The Final Color Result from Double Bleaching --- Loves It


Well-Known Member
This is what i ended up with and I love it. It's a fiery orange red. It's soft bouncy and shiney. I used Color Me Sexy Deep Conditioner on it. The only thing I like to use after a serious dye job, lol. It smells so good. Sorry about the huge pics. Also if It was damaged from double bleaching how long would it take to see the breakage?
It looks REALLY good! Makes me want to bleach my hair again. :lachen: But I would say there should be no reason that you should see major breakage as long as you keep up with the moisture. I mean LOTS of moisture. Like you should keep a moisturizer on you at all times just in case it feels dry throughout the day. :look: but seriously bleaching is some serious stuff.
My daughter double processes and she only saw breakage when she wanted a weave, be sure to continue to DC and I think you will be fine!

BTW, that color is very pretty on you!!!
omg i love it...i think i might color my bangs when i get to BSL maybe...i wonder is there anyway to get it that bright without bleach?
Leona that is so gorgeous. I've noticed that you can do almost anything to your hair and it always looks great. You're so lucky. If I even LOOK at a bottle of color, my hair gets dry and breaks. I knew you'd work it out.
The color looks nice, especially with your skin tone. You had me scared in that other thread...when I was younger, I bleached my hair and it started breaking about 2-3 months later, but I wasn't doing persistent DC treatments.