The first chat for the Purpose Driven Life is scheduled for....


The Credit Countess
tonight at 8:00 CST, 9:00 EST (6:00 p.m. PST). If you would like to join and have requested a invitation and have not received it or it you have just now decided to join us please PM me before 8:00 p.m. EST.

Our regular scheduled time will be Saturday evenings. We haven't sit a time yet.

This is my last post on the Purpose Driven Life chat.

God Bless
AWW I would like to be in, but I don't have internet access at home. I'm always scopin the net at work like I am NOW!! :) Sorry I'll miss out!
I can truly say that I have been blessed. The first schedule chat for the Purpose Drive Life just ended. We stayed there for two hours and it was wonderful. It was just three of us, but I can't wait for next week already.

Thanks LadyDee and Cheroke for joining me!!!

The next chat will be next Friday at 9:00 EST(8:00 CST)

I hope more will join us, it was truly a blessing
We are truly having a blessed time in the Lord in that chat. LadyDee and Cheroke is a blessing. I look forward to Friday evenings for that reason. All are still invited.