The Bible Experience...


New Member
Sisters, :wave:

If you haven't already gotten this CD set, what are you waiting for??
I am telling you, this is THE BEST audio bible ever made, period!! :D I've gone through quite a few in the past, so I can say this without a doubt.

I have been so blessed this weekend while listening to this set! Oh, my goodness! Talk about bringing the word of God to life...

Well, this is the best $40 I've ever spent. It starts with the New Testament. Hats off to Blair Underwood as Jesus. Excellent!! The entire cast is incredible and wonderful. The line up is amazing. The only person missing in this thing is Oprah Winfrey. Maybe they can get her for a part in the Old Testament.

Anyway, I just had to rave and share about this set. Get it, if you don't have the time to sit down and read your bible, but can pop the disk in a cd player and listen. It will captivate and bless you! :trampolin

God bless you all! :rosebud:
I bought this CD on Fri. and I'm enjoying it. I've been listening to it while I'm stuck in traffic, and it relaxes me. It's fun just trying to identify the voices for each verse :)
For those interested in purchasing The Bible Experience can get it on for $29.99. Bought a few for Christmas gifts a few weeks ago. Well worth it.
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I am so excited about this CD I can't wait til I get the extra money to purchase it. I saw the thing on BET about it and thought it was still in the process of being recorded... Guess not!!
I've heard this being promoted by people that participated in this project for awhile now on the radio. I'm going to pick this one up for sure.
Even though this thread was started a year ago, it was/is SO TIMELY!

I just picked the New Testament CD set from the library and AS SOON as I put it on in my car, I was captivated: of course by the story as well as the voices....

When this first came out, I was a bit critical because of the "celebrity" status attached to this project (not the integrity of the participants, but frustrated because of yet another way to commercialize the Bible/Christianity) but the Word is the Word is the Word...and it's a beautiful thing! So hopefully this post serves as my sincere apology to the universe/all!:grin:

I plan to purchase a set (both Old and New Testaments)....
Oh my goodness!! Why am I so late to find out about this, I was on a bible website and they were advertising it. I watched the trailer and was truly captivated. I can not wait to buy this. I then came to LHCF and did a search and sure enough, you ladies were already on it!!!:yep::lachen:Blair Underwood is soooo gorgeous, but anyways,:grin: I am excited about this because of the word, hearing him will be such a plus.