The Church of God "True God??


I had a friend invite me to a bible study at her church and of course I said yes! Well, she didn't inform me that the church that the church was in NJ until we were on our way there. SO... I get to this church and from the entrance I got a very weird, creepy feeling. They told us to take our shoes off and kept saying "God Bless You". Well... long story short they talked about the Sabbath day being on Saturday and directed me to everything in the bible. Now, I am reading online about it and it says they believe in a second coming of Christ in the form of a Korean man! :perplexed:perplexed This just went a bit too far for me! Tomorrow they are having a passover service which I believe must be the Passover for the "2nd Christ". Has anyone had any experience with this?
I had a friend invite me to a bible study at her church and of course I said yes! Well, she didn't inform me that the church that the church was in NJ until we were on our way there. SO... I get to this church and from the entrance I got a very weird, creepy feeling. They told us to take our shoes off and kept saying "God Bless You". Well... long story short they talked about the Sabbath day being on Saturday and directed me to everything in the bible. Now, I am reading online about it and it says they believe in a second coming of Christ in the form of a Korean man! :perplexed:perplexed This just went a bit too far for me! Tomorrow they are having a passover service which I believe must be the Passover for the "2nd Christ". Has anyone had any experience with this?

No I have not had this experience, but from what you tell me I would say stay away. First of all if you got a weird feeling, something aint right. I do believe that Jesus is coming back, but no man knows the day nor the hour--So how in the world could they know the ethnicity? And what is the idea of taking off your shoes? I mean, Moses had to do it when he saw the burning bush and God told him to remove his sandles, But I've NEVER had to remove my shoes to enter Church. If she asks you again and you don't want to go, just politely decline. She doesn't have to know your reason's why.
When I went there I took my 7 month old daughter and they strongly suggested that we get baptized so I did it.... (not knowing this was a "different" church) and now this girl keeps bugging me about "keeping the sabbath" and "Keeping passover". They say that in order to be saved you must have passover.
The Church sounds a bit odd. I wouldn't go back based on the little bit you've said about their beliefs but definitely not with the feeling you got. That might have been the Holy spirit telling you something. I'm looking over their site and their doctrine some of it, I can't agree with.

"directed me to everything in the bible" What do you mean by this?
Did they give you a reason for removing your shoes? I read something about foot washing, do you know if was connected to this.

Can you just tell your friend you don't want to go back?
After she kept trying to get me to go this evening... I am proud to say I grew a backbone and said no. They didn't explain why they remove their shoes however, the foot washing is for Passover because Jesus washed his disciples feet. As far as directing me to everything in the bible. It was considered a bible study and he would discuss a topic such as the sabbath being on Saturday.He would point me to the page where it backed what he was saying up.
The girl said that anyone who doesn't believe in the second coming of Christ, he won't acknowledge us when we die. We will all go to hell. SMH
I had a friend invite me to a bible study at her church and of course I said yes! Well, she didn't inform me that the church that the church was in NJ until we were on our way there. SO... I get to this church and from the entrance I got a very weird, creepy feeling. They told us to take our shoes off and kept saying "God Bless You". Well... long story short they talked about the Sabbath day being on Saturday and directed me to everything in the bible. Now, I am reading online about it and it says they believe in a second coming of Christ in the form of a Korean man! :perplexed:perplexed This just went a bit too far for me! Tomorrow they are having a passover service which I believe must be the Passover for the "2nd Christ". Has anyone had any experience with this?

The sabbath is actually taken from sabbat, 7 (sheva related root word). But the bit about the Korea man sounds like Sun Yung Moon or something related to it. Passover is over, the new moon. It's all passed and are they expecting the messiah to come at an appointed time? The removal of shoes, there are christian churches where it's middle-eastern tradition to do so as a sign of respect that one has entered God's house.

I've never had any experience like that. I'd just kindly decline her future invitations. It sounds cultish to me, esp. the part about the Korean guy - not that Jesus couldn't have been Korean :grin: But Jesus IS the passover. Nobody is continually commanded to observe the religious ritual of passover but Jews.
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I wonder if this is one of Reverend Sun Moon's churches!! :( It's a wide known cult, the man who believes he himself in the reincarnation of God (Christ)
I think they have some type of quota - In college a girl approached me from this church (if memory serves me correctly). She was relentless, I finally had to tell her to "go somewhere and sit down". I wasn't a strong believer then and did not have any knowledge of defending my faith - I just knew enough to know that something wasn't right...
I think they have some type of quota - In college a girl approached me from this church (if memory serves me correctly). She was relentless, I finally had to tell her to "go somewhere and sit down". I wasn't a strong believer then and did not have any knowledge of defending my faith - I just knew enough to know that something wasn't right...

Yes, it seems like they are determined to get you in there so they can brain wash you.