The BUN has me DEPRESSED!!


New Member
Really, I have been really good. I wear this freakin' bun E-V-E-R-Y-D-A-Y! It literally has me depressed! I do it not only for hair growth, but becaause apparently I work out :look: (I have been to the gym twice this month...) But in theory, I will be going more regularly. Is there not ANYTHING else that can be done and still look good??? I mean, I know there are braid-outs yada yada, but my ends...I'm supposed to protect the ends...?? My hair is about 1.5 inches from armpit length now, so it's not exactly rubbing my shoulders (unless curly).

Are there any people out there who have met their goal by wearing their hair out PRIOR to reaching bra-strap (or well past shoulder length)??

I'm gonna wear my hair out tomorrow...I just have to do it. Does this feeling ever overcome you?

I know exactly what you mean girl! I'm wearing a bun right now today as we speak.

I want to retain my growth and protect my ends, but at the same time, I'm just so SICK and tired of these same old, tired buns! :lol:

People look @ me in awe when I DO where my hair down (that's how much I wear my hair up! ) :D .

I'm getting "bun-depressed" too. I envy the girls who seem to be able to wear their relaxed hair down just about every day and seemingly NEVER suffer any damage. :(
How about cornrows, or Frenchrolls? Those are elegant styles that keep your ends protected. Phony Ponies are good too and braids are another option.
I HATE wearing a bun everyday. But right now I don't have the time or energy to do anything with my hair. I really want to get it cut and texturized so its wash and go.
This has been my first week of complete bunning and I'm kinda having fun with it.... regular, split buns (vertical and horizontal), I even thought about wearing four mini buns in the back.... at night I tend to do the princess leia dealie. My ends are retaining moisture (misting those suckers with s-curl... my kitchen area too because that's where I'm dryest). I have to be really careful with tension because not only is my scalp temperamental... I suffer from nerve damage and it's really easy for me to get a migraine.

Play with your buns! gawd that sounds sick.... :lachen: but a little experimentation helps. Hair sticks and little hair jewelry pieces are grand! :D
anky said:
Wear earrings and makeup. You will look so good.

I agree, when I first started my bun challenge I got tired of it really quick, but I started to buy tons of hair accessories to "dress up" my bun. Those with a cute pair of earrings and a bit of lipgloss and you'd be surprised how it can change your view of buns. The results for me were worth it!
ME TOO!!!! I get tired of looking the same everyday. I take my bun down every couple of days. I think I am going to try to dress up my bun and give it a little twist. I really think the bun is the best protective style out there.
Buns can be boring sometimes, but I like to jazz mine up with hair sticks, flowers, etc..and as Anky mentioned earrings and a bit of make-up can set it off too. :D
Hair sticks, clips, pins and barrettes can be a bun wearers saving grace. I own tons of acccessories for the days when I am bored with wearing a bun. When I lose focus I go back and look at my comparison pics from last year and remind myself how much length I've gotten by protecting my ends. Don't give up yet. I promise you will thank yourself later when you reach your goal.
tthreat08 said:
Are there any people out there who have met their goal by wearing their hair out PRIOR to reaching bra-strap (or well past shoulder length)??

I'm gonna wear my hair out tomorrow...I just have to do it. Does this feeling ever overcome you?


lol..girl I feel ya.
No I never wear protective styles. I hate them. Ever since I got my first relaxer 17 years ago I have always worn my hair out, with an occasional bad hair day ponytail.
Even when I cut all my hair off and was growing it out, and looked like a Shaggy Dog, I still wore it
Thanks ladies for all of your suggestions. I will take your advice regarding jazzing things up a little when wearing the bun.

Sylver2, you are my saving grace that you did this without wearing your hair in protective styles. In fact, as I think of it, I have had long hair before with a cycle of cutting it all off and growing it all back. I didn't wear protective styles all the time then either. I did wear them for convenience, but not for the purpose of retaining length. AND YOUR hair is beautiful AND healthy.

So here is what I'm gonna do:
Tomorrow, I am definitely wearing my hair out. I am going to allow myself some free days so I don't get sick of seeing that doggone bun! I figure, if I do the buns MOST of the time, and wear my hair out SOME of the time, I'll be just fine.

Thanks laides!
tthreat08 said:
Really, I have been really good. I wear this freakin' bun E-V-E-R-Y-D-A-Y! It literally has me depressed! I do it not only for hair growth, but becaause apparently I work out :look: (I have been to the gym twice this month...) But in theory, I will be going more regularly. Is there not ANYTHING else that can be done and still look good??? I mean, I know there are braid-outs yada yada, but my ends...I'm supposed to protect the ends...?? My hair is about 1.5 inches from armpit length now, so it's not exactly rubbing my shoulders (unless curly).

Are there any people out there who have met their goal by wearing their hair out PRIOR to reaching bra-strap (or well past shoulder length)??

I'm gonna wear my hair out tomorrow...I just have to do it. Does this feeling ever overcome you?


I felt the exact same way. I wanted to seriously protect my hair but in order to wear a bun, I had to use gel to lay down my hair. When I didn't, I looked like I just rolled out of bed and said "oh well". It got boring and I looked old and frumpy with it. So I discarded the damn thing and now I'm back in braid outs and just recently started using flexirods. I'm on my third day and they are hanging on but they last a long time.
tthreat08 said:
Thanks ladies for all of your suggestions. I will take your advice regarding jazzing things up a little when wearing the bun.

Sylver2, you are my saving grace that you did this without wearing your hair in protective styles. In fact, as I think of it, I have had long hair before with a cycle of cutting it all off and growing it all back. I didn't wear protective styles all the time then either. I did wear them for convenience, but not for the purpose of retaining length. AND YOUR hair is beautiful AND healthy.

So here is what I'm gonna do:
Tomorrow, I am definitely wearing my hair out. I am going to allow myself some free days so I don't get sick of seeing that doggone bun! I figure, if I do the buns MOST of the time, and wear my hair out SOME of the time, I'll be just fine.

Thanks laides!

Your hair is beeautiful.
I love that upsweep do, yes..wear that pretty hair out.