The cuticle layers.. Just some info for ya


New Member
The cuticle is the top or primary outer layers on your hair strand. The cuticle has three to ten layers on average. In some cases of extremely coarse hair, there may be as many as thirteen or more cuticle layers on the strand. Healthy cuticle layers are packed tightly together and overlap each other like shingles on a house, each layer varying in size, depending on the texture of that particular strand. I call the cuticle layer the style layer because the condition of this layer dictates how well your hair styles. Healthy cuticle layers will produce an appearance of natural shine and fullness to your hair strands, while damaged cuticle layers will produce a dull, rough, thin, and torn appearance, or in many cases a fly-away or frizzy look. Hair that is extremely fine or damaged may have few or no cuticle layers.

This is an excerpt from The Black Woman's Guide to Beautiful Hair.
Thanks for the info. That is really interesting to learn that a strand can have that many cuticle layers. Sometimes I wish I could take a strand of my hair and put it under a microscope.
HoneyLemonDrop said:
Thanks for the info. That is really interesting to learn that a strand can have that many cuticle layers. Sometimes I wish I could take a strand of my hair and put it under a microscope.

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Same here! I wonder how many layers I have.