the damage is done! (pics)


New Member
After my hair suffered from damage this summer due to overprocessing. i went out and purchased Aveda Damage Remedy poo, con, & treatment.
I used the treatment once then switched to lustrasilk shea & mango DC. i cut off the damaged ends. after 2 months of care & tears i must admit the breakage has ceased i am no longer seeing any broken hairs in the comb or all over my house...YAY!!!! & i have 1 inch of new growth.
thanks to the ladies of LHCF i was able to get rid of this damage.
my hair is a little thicker too!


ETA: SORRY for the blurry pic lol it was the best i could do 4 today!
I'm glad to hear that, you'll get back where your were in no time. Please educate me about lustrasilk shea & mango, I always thought Aveda Damage Remedy was the greatest thing out there.
Your hair's Looking good there girly...AVEDA...ill have to try that as an alternative to the Aphogee treatment.