the *CULPRIT* for my breaking hair......


New Member
the *head rest* in my car!

I *don't* have leather seats, I have the regular cloth seats.
It takes me an hour round trip to get to work and I believe my hair is rubbing off the whole time.

It came to me last night when I was a passenger in my friend's car and leaned my head back onto the head rest. When I leaned up I could feel my hair still sticking to the material. And it's in the same place where my hair is coarser, breaking off, and stalling my progress is growing out my layers.

Anyone else have this problem?
What was your solution? I'm considering using an extra satin cap (from Sally's) and covering my driver side head rest to prevent breakage.

I know this sounds weird, but you ladies are always so sympathetic, I'm sure you'll understand!
some people may have this problem, but haven't acknowledge it yet. Also, I agree with CandiceC, maybe you can get something satin to cover the head rest. Thanks for sharing!
Everytime I'm sitting in a movie theater, I feel like the cover at the back of the seat is pulling my hair out. I carry a silk scarf in my purse and use that to cover anything rough. The scarf is large enough to tie around almost anything and so I find it more versatile than a satin cap.
ravenmerlita said:
Everytime I'm sitting in a movie theater, I feel like the cover at the back of the seat is pulling my hair out. I carry a silk scarf in my purse and use that to cover anything rough. The scarf is large enough to tie around almost anything and so I find it more versatile than a satin cap.

Thanks for letting me know I'm not crazy.
I don't think its just the headrest but it's also hitting the most damaged/fragile part of my hair.
Everything about it (crown) and below it (nape) is healthy.

So far the satin cap I'm using is an old one(with a few snags) so i'm going to get a brand-spanking new one and report back with results!
It's good that you found the source of the problem- a car headrest! Im so oblivious to my surroundings at times I dont think I would've been able to guess what it was!
I noticed that problem with my car headrest a while ago...once I started covering it up, my hair in the back definately improved. I just tied a scarf around it, but the satin cap will certainly work.

I also try to remember to take off my rings before I put my hands anywhere near my head, it's amazing how they will break your hair right off! :eek:
It's not just with car seats, with different type of clothing material and the office chair that not a smooth mateial, like leather.
While driving a couple of years ago I saw a women with a satin scarve around her headrest. I haven't noticed this problem for me, but shoooo maybe I should do it anyway!
Well good you solved the problem. I discovered that blasting the heat and air towards my face was drying out my hair. Now I am sure to direct the heat/air to my chest or lower... just something else to think about...
It's funny you mention this. I don't lean my head on anything anymore. I stopped leaning on my car headrest because the headrest was getting dirty, I wasn't even thinking about my hair. :lol: :lol: So now, I just automatically sit straight up. :look: I seem to do that everywhere.

My co-office in NY has taught us all to hold our heads up. Their elevator is full of our DNA. Literally. The back of the elevator is for asthetic purposes only. It's a metal weave. It carries static that draws your hair too it, and if you lean back, when you move, you will be missing several pieces of hair. :perplexed :lol: If you get on the elevators there, you will see that the elevator walls are hairy as heyall from all the women that have been victimized. :ohwell: I don't know why they haven't fixed that yet, it's been 5 years.
ravenmerlita said:
Everytime I'm sitting in a movie theater, I feel like the cover at the back of the seat is pulling my hair out. I carry a silk scarf in my purse and use that to cover anything rough. The scarf is large enough to tie around almost anything and so I find it more versatile than a satin cap.

LOL. :lol: I may need to hop up on the silk scarf in the purse idea. I just thought that was too funny. Luckily, I just got a new car (not brand new...just new to me:grin: ) but the good thing is it does have leather seats so I dont have to worry about my hair in the car....But you guys are right about the movies etc...