The Blow-out

Living in the city where the dominican blow-out reigns (NYC) I've made some observations, and I just thought I would share. When the dominican salons first took off, black ladies hair in NYC were thriving long haired ladies were all over the place, and they still are. However, from observing my hair, friends and family I also noticed that over time the blow-out can in fact be damaging. Heads that were nice, long, and thick are now long and thin. So my conclusion is while these salons do have great practices, and i myself can't stop going to them, everything good as to be done in moderation. Weekly blow-outs causes thinness and breakage overtime, all that heat can't be healthy. If you have to blow everytime, just do the roots or just do it in moderation.
I've never had a Dominican blowout, but will probably be getting my first one next month courtesy of JenniferMD's guidance. :grin:

However, no matter how much I love it(which I know I will), I will only get them as a treat. I've heard people say that the blow-dryer that they use is like a torch!! :eek: I can't imagine putting my hair through that on the regular. :nono:
I got it done once and yes! that blowdryer was so lie it brought tears to my eyes :eek: That was like a year ago. I want to get another one once I finish taking out these braids but I am afraid of the heat again :(
We alllll know what Im gonna say....

I used to go to Dom salons and yes, my roots looked great but my hair broke off sooo bad and dried out. And I just had the roots blow out! If the blow dryer is burning ur scalp, imagine what its doing to your hair. I hope it doesnt sound like Im preaching, i just dont want other people to have the same damage as I have now, which is even more frustrating cause my hair was way thicker and healthier than it is now :(
I just got one Sunday and I love it. I had one 2 weeks prior as well. They are highly addictive, especially if you are trying to stretch between relaxers. I do realize that the heat is not good for my hair. So I promised myself that I would stay away from the torche, and only do it on special occasions.

I agree with them being addicting.
Whenever I used totake my braids out I got one. The last time, my god I just wanted to see how long my hair was. They got it SUPER STRAIGHT with SO MUCH HEAT But shoo.... I didn't care. My hair was past bra strap. A few weeks later when I washed it I had some straight ends, and some ends that only curled up a little, so basically I lost my naps and it looks like I have a texturizer on the ends of my hair.
Be careful with all that direct heat.