The Float Test


New Member
I did the float test the other day with some new vitamins that I bought. The pill sunk to the bottom, so it passed the first part of the test. But it didn't dissolve, it just separated into tiny pieces and sunk to the bottom.

Are the pills still anygood?

P.S. Is the time for the test 1 hour or 20 minutes?
If they are time-released, I don't think they will dissolve. So don't be in a hurry to discard them. Since you have 'em, take 'em for some time and see what happens. An example of a time-released brand is Great Hair (vitamins/minerals). The tablets don't dissolve if you put them in water but if I recall correctly, those who tried them reported good results. Time-released tablets are usually not a bad thing because your body isn't flooded with the water-soluble vits all at once. That means your body has time to absorb them in the course of the day instead of just taking what it needs for the moment and then wastefully dumping the rest. If the bottle doesn't say they are time-released, then I'd be a li'l suspicious about their quality and assimilation. But again, the proof of the pudding is in the eating and since you already have them....
go on and give them a try.