively affected by what this woman practices. witchcraft is real and the OP and her financee' are in a very vunerable postion because of their encounter with her. Indeed we are protected by the power of Jesus and by His shed Blood. Nothing can or ever will 'cross it.'

However in this case, the battlefield is their peace of mind, which has been gained access to by this woman's satanicrelationship and its delvings. Moving is their only option in addition to being under the cover of their church and making any and all changes for God to fully bless them.

I love your 'boldness.' You sound like me... :lol: I chase every devil out. :lol:

God bless you... ;)

Can't run from everything. My peace of mind is fine I don't sway that easily. Moving is not an option right now and I know that I'll be fine.
Yeah, I don't have much advice for you but this....

Run, far far away. Stay away from this lady. And watch her around your fiance. Women like this may try to use any and all tactics to kill, steal and destroy (that's what the devil and his agents do).

I would never go to her apartment again!
Shimmie and Seraphim, I agree with you both :lol:.
Peace of mind is very important--sanity depends on it.:crazy:
At the same time, I know in my past, I've come across people with opposite beliefs at school, at work, in my apartments & in my neighborhood. I liked my school, my work, and my apartment. I think it is a fact that people with opposite beliefs & people that you can't truly trust are everywhere. But let them come and approach me or should I say...approach us... because I know just WHO walks beside me and he walks beside you and you and you.

Seraphim met :witch: a woman of darkness
Seraphim asked the question:whyme:
She immediately :phone: Him
And He sent :angel: to protect and keep watch
The :witch: went away :flyingwit
Then Seraphim :notworthy to Him.

All was well. (I love stories with happy endings :lol: )
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