Laginappe said:
trinidarkie1 said:
Laginappe you are contradicting yourself or I just dont understand.. *shakes head*
All the same, my argument is, it is wrong by whose standards?
I am just being the devil's advocate here..
If we're talking Biblically then oh hell yeah..
If we're talking legally then no it isnt wrong.
Not everyone has a biblical basis to make their judgements, and if we want to admit it or not, a lot of our morals and ethics are based on a Christian/religious rule or tennet.
All the same, I commend u on your stance, you feel very strongly about this.
If my husband and I separated, both willingly and we were in the process of getting a divorce, religious reasoning aside then I would have no problem with either of us seeing other people. This would have to be a separation on the road to finality, as in the papers are being processed, begin moving on with your life, if that includes dating then so be it, if that doesnt include dating then fine.
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I don’t see where I’ve contradicted myself..show me where the confusion is…
But to answer your questions “Is it wrong by whose standards?”
Its wrong for
me by
my standards.
Meaning if this separated man were to approach me and seek a relationship with me it would not happen. No matter if I think he’s cute, hot, meets all of my other requirements…the fact that he is seperated and/or recently (Newly! Freshly!) divorced would veto the move for me immediatley.
There are certain lines that I will not cross. And by default I hate to see others cross them as well. Fully recognizing that I can’t control what they do – but I can still say that I don’t like to see them do it.
And the reason I feel so strongly about this - To me when you start to rationalize a part of a behavior you open the door for further rationalizations. A seperated person is still married. If its ok to start a relationship with them then because of the rationalization that they’re separated for X amount of time – then its not a far leap to make to take that rationalization further. If its ok to date a man who’s been legally seperated for 2 years, then its ok to date one that’s been seperated for 1 year, or 6 months, or a month…
Where do you draw the line?
I draw the line at the beginning. I don’t condone relationships with married people under any circumstances. Its easier that way. There is never any reason to explain to someone’s question “Isn’t he married??” “Well yeah but he’s been seperated for 3 whole months!”
Its that “Well yeah but…” that will F you up every time. I’m too old for the nonsense.
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Completely understood NOW
I hear you loud and clear