The best hair of your life!


Well-Known Member
I want to hear from the ladies with the best hair of their lives! - And those that HOPE to have the best hair of their lives going forward.

You guys my hair went from broken, thin, shorter than I wanted it - ear LUSH, THICK, Sinfully healthy hair. (lol)

This is not to say that I don't still have hair questions, problems, concerns. But overall I wake up everyday knowing I get to WHIP my hair back and forth any ole time I wanna.

Not sorry to say that I love my hair and it's all because of LHCF and applying what I learned and what YOU shared with so many of us.

I learned from mistakes, made my own and then found out what worked for me.

So chime in if you have the BEST hair of your life and tell us your before and NOW. :yep:
The best hair of my life...... I was transitioning and using many Indian products to help me with the beginning stages (Henna, Shikikai and Brahmi). I also was on a great meal plan (not diet) eating healthy and working out 3-4x a day. My hair was super full, thick, beautiful shine, soft and strong. I was always getting compliments :drunk:.

Then.... I was introduced to BKT (sigh):nono: started off great but eventually changed my texture, start looking thin and stringy. With the BKT, the Indian products weren't as effective.

So.... I am 7 months post-BKT and starting over to revive my hair. With dedication, confidence and patience I hope to have my dream hair again. :rolleyes:
I'll share!

Have the best hair of my life now. I started out shoulder length, breakage, dry ends. Split ends, uneven ends... I thought it was ok at the time.

Fast forward to today, healthy BSL hair, woo!

I relaxed my hair last night, enjoying my hair today. Pics are from this morning after I dusted.

I'll share!

Have the best hair of my life now. I started out shoulder length, breakage, dry ends. Split ends, uneven ends... I thought it was ok at the time.

Fast forward to today, healthy BSL hair, woo!

I relaxed my hair last night, enjoying my hair today. Pics are from this morning after I dusted.

Beautiful againstallodds
againstallodds your hair is gorgeous. My hair is thriving and I am able to retain so much more length. Not only is my hair more healthy but also my scalp. I used to have crazy, stupid dandruff but now I almost never have that problem and I think it is due to my weekly washes and proper moisture.

The most amazing thing to me is that for years I had been asking stylist for help growing my hair but it wasn't until I took control of my own hair care that my hair really started thriving. **kanye shrug**
The best hair of my life...... I was transitioning and using many Indian products to help me with the beginning stages (Henna, Shikikai and Brahmi). I also was on a great meal plan (not diet) eating healthy and working out 3-4x a day. My hair was super full, thick, beautiful shine, soft and strong. I was always getting compliments :drunk:.

Then.... I was introduced to BKT (sigh):nono: started off great but eventually changed my texture, start looking thin and stringy. With the BKT, the Indian products weren't as effective.

So.... I am 7 months post-BKT and starting over to revive my hair. With dedication, confidence and patience I hope to have my dream hair again. :rolleyes:

What is BKT?
:blush3: Awww, thanks!

My pleasure, and your grandma is absolutely adorable. She makes me miss my grandmother, can't wait to see her now. She big chopped her hair at the start of the year because she was tired of worrying about her hair. She keeps it very low but loves it because it's so low maintenance.
My best hair was prior to having my last BKT, so I can relate to what Lexsmarie was saying. My hair was nice and thick and now it's stringy and thin. I'm starting from scratch by getting a pixie cut and then I'll be working my way back to having my best hair :).
I HAD the best hair of my life up til a few yrs ago. I was always the 1 with the extra long mid back length hair. I never EVER did anything to help it grow. I didn't have to. It was a beautiful gift that I was given. I washed whenever and did whatever to it. Also it was very thick. My hairdresser used to complain that my hair was 'thick to the ends'.

Now that I have some hormonal mix up, :( It has thinned out tremendously. Along with bald spots. And now it doesn't even want to grow. And I turn flips and jump rivers to get it to grow. Darn this medical trip!