The end of my rope!


Well-Known Member
I am so sick and tired of my hair! It's so short that I can't really style it, this no heat thing is kicking my butt! AAAAND, my hair just looks a hot mess! Like I have said in previous posts I only a have a few inches of new growth on my head but I am realy about to do soemthign drastic and just cut off all my relaxed ends....wich is baisically all of the hair on my head. The only thing that is stopping me is that my husband woul prolly kill me, and I'm new to this area, and don't know where any hair shops are....ugh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I need help! :wallbash:
Any pictures? You know the ladies will need pics for recommendations.

Are you opposed to a weave?
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If your hair can handle heat then use it. You want to do what's best for your hair, but sometimes we forget out limitations.
I am so sick and tired of my hair! It's so short that I can't really style it, this no heat thing is kicking my butt! AAAAND, my hair just looks a hot mess! Like I have said in previous posts I only a have a few inches of new growth on my head but I am realy about to do soemthign drastic and just cut off all my relaxed ends....wich is baisically all of the hair on my head. The only thing that is stopping me is that my husband woul prolly kill me, and I'm new to this area, and don't know where any hair shops are....ugh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I need help! :wallbash:

are you on a no heat challenge? why dont you use any heat. a little bit of heat once or twice a month has helped me in my hair journey, it just helps a little sometimes:look:
I feel you on that one. I could not stand struggling to style short hair weather it was relaxed or natural. If you can handle braids or weaves try it. I don't believe in forgoing style. :nono: Not a good feeling.

I am transitioning. I ended up hot oiling my hair. I also gave in and usedmy instyler on my hair. And ladies! I feel so much better! I made sure I used my dove heat protective spray. I think I am going to go out and buy a wig tomorrow, I'm not really a weave type of girl. For some reason they always look horrible on me. Like all bumpy and stuff. Thanks ladies!!!! :)
im glad you are feeling better, bottom line, i think you are better off with heat than you are cutting off all of your hair in fustration. ive been there, done it, and trust me, it just leads to more fustration and you'll still have to figure it out. good luck on your hair journey!