The disappearing hair AKA: Shrinkage!!!


Well-Known Member
My hair is about APL length. Im tryna get to BSL length, but im so frustrated with my hair. I trimmed it last week while i had my hair pressed, jus touched the ends, approximately 0.5 inches and now that im back to curly i feel like im bald:look: . I thought did my hair break, is it damaged? Did i cut it off by accident? When i stretch it, its still there and I can see its been growing, but soemtimes when i style my hair, the shrinkage jus gets to me, like my hair isn't growing at all, although if i pull it (stretch it) I can see it has. I dunno if its because i don't have thick hair (my hair is dense, but the individual strands are medium-fine), but i see people with hair shoter than mine with these big hell of a ponytails, im confused... can anyone relate???

anyhoo, jus venting, annoyed right now with my hair.....
I can so Relate to you on the shrinkage factor & frustration, I see people who have been natural for 5-6 months and they can already pull their hair in a Puff or have a nice size fro, I am so Jealous! But I get so mad sometimes, But I can only tell my growth by the fro getting bigger but I really don't pick it out anymore since I can do twist, I done my first twist last night and it took me 3 hours, but they look alright but I am not taking them down until next week, I refust to have 3 hours wasted LOL!!!!!

I am sure you will be okay! We can vent together!!! LOL!!
I'm in the extreme shrinkage club too and eventually you get used to it. I've found that if I pull my hair into puffs while it's wet, I can stretch it out quite a bit.

Shrinkage is amazing. It shows the true versalitility of African American hair, going from coily, to krinkly, to straight, and back.
I can definately relate. It seems like everyone can make cute ponies but me. I try to pull my hair back and it looks foolish. I didn't think it was that short lol. Maybe I just don't know how to style it right for my length.
That god u guys understand. My hair is APL when its straight, but when its curly its like up to my chin. Its looks nice wet, but everytime it dries, im like man hows it gonna turn out today? And puffs?! HA! I been natural for 3.5 years and still cant get one to look decent. I always wonder how some people have like say shoulder length and shorter hair when stretched and they accomplish these big puffs, send the memo over here cuz i missed it! LOL!:lachen:

I love my hair i really do, but sometimes I wish it would show more length. I figure to be shoulder lenght in its natural state I will have to be midback length stretched:look:, so i got some growing to do. In the meantime, maybe i'll braid it up or stick with some buns for now until it decides to act right.:look:
i have complained about shrinkage and have used numerous products and techniques to slow the shrinking but nothing has worked

i basically decided to get my hair to BSL before trying to wear my hair "out" naturally to see if i like the results better.

the shinkage issue is a very sore subject with me because i worked so hard to grow my hair and can't even wear a basic wash n go or afro because of the shrinkage
All I want to do is wear my hair pulled back LOL!! I have only been growing it out for 5 months and had a set back and cut an inch a couple of months ago but it is growing and I am glad to know that, I just can't wait to get out this Twa stage LOL!!!

I am glad we can vent!! Even though that is just the way Natural Hair is LOL!!
FineChyna said:
i have complained about shrinkage and have used numerous products and techniques to slow the shrinking but nothing has worked

i basically decided to get my hair to BSL before trying to wear my hair "out" naturally to see if i like the results better.

the shinkage issue is a very sore subject with me because i worked so hard to grow my hair and can't even wear a basic wash n go or afro because of the shrinkage

I am contemplating natural after these braids - I'm like 90% there anyway - but I so feel you on this point. The last time I washed my own hair - minus braids - my fro was a 2" halo around my face - and pressed, my hair is between sl and apl in most places. I've always had huge shrinkage, I think I would have to be BSL before wearing my natural hair out and I don't know if I can wait that many years:lol:
Kurlee is your hair the same length all the way around? I'm asking because once the front of my hair was at APL I was able to make a puff. It really is the length of the front that is the main determining factor if you want to make a full pony.

Also, how are you making your puff? I've found that technique and products can be key.
I understand. My hair shrinks 50% or more. I was playing with my hair at a party, and a guy says "do that again. I'm like, "do what?" Then I realize he's talking about my hair. I pull one of my coils down from my ear and it stops past my collarbone, closer to my armpit. He was totally amazed.

I wear my hair in puffs and ponypuffs most of the time though, so shrinkage has become pretty irrelevant. Only when I'm doing a shake and go on freshly washed hair do I remember how much my hair shrinks.
Have you tried banding at night or 3 or 5 big plaits? I throw some lacio lacio and coconut oil on my hair at night and throw it into 4 big plaits and its plenty stretched in the morning to make nice big light fluffy pluffs.
It's so true. You would think my hair isn't growing though I know it is. Some ways around it are how I keep it styled while it's drying. I've tried using a few large twists (with a bobby pin at the bottom but not on the ends), clipping it UP with a butterfly clip, etc. They do make a difference.
Oh I have to stretch out my hair to wear it loose. It shrinks all the way up to my ear and my hair is about BSL when straightened!
FineChyna said:
i have complained about shrinkage and have used numerous products and techniques to slow the shrinking but nothing has worked

i basically decided to get my hair to BSL before trying to wear my hair "out" naturally to see if i like the results better.

the shinkage issue is a very sore subject with me because i worked so hard to grow my hair and can't even wear a basic wash n go or afro because of the shrinkage

I hate to break it to you, but I'm at Midback, and my hair still shrinks a whole lot. The longer my hair gets, it seems to get bigger but not much longer when I wear it curly. I think that shrickage is just something we will always have to deal with. When I dry it, I constantly pull it down to avoid so much shrinkage. I have learned to be ok with the shrinkage. If I want it long, I wear it straight.
BlackCardinal said:
Kurlee is your hair the same length all the way around? I'm asking because once the front of my hair was at APL I was able to make a puff. It really is the length of the front that is the main determining factor if you want to make a full pony.

Also, how are you making your puff? I've found that technique and products can be key.

My hair is apl all around, some parts a re a bit longer, my hair can make a ponytail, it jus doesn't look good IMO. For the length it is i think it should be bigger judging by some pics i have seen with people with shorter hair. I guess its a texture/thickness issue?
ah shrinkage... friend and foe of natural hair...

i'm right there with you, i'm at APL but my hair shrinks to right above my chin. my only advice is, i always do puffs on wet hair right after i get out of the shower. once my hair dries... forget it... it's way too thick. and my hair will fight to be loose! :lol: even when i do my puffs on wet hair, i have to do something to help smooth it back - leave-in or gel then brush hair into place, tie down with a scarf until dry, use a headband for flyaway curlies up front. or you can do more than one puff, band each puff to stretch them out, and let your hair partially dry... then take them all down and brush into one or 2 big puffs. (i did this a lot when my hair was shorter to get 2 puffs...) once my hair dries, i can try to manipulate the puff(s) so they look better.

here is a pic of when i could first do 2 puffs. i think i had 6-8 inches of hair:

i had to make 8-12 sections, band them to stretch my hair, then put them into 2 puffs when partially dry. i spritzed with water to brush the hair back and once my hair was dry, i could pick and pat with my fingers to kinda shape the puffs. then i'd spritz a little bit to help the coil definition come back.

now here are my puffs today:

i just make 2 puffs (on wet hair, of course) and leave them be. i have pics of when i make one puff on stretched hair, obviously those are larger but they require more work and i'm just not into that these days... not with class and job searching and chasing a toddler around... :look:
OnAHairQuest said:
Have you tried banding at night or 3 or 5 big plaits? I throw some lacio lacio and coconut oil on my hair at night and throw it into 4 big plaits and its plenty stretched in the morning to make nice big light fluffy pluffs.
Plats really work to help reduce shrinkage. I'm at BSL and my hair will shrink into a 3 inch fro when wet. BUT, I've found that when I wash and condition my hair in plats, usually 4 to 6 loose braids, there's less shrinkage and looser curls.

My siggy pic is an example of my shrinkage. The shrinkage isn't BSL, but it's not a 3 inch fro either. Also, the shrinkage in my siggy is after taking down bagggied/moisterized cornrows. When I update my fotki tomorrow, I'll try to get some pics of my hair to reflect the shrinkage after I wash in plats. But it does look similar to the siggy pic. Anyway, HTH.;)
Gosh! I thought I had shrinkage bad! Reading some of these comments makes me really appreciate how good I have it.

It's true that my hair doesn't completely show its length like it would if I were relaxed or anything, but if I just wash, detangle and put it in puffs, the whole front dries almost bone straight, just slight little waves that I find very pretty. The ends are curly and I love the contrast.

Who knew?
I can definitely relate Kurlee!!!

When I see people with hair that's the same length or shorter than mine with big puffs and wash-n-go's that hang, I just think to myself "it's because their hair texture is looser than mine." That's the only thing I can think of when I see people with hair the same length or shorter than mine, yet it appears longer than mine when doing certain styles.

My hair shrinks to high heavens. It always wants to shrink no matter what. But sometimes I get bored with wearing it shrunken all the time. I want to wear it stretched out but it can be somewhat of a hassle, especially when the next day the braidout, twistout, puff, or whatever style I do starts to shrink.
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OMG! Shrinkage is NOOO joke. I recently maxi'd my hair(I had my mom do it- i got lazy)...I ran to the bathroom in amazement at where my hair was. needless to say I spent 20 minutes in the mirrow-Jaw DROPPED.

1st pics- just took bun out(no products really)
2nd pic- damp hair w/ products
3rd pic- Straight pony
4th pic- straight hair(1st attempt at pin curls and reverting-and my roots are extremely wavy-which equates to shrinkage while straight in my book)


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Loving the hair! So thick and healthy. My hair is about an inch shorter than yours but it shrinks to about half of ur second picture!