The Effects of Going Natural- My Proud Momma Moment


Well-Known Member
My oldest daughter's turing 12 this year, and most of her black girlfriends have already relaxed their hair. She's one of only a handful of black girls in her middle school with natural hair :sad:

Well, yesterday we were at dinner, and I told her that she could wear her hair straight for Easter (she's been asking me to wear her hair "out" more often). She immediately looked at me like I was crazy and said, "Mommy, I don't want my hair straight. I could get heat damage and mess it up, and then you'll have to cut it. Plus, I love my hair like it is." :shocked:

:clap::clap: I can't begin to tell ya'll how proud I was of my baby at that moment. I know she's facing alot of pressure from her friends to relax her hair cuz she's mentioned it to me before. And despite the pressure, the fact that she's able to so confidently want to wear her hair natural made me wanna tear up lol. I don't know if she would've felt the same way had I not started my natural journey nearly 8 months ago.

How has your natural journey affected the people in your life?
I love this! I really do! You did a good job mommy! She seems like a confident little girl..who doesn't give into peer pressure. she is well on her way!
That is awesome! I went natural just so my girls would know that I was sincere when I said that their hair is beautiful.
You did a very good job and have every right to be proud. Thank you for sharing.

To answer your question:
How has your natural journey affected the people in your life?

My going natural gave my best friend the courage to do the same. I was so proud when she told me she was going to go natural. She first wanted to transition, but instead called me a few weeks later to tell me she big chopped to less then 2 inches. She looks and feels great about it.
i agree that you're daughter is awesome! very confident for her age and she'll probably grow up to be a leader in whatever endeavor she chooses to pursue. i failed in my natural hair journey (too much work! haha) but i'm going to try again before i have children. i really want to be an example for my daughters and stories like this make me look forward to that. congrats!
As mothers, we are often our own harshest critics. Thanks guys for reminding me that I'm getting it right at least some of the time :look: :grin:

Ok, so spill it ladies!! Where are the stories??

How has your natural journey affected the people in your life?
After all the craziness read on the board for the last few weeks, this story made my day! I welled up with tears reading it. Thank you for changing the world one daughter at a time…..I’m proud of you bride91501; you’ve restored my faith that we’ll get it one day and know that we are one beautiful race of people!

No, I don't have any stories. I'm still surrounded by peoples who still buy into the fried, dyed and laid to the side philosophy of hair care. (Sorry; I'm in the deep South)
This is such a beautiful story. Since I am transitioning to natural(stop texlaxing) my niece loves my hair and loves her own hair. My sister always tells me that my niece just want to wear afro puffs like her auntie. It is so nice to see young girls loving their hair and not being swayed by society to straighten it.
Aww! You are a very good mom. It's not just about the hair; the fact that she is comfortable in her own skin at that age is impressive. You did a great job!
i'm transitioning and plan on chopping right before my little one will be starting the south. she LOVES her hair and has great reservations about it and hope that her outlook on her hair when the naysayers come around are just as profound and enlightened as your daughters.
Well done Bride...I hope that when I have children one day that they will be this confident about wearing natural hair.

I unfortunately caved and relaxed for my 14 birthday and when I was in college I should have gone natural and forgot the naysayers. My family made fun of me for a few week after going natural but then one of my aunts went natural and most of my friends are natural or transitioning.
Awwww what a cute story!! :grin:

Well, since I've transitioned and gone natural, my mom started to go natural as well.....AND, a friend of mine was "inspired" by me to go natural too! She's currently transitioning! :grin:
Aww <3

What's great is that the confidence she's learnt in having her hair natural will extend to other areas in her life. She's learnt to see her own beauty, learnt to withstand peer pressure and that she doesn't have to conform. Those two things will take her far. Good job mom!
Aww <3What's great is that the confidence she's learnt in having her hair natural will extend to other areas in her life. She's learnt to see her own beauty, learnt to withstand peer pressure and that she doesn't have to conform. Those two things will take her far. Good job mom!

I really do hope so. She's my introvert (the exact opposite of her mother lol) and is normally very sensitive to and aware of others' expectations of her. That's why her response surprised me so much- it's not really like her. Or at least not like the old her lol.

Since I BC'd, a close friend has also BC'd, my sis has started stretching her relaxers (she's 7 months into her first stretch!), and my DH is finally starting to appreciate the beauty of kinky/curly hair.

It's amazing how one seemingly private decision can affect so many people!
Wow! I really admire your daughter's confidence and the fact that she doesn't give in to peer pressure! I believe that just means she has a great mom and you are doing an awesome job! :)
Girl, yall' just gave me a proud mama moment! Well, LHCF auntie moment, lol. I'm so proud of her -and you mom!
How has your natural journey affected the people in your life?

DD is still a toddler but as I was moisturizing and re-twisting some Ceily twists I had in, she runs her hands along them and says, "I like your hair Mommy." I always tell her that her hair is beautiful and am feeling like since she is appreciating our natural hair that she may have more confidence in not conforming to wanting the stick straight hair that so many of her little friends have (most/all of her friends have natural type 1 or 2 hair). She also finds their hair nice, but I love that she likes her own too.