The First Step is Admitting You Need Help, So...HELP!


New Member
Okay, a few of you saw what I now realize was my pathetic attempt to wear a no-heat style (e.g. twists and twist outs). I was all excited because my hair was shiny and bouncy and my fine 3c/4a hair was not tangling in on itself, causing breakage, thanks to Aveda's Be Curly and KCCC. However, the down side was that my hair (which is also layered) looked thicker at the top and stringy at the bottom, which got a lot of responses like "are you transitioning?" or "is your hair heat damaged?" The answers to both those questions are no, and no. However, when I wear my hair in twists and sleep on them, they go flat. I mean, they look like sticks. In the AM I have to spray water and crunch them to get the curly, spiral ends.

So now, sisters who I know will keep it real, please advise me on some possible alternatives for not using heat that will not leave my hair looking stringy or having my fine hair snap off and break. I've included some pics: the first one is of my twists, then a wash and go, then is how my hair looks flat ironed, and thow my hair looks after a wash with no product. I really would appreciate any advice, because I'd like to take a break from the until I go to New York for a writer's conference at the end of April.



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If you are saying it is not heat damage and that is how your hair is naturally I only have one option to suggest.

Keep it in a style similar to the picture with the clamp on the wet hair but just place the hair in a bun for the next few months.
Our hair is exactly the same. What I have found that has helped me with second day twists is to retwist every night. So the first night that I do twists, I may do six twists. The second night, I do four. That keeps my hair from going flat and actually my second day twists look better than the first (more fluffy). You're right, that Be Curly is the truth!
Our hair is exactly the same. What I have found that has helped me with second day twists is to retwist every night. So the first night that I do twists, I may do six twists. The second night, I do four. That keeps my hair from going flat and actually my second day twists look better than the first (more fluffy). You're right, that Be Curly is the truth!

Thanks, but isn't re-twisting at night a lot of manipulation? Do yu put anything in your hair whilst re-twisting?