The Christmas Miracle at the River... CONTINUED!


Active Member


Thank You Thank You!!!!

This was wonderful! And what Christmas is really about! I'm in NC so I'm going to have to pay Pastor Brady and The River a visit :yep:
My God....

...that young mom looked truly overwhelmed by the magnitude of what God poured out... I pray that she receives the love of God, that she is able to really comprehend how much that one act of faith meant to Him.

I have admired Pastor Brady for years, I have a newfound respect for this woman of God and her church. If I lived in NC, I'd definitely pay them a visit.:yep:


Thank You Thank You!!!!

This was wonderful! And what Christmas is really about! I'm in NC so I'm going to have to pay Pastor Brady and The River a visit :yep:


Thank YOU for the thread that caught my attention last night!

THAT was an amazing Christmas gift to me. :yep:
I am truly in awe of God. I know that He does marvelous things but when I witness the greatness of the Lord for myself, I'm just awe-struck. Oh what will I do when I am finally able to behold my Lord once I get to Heaven?

I just love God. I'm looking forward to going to His house tomorrow with praise and thanksgiving!

Thank you LionQueen!

Here is Part 2 where Kristie describes the wonderful progress that her baby girl has made since the miracle on the 13th! This is OUR God performing these mighty works of wonder!

ETA: Just wanted to say again that I love the Lord!!!
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Thank you guys for posting these links. I'll go check out these interviews now, but from what I saw yesterday,this young momma's Faith is what healed her daughter. Had she not brought that child to the church in spite of the circumstances, we wouldn't be reading all this good stuff about her. This is a great testimony on believing in God and trusting him. And a timely reminder that miracles STILL happen today, when we just believe.

God bless