The famous HUMP


Well-Known Member
Perhaps its a little warn out, but I recently started wearing the hump again. Ya know, the little hill at the middle front of your head? It has definitely helped spice up my protective styles :yep: The humps I see on models, etc seem so stirdy and big, though. One beautician said she puts black nylon socks in her clients' humps to make it big and stirdy. Why do I feel so awkward talking about big stirdy humps? Anyway, for you who still wear them, what do you do to get a nice hump?
i always do this hairstyle, it was a staple during transitioning and has continued now im natural. I dont do it too big though but now im natural and my hair is thicker it makes a more sturdy hump lol. In london we call this hairstyle the quiff.
I'm relaxed but to get a better hump (LoL) I air dry then flat iron only the "cover" piece to make that look smooth. Hope that makes sense.
i always do this hairstyle, it was a staple during transitioning and has continued now im natural. I dont do it too big though but now im natural and my hair is thicker it makes a more sturdy hump lol. In london we call this hairstyle the quiff.

Thanks for saying this Sheena...
I was wondering what the 'hump' was - lol. Its a coiff ppl. get it right LMAO... just kidding
My lovely lady hump I just kinda push into formation and pin in place... it's not too sturdy i guess. but I don't like stiff hair in general so it works for me.
Two ways You can do Your hump is to grab that piece of hair Your going to use and slightly twist, as You twist it just sort of forms, then secure with a Hairpin or Rollerset or either do 2 or 3 tight curls there, with a Curling Iron and shape into place (If You don't mind heat!).
Two ways You can do Your hump is to grab that piece of hair Your going to use and slightly twist, as You twist it just sort of forms, then secure with a Hairpin or Rollerset or either do 2 or 3 tight curls there, with a Curling Iron and shape into place (If You don't mind heat!).

I'm going to try that this weekend. Thank you.
I section my piece of hair for the hump by parting, comb it, then i grab it as if i were making a loose pony, twist it ONLY in that spot and it pops upward into place.. then i push it forwards more to get it to sit higher. To make a curly hump (for naturals) i put a little oil/gel mix on it and kinda plump my fingers down into it to make the curls reappear from combing it earlier. They are pretty cute i wear one a few times a week
This is how I wear my hump. I do it by taking the middle-front part of my hair and plait it inward. Then I just roll it under and pin it. Voila! I don't too much base my hair on whether or not it's in style. It's more so about how I feel about it and if it looks good. Even if that means wearing dookie braids!


I wear a messy hump when I wear my beanies, some times I pin it, sometimes I just push my ends under my beanie, sometimes I do the side hump to the side, I like to keep my humps airy, messy, so it looks more natural than engineered....just my personal preference. When I wear my hair out or curly I'll just put a pin to secure, I don't use anything to fill my hump with because once again I don't want it to looked like I tried to hard or spent all day on it, just real casual......also when I did use to curl my hair all the time I curled my bangs back in a U shape so I had the free-hump mohawkish look because I have a short cut...

hope that helps.
This is how I wear my hump. I do it by taking the middle-front part of my hair and plait it inward. Then I just roll it under and pin it. Voila! I don't too much base my hair on whether or not it's in style. It's more so about how I feel about it and if it looks good. Even if that means wearing dookie braids!



I love your hair hump!! Pretty!
Girl, I wore the hump from NL to SL - gave my short hair a little oomph until I had more to work with. In fact, I still do it sometimes.

To get a good hump, I take my palm and place it at the crown of my head and slightly push some hair forward. Then I gather both sides into the ponytail.

Sometimes I also take the end of a comb and "poof" it up a bit before I do the ponytail.
grab that piece of hair Your going to use and slightly twist, as You twist it just sort of forms,

:yep::yep: This is what I do and usually don't even need a bobby pin or anything because I wear my hair up. If I want to make it a littler bigger sometimes I will use the end of a rat tail comb to puff it up before securing.

i push it forwards more to get it to sit higher. To make a curly hump (for naturals) i put a little oil/gel mix on it and kinda plump my fingers down into it to make the curls reappear from combing it earlier.

I do this too. :yep:

Mines are more bumps than humps but I did them a lot when I was using a banana clip every day and was feeling like my look needed a little something. Here's one with the clip and gel in the front
hump with banana clip.JPG

This is without gel on "stretched" out hair. My attempt at a frohawk:
hump with frohawk.JPG
I comb the front of my hair up and then twist it and then secure it with a bobby pin. Sometimes, lately anyway I just twist it to the side and then put a head band and in a few hours or whatever it kinda sags to these nice heavy bangs lol, but I'm sure you want your hump to stay a hump. If that is the case, use a head band. I think I'm going outside today so I will take a picture.