The best pre-relaxer protein/strengthening treatment...

Divine Inspiration

Well-Known Member
I have an appt. to get a relaxer on Wednesday...

I was hoping to squeeze in one more protein treatment before my relaxer.

I'd like suggestions on a good pre-relaxer protein. Ordinarily I use Nexxus Keraphix, but I'm out. So I figured since I have to purchase something, I may as well get recs from the lovely ladies of LHCF ;)

So I'm thinkin Aubrey's GPB or Keraphix...any suggestions??? :look:
Thanks Nikki...I considered Emergencee, but I was hesitant b/c I don't have any major breakage and I didn't wanna go overboard with the protein, but I did want a lil extra strength. I tested a shed hair last night and it was super elastic and very strong so I think I may mix Emergencee with something moisturizing and giving it a shot...

Any other recs?
I love Emergence and Aubrey's GPB. Emergence is a little bit stronger but that might be what you need since you will be relaxing soon.
LABETT said:
Dudley DRC 28 works great for me it's pricey and worth every penny.

Hmm...this is interesting...
Tell me how you use this product i.e. w/ or w/o heat, how long, mixed w/ any enhancers etc etc
If you are relaxing Wednesday and agitate your scalp this weekend, will that cause you problems when you relax on Wednesday? I will be getting a touch up this Wednesday too (after 16 weeks) and just thought about doing a Protein treatment before then but just didn't want any probs with my scalp Wednesday; didn't think it would be enough time to let my scalp calm down; dunno know though.....If doing a protein treatment this weekend won't yield adverse effects, may consider doing one myself:perplexed

Is Emergencee sold in the beauty salon only or can you get it at the BSS?
I'm planning to do the protein tomorrow afternoon (Sunday) and my scalp should be find by Wednesday afternoon b/c I don't comb my hair apart from detangling and I don't use my nails on my scalp. I don't blow dry either so my scalp doesn't get agitated.
I usually use Aphogee but it looks like you already have good recommendations. I hope you will share pictures of your Wednesday touch up. I would love to see them:).
Lkays, I will...I'm SO lazy with pictures, but I'ma gonna do better starting with this relaxer. I'm actually gonna take pics and post them in my album. Thanx for serving as a little motivation! lol