The dark side of braids/weaves...


New Member
Hi ladies, especially those who wear braids/weaves. I know that many of us are using braids/weaves to protect and aid in growing our hair. However, for me, I have discovered a dark side to this. I've been wearing homemade braids for about 4 months now, and for the first time ever I'm finding myself not wanting to remove them because I like having more hair. I feel really guilty about this because I know that I should be grateful for the hair that I have, but I really like my look while in the braids. I'm even struggling with whether or not I should wear braids for my med school graduation because I want hair cascading from under my cap :look:. My whole purpose for the braids was to grow a couple more inches for graduation, which I have done. It's not like I don't have hair, but I've started feeling way too comfortable in these braids and I like the big hair, even if it's not mine. Are there any other women who find themselves enjoying extensions more than their own hair? Please post your comments.
That's a plus for me, because the more I like it, the more I get used to not dealing with my own hair, the longer I'll keep it in and the more dramatic my real hair growth will be when I take it out. And I'm talking about braids. Naturally, when you have two inches of new growth comes a time when it's like "OK, I gotta take these out" And if you get em redone, nothing wrong with that. As long as your are maintaining the health of your hair underneath you will benefit from the no/low manipulation of your own tresses. So go ahead and stay on the 'dark side'...

Now with the weaves...Oh boy, now that can be the devil. You can feel naked without them because of the illusion of it being natural hair, that becomes a dark cycle for sure and it can take alot to come out of it. And if the weaves aren't done right, or your hair is partially exposed instead of it all being covered. Overtime your hair blending in with the weave gets precedence over the health of your hair. Oh yeah, now that's a dark place with NO light at the end of the tunnel!
I have to admit that I plan all my events around having my braids in...if I don't have the braids in I don't feel as confident..even though my hair is getting some good growth. Case in point: I should take out my braids now because they are starting to look at little shabby and I have had then in for 7 weeks. BUT since I am going away for the weekend I am going to leave them in until Monday because I could not imagine walking around with a TWA

my only justification is that I do love my hair, but not its length. Until I know I can waisly put it in a low ponytail (without 20 clips!!!) or stretch it and wear it down, I will be self contious about it .
You're ok as long as you remember that beauty really does come from the inside. And as long as you are honest about how and why you feel the way you do about your braids and weaves than you are just fine. We all have to do what makes us feel good about ourselves!:)
I am in braids, towards the end of my time in them I wear my hair in a bun so I can get used to not having the length. I do this for a week or two. Sometimes I take my braids out and people don't even notice because the transition isn't dramatic because I sorta phase out of them.:lol:

I don't get addicted to braids because I want to see and deal with my own hair. Braids get old after 1 month for me. I think I have ADD though:perplexed
Well I am in the same boat. I usually wear braids 2-3 times a year for about 2 to 6 weeks at a time. I am in twist extensions right now and dread taking them out, not because its time consuming, but because I am getting so used to the low maintenance, the extra time in the morning for not having to deal with my hair and most of all the look. I LOVE my twist right nowans would keep them in forever if my hair underneath would allow it.
blkbeauty said:
Well I am in the same boat. I usually wear braids 2-3 times a year for about 2 to 6 weeks at a time. I am in twist extensions right now and dread taking them out, not because its time consuming, but because I am getting so used to the low maintenance, the extra time in the morning for not having to deal with my hair and most of all the look. I LOVE my twist right nowans would keep them in forever if my hair underneath would allow it.

My name is Nonie and I'm a braid junkie. The reasons in bold above, and because so far it's the only way I've ever been able to grow my hair w/ apparently very little effort on my part are part of why I LOVE braids and hate to take them out. I like the length because it gives me styling variety that takes a short time to do. I also love that I can use all the heat I want on the hair beyond my own w/o guilt.

Oddly enough, I was so excited to get out of braids in June/July '06 after being in them for 1.5 years straight because my hair was then at a length I was pleased with and could work w/. I never thought I'd ever go back to them; not w/ extensions anyway.

But the long hair I discovered out of braids was "a stranger" to me. I had never gotten acquainted w/ it shorter out of braids so longer it baffled me. My attempt to find help dealing with it out of braids led me to a SHS who gave me a BC I never asked for. So I'm back to a TWA. I was trying to work w/ it but it took more work to style than I wanted to put in, so I'm back to my old friend: braids. Not so much because I didn't like the look of my hair. I love my hair, and the adventures I was having with SCurl (my new love) were just a blast. I loved how soft my puff looked and felt (using a leave-in was a new world I was falling madly in love with) But I'm just lazy and want to get to a length where I could quickly put my hair in 4 big plaits and go to bed when I'm tired. (A habit of a lifetime: I have to braid or twist my hair for bed). And braids can help me achieve that, but also allow me to enjoy length in advance of achieving it.

Long hair to me is so easy to style. I can whip my braids to an updo in a jiffy if I have to go out in a hurry; or put in a pony tail. I don't have to use a comb or do anything if I don't feel like bothering; I can get up and just walk out the door w/o spending any time on my hair. And of course, since I'm still mourning the loss of length I experienced in Feb, I get to pretend that my hair grew and get to practice (rehearsal :D ) all the dos I dream of wearing one day when my hair grows long. And that's why I'm addicted to braids.
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Don't feel guilty. I always take my braids/twists out thinking my hair is still +APL. Needless to say I'm a little disappointed with its post-trim length. I try to focus on its health, shine, softness, and strength instead of the length. The length will come. Health is the hard part. :wink2:
blkbeauty said:
Well I am in the same boat. I usually wear braids 2-3 times a year for about 2 to 6 weeks at a time. I am in twist extensions right now and dread taking them out, not because its time consuming, but because I am getting so used to the low maintenance, the extra time in the morning for not having to deal with my hair and most of all the look. I LOVE my twist right nowans would keep them in forever if my hair underneath would allow it.

I'm a big fan of twists too.
SandySea said:
Hi ladies, especially those who wear braids/weaves. I know that many of us are using braids/weaves to protect and aid in growing our hair. However, for me, I have discovered a dark side to this. I've been wearing homemade braids for about 4 months now, and for the first time ever I'm finding myself not wanting to remove them because I like having more hair. I feel really guilty about this because I know that I should be grateful for the hair that I have, but I really like my look while in the braids. I'm even struggling with whether or not I should wear braids for my med school graduation because I want hair cascading from under my cap :look:. My whole purpose for the braids was to grow a couple more inches for graduation, which I have done. It's not like I don't have hair, but I've started feeling way too comfortable in these braids and I like the big hair, even if it's not mine. Are there any other women who find themselves enjoying extensions more than their own hair? Please post your comments.

Don't feel bad. I wore my hair in braids for two years straight. It helped me get from shoulder length to a little past APL(with some setbacks). Otherwise, I would have gone crazy just waiting for my hair to grow all that time.:crazy: They were great because during that time, it felt like I had long hair. And by the end of the two-year period, I was so sick of braids that I didn't mind my hair only being a little past APL. By then I was just so happy to wear my own hair. So I would say wear them until you get tired of them. Just make sure you take good care of your hair (i.e. braid loosly, rebraid often, moisturize daily, and shampoo & cond at least once a week).:up:
Nonie said:
My name is Nonie and I'm a braid junkie. The reasons in bold above, and because so far it's the only way I've ever been able to grow my hair w/ apparently very little effort on my part are part of why I LOVE braids and hate to take them out. I like the length because it gives me styling variety that takes a short time to do. I also love that I can use all the heat I want on the hair beyond my own w/o guilt.

Oddly enough, I was so excited to get out of braids in June/July '06 after being in them for 1.5 years straight because my hair was then at a length I was pleased with and could work w/. I never thought I'd ever go back to them; not w/ extensions anyway.

But the long hair I discovered out of braids was "a stranger" to me. I had never gotten acquainted w/ it shorter out of braids so longer it baffled me. My attempt to find help dealing with it out of braids led me to a SHS who gave me a BC I never asked for. So I'm back to a TWA. I was trying to work w/ it but it took more work to style than I wanted to put in, so I'm back to my old friend: braids. Not so much because I didn't like the look of my hair. I love my hair, and the adventures I was having with SCurl (my new love) were just a blast. I loved how soft my puff looked and felt (using a leave-in was a new world I was falling madly in love with) But I'm just lazy and want to get to a length where I could quickly put my hair in 4 big plaits and go to bed when I'm tired. (A habit of a lifetime: I have to braid or twist my hair for bed). And braids can help me achieve that, but also allow me to enjoy length in advance of achieving it.

Long hair to me is so easy to style. I can whip my braids to an updo in a jiffy if I have to go out in a hurry; or put in a pony tail. I don't have to use a comb or do anything if I don't feel like bothering; I can get up and just walk out the door w/o spending any time on my hair. And of course, since I'm still mourning the loss of length I experienced in Feb, I get to pretend that my hair grew and get to practice (rehearsal :D ) all the dos I dream of wearing one day when my hair grows long. And that's why I'm addicted to braids.

sareca said:
I'm a big fan of twists too.

Yeh I have definitely bee addicted to twists, especially when I had just bc'd. Now when I keep them in for less time, so I don't get too comfortable, and I don't do as mcuh with them. LIke they're only there to give me a hair break, nothing more. Also I have a much nicer hair of hair then I used to from taking care of it, so now I miss the feel of my regular hair.
But I also know alot of weave addicts, it's a hard road.
I'm the opposite.

I love braids for their convenience and law maintenance nature (I'm a "get up and go" girl), and for the fact that they protect my hair while it's growing. I also like change: this time kinky twists, next time even shoulder length jet black kanakelon twists, next time burgundy-ish plaits, etc etc.

But I don't think I necessarily look better in braids, and I'm always DYING to get my eyes and hands on my real hair again.

Case in point: Although I was planning to keep my braids in till the end of the month, I just removed them because I needed a change and I was actually starting to feel unattractive in them.

I always have to force myself to leave them in for the planned time in order to get as much protected growth out of them as possible.
I do get addicted to braids because of the low maintenance but only in short time spans I get them put in and then after four weeks I'm sick of them and dying to take them out which I do, I then wear my hair for four weeks and get fed up with doing my hair and start craving braids again (I too have ADD). I'm about two weeks without braids right now and I'm already feeling the itch.
trimbride said:
I am in braids, towards the end of my time in them I wear my hair in a bun so I can get used to not having the length. I do this for a week or two. Sometimes I take my braids out and people don't even notice because the transition isn't dramatic because I sorta phase out of them.:lol:

I don't get addicted to braids because I want to see and deal with my own hair. Braids get old after 1 month for me. I think I have ADD though:perplexed

That is a GREAT idea. I'm going to do that for two weeks when I'm ready to take mine out. That's a great way to transition yourself as well as everyone around you so that you nor they get that feeling you lost something when taking your braids down. Instead they can just embrace that fact that at least you don't have a big old bun on the back of your head anymore :lol:

It's been nearly two months, I'm taking them out end of May hoping I'm APL, If I'm not I'm braiding it again, I'm gonna wash, apply a black rinse and get straight human hair braids. (I have wet & wavy in browns & blonds mixed in right now and I usually wear it big). I know I'll be sick of the whole style at that point and if I'm not happy with my growth, the color and texture change of the braids should keep me satisfied for a few more months.
ebonylocs said:
I always have to force myself to leave them in for the planned time in order to get as much protected growth out of them as possible.

Ditto! The 1 month mark is extremely torturous and it takes willpower for me not to remove them but I keep reminding myself of my goal and how it's great to not fuss with my hair. Once I get past that point & just touch-up around the front and set them in big braids w/mousse so that they are nice and wavy, that feeling will pass and then it's much easier to go the distance. Going on 2 months, now I think, what's one more month? Then as I get closer to the goal time, I'll probably procrastinate for another week or two just from the thought of taking them out and giving up the 'get up & go' :lol: It's such a vicious cycle.
THis thread is too funny. I was addicted to braids and now I am addicted to both braids and weaves...I just love having carefree, fabulous hair. What more could a girl ask for? Plus it grows my hair out nicely too. I go through withdrawals with out my weaves/braids it's like I feel naked. I know that I already have 2 styles planned out for this summer, a cute curly cornrow mohawk and a short spikey weave. I even have plans for the fall and winter too. It makes life so easy, especially when you work 2 jobs and go to school full time, please ladies try not to feel guilty. Enjoy the the spice of varieties to can get with weaves/braids/twists, I know I do.

OT, this is why I LOVE being a black woman, who can change it up in a drop of a dime and look flyy doing so?! How many women out there can rock braids one month, switch it up to a long curly weave the next month and then go a natural frohawk the next?
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I love braids. After I big chopped last may, I wore my twa for 3 months and since then I've been wearing braids . I loved my fro but I have HHD( hand in hair desease)so I had to make some changes.It's very low maintenance, saves me time in the morning for styling and I get some good growth:yay:
I keep them 5 to 6 weeks max, rest my hair for 2 weeks and it's back to braids! I know I'll be wearing them for quite some time.
I haven't read all of the comments yet, but thanks for the validation. I love my own hair, but I also love having all this hair courtesy of some lady on the other side of the world who was nice enough to grow it for me :lol:. I just hate it when I take to braids out enjoying my new growth and then ten people ask me if I cut my hair :ohwell: . Just good to know I'm not alone.
I love myhair but hate the length! I'm glad its growing and im glad God is blessing me with this site but i do love my braids and i dont ever want to get rid of them! :lachen: i just want to grow my hair out to midback almost waist length then slap a weave in my hair:lachen:
Okay, I have to admit that I just took out one row to see how long my hair is now. It seems that I'm a solid APL in the back (v-pattern), so maybe I'll take them out for a while to condition (and play with:lol: ). But I'll definitely be in braids for the summer because the last thing I'll have time for will be hair. Let me off of this hair rollercoaster!!!:whyme:
I can totally identify with this thread because I am a recovering weave addict. Matter of fact, that was the name I had in my avatar when I first started posting on LHCF "recovering weave addict" :lol: This forum helped me to overcome my addiction.