The Beauty of a Man - What Makes You Love Him?


"God is the Only Truth -- Period"
Staff member
Update: February 6, 2012: Wow! I've come a long way since I posted this over five (5) years ago. :lol:

Be blessed, Be happy, Be Married....

:Rose: :Rose: :Rose:

The Beauty of a Man - What Makes You Love Him?

With Valentine's Day just a few weeks away, I have a new Romance series coming up soon with new tips to share, as many women will be giving the men they love something special that says "I love you".

Given your current relationship status, married or single, what Would be (and / or) What Are the qualities that make a man lovable?

What makes him worth being your Valentine, all the time? Not just once a year on February 14.

Because I'm currently single, these would be mine:


* His eyes... (Eyes tell me about his spirit; his character; if he's tender).

* His smile (He has to have a nice smile and CLEAN teeth)

* Full Lips (not overly full, but full) Soft and kissable lips

* Tall (with long legs)

* Cuddlely Bear - not sloppy 'fat', but well stocked, solid, but not all gym/iron pumped muscle...I do not like mass produced muscle men who show off their six pack abs.... Men at the gym look phoney; not real men. Their brains are vain and they're too focused in their muscles and how they look. I see this everyday and it's just plain... Yuck! :lol:

* Strong long supportive arms...

* Strong hands with a tender touch

* Deep Brown Complexion - Dark Chocolate :spinning: :yep:

(I think it's because my first love is actor Mr. Sidney Poiter and I've always loved the color of Mr. Sidney's skin...deep, beautiful and dark brown... Hershey's Kiss Brown). :D

There are other more important attractions:

* He has a heart and a love for God...

* He loves himself

* He prays for me and about me

* He gives his best. I don't expect perfection, just his best

* He shares himself with me; allows me to "learn" him and what makes him happy. It's not all about me, but 'we.' Giving him joy is key.

* He's faithful to his promises (he's not a playa') ;)

* He loves children (Children are life and our posterity; it matters how a man views the importance of a child's purpose and what he contributes to a child's life for positive development.

Romantic Attractions / Considerations:

* He's not married or involved with someone else romantically.

* We matter what it is, we just communicate and just be ourselves. Be real. No games.

* The way he looks at me with his heart; for this will show through his beautiful eyes.

* He pays attention to me. He calls at anytime of the day or night just to say...Hey, you may be 'there', but you're here in my heart and on in my thoughts...

Fun Things:

* He loves :love: to smell my hair (I freshly washed just for him) :yep:

* Walking or just being active and fun

* Eating ice cream; making cupcakes; Starbucks and Walmart :lol:

* Cooking together

* Being playful and best friends...

* He loves music and dancing (or he's okay that I am a Dancer) and I will dance just for him. :grin:

Something Key:

* He takes the time to learn and call me by my real name. My dad named me from his Native American heritage and it has a special meaning; but a little challenging for most people to pronounce. I've been abbreviated all my life. I could not help but love the man who learns my birth name and chooses not to "abbreviate me."

So that's just part :lol: of my list of a lovable man.... Of course I have more.... :yep: A lot more.

Married or Single, what are or would be yours? ;)

Happy Love to Everyone...
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He loves me like Jesus loved the church. I can see it and feel it in every breath he takes. He makes me feel like a queen every day. He puts his family (wife and kids) first (not before God but b4 everything else). I admire a man that can be faithful. Hard to find, but such a blessing when u do! :)
Shalilac said:
He loves me like Jesus loved the church. I can see it and feel it in every breath he takes. He makes me feel like a queen every day. He puts his family (wife and kids) first (not before God but b4 everything else). I admire a man that can be faithful. Hard to find, but such a blessing when u do! :)
This is beautifully shared Shalilac. :yep: AND He's not so hard to find...he's simply been out looking for beautiful 'you.' ;).

If he's not with you now, then I pray that very soon he will be...and forever the two of you are 'one' and it can never be 'undone.' In Jesus' name, Amen.
Shimmie said:
This is beautifully shared Shalilac. :yep: AND He's not so hard to find...he's simply been out looking for beautiful 'you.' ;).

If he's not with you now, then I pray that very soon he will be...and forever the two of you are 'one' and it can never be 'undone.' In Jesus' name, Amen.

Thank you! And I have found him and been keeping him for the past 10 yrs! LOL We are perfectly matched and he's a really good man. I am REALLY blessed. And I just luv showing us off...
Shalilac said:
Thank you! And I have found him and been keeping him for the past 10 yrs! LOL We are perfectly matched and he's a really good man. I am REALLY blessed. And I just luv showing us off...

Shalilac: No wonder your post was so beautiful. It came from a 'living' heart. You 'live' every word of it and more. I love your picture. You and your husband are a very beautiful couple. God bless you 'as one' forever and ever... Amen. ;)
There was a really great article in Essence magazine (December 2006) that a Black man wrote about why he is faithful to his wife. He definitely had Christ as the center of his life, and you could really tell. That's the beauty of a man.

Since I don't subscribe to the magazine, I can't remember the title of the article, but I will look for it tomorrow and try to post it on here. It was a beautiful article!
Shimmie said:
Shalilac: No wonder your post was so beautiful. It came from a 'living' heart. You 'live' every word of it and more. I love your picture. You and your husband are a very beautiful couple. God bless you 'as one' forever and ever... Amen. ;)
Thank you! The same to you! ;)
I guess for me since I am single and believe that God will send me a man who is exceedingly, abundantly above all that I can ask or think according to the power that worketh in me (and that's alot!) according to Ephesians 3:20...

I would like a man who is/has:

~Godfearing and loves Jesus so much more than he loves me (but I'm next:))
~who know his role as provide (financially too), protector, leader, and head of the household
~ a sensitive and discerning spirit even towards me. He can sense when I'm upset or something's not right
~A man that wants us as husband and wife to pray together
~A pure gentleman...holds doors, pulls out chairs, stands up when a lady enters the room (I'm old fashioned), helps me in the car, down somebody else said warms the car up for them:)
~Generous and giving
~Treats me like I'm the most precious possession to him

~Tall....I know I'm tiny but I like tall men
~Athletic bodytype
~As me and my friends say "peanut butter color":lol:
~Straight pearly whites
~Smells good
~Clean cut

Oh but there's sooo much more. That's just a little glimpse :). And just think, if that's what I'm asking for and God says He is going to do exceeding, and abundatly above that then I only want the man He has for me...I wont be missing this blessing;).
GlamourGirl said:
I guess for me since I am single and believe that God will send me a man who is exceedingly, abundantly above all that I can ask or think according to the power that worketh in me (and that's alot!) according to Ephesians 3:20...

I would like a man who is/has:

~Godfearing and loves Jesus so much more than he loves me (but I'm next:))
~who know his role as provide (financially too), protector, leader, and head of the household
~ a sensitive and discerning spirit even towards me. He can sense when I'm upset or something's not right
~A man that wants us as husband and wife to pray together
~A pure gentleman...holds doors, pulls out chairs, stands up when a lady enters the room (I'm old fashioned), helps me in the car, down somebody else said warms the car up for them:)
~Generous and giving
~Treats me like I'm the most precious possession to him

~Tall....I know I'm tiny but I like tall men
~Athletic bodytype
~As me and my friends say "peanut butter color":lol:
~Straight pearly whites
~Smells good
~Clean cut

Oh but there's sooo much more. That's just a little glimpse :). And just think, if that's what I'm asking for and God says He is going to do exceeding, and abundatly above that then I only want the man He has for me...I wont be missing this blessing;).
Wow...I love your list. It's pure and honest... :yep: And I agree, that you will receive far Jesus' name, Amen and Amen.

In the highlighted...your husband dwells with you according to knowledge. Amen.

Isn't it nice to have them come from Jesus'...? Yes indeed. :yep:
Bumping this too.....

Thank you, China Doll :kiss: I'm hoping that all will be blessed by my Romance threads. My prayer is all of you will be happily married in our forum.

Ummmmmmmm, I have another scripture... :yep:

By this I know, that thou favourest me, because mine enemy doth not triumph over me. (Psalm 41:11)

I love this one...

When I cry unto thee, then shall mine enemies turn back: this I know; for God is for me. (Psalm 56:9)

The enemy of hopelessness, despair, doubt, worry, fear that marriage will never be. Well, this enemy shall not triumph over thee... Amen.

Praise God...How we love Jesus. :heart2: :yep:
He's kind and loving

Puts me first and our children next

I'm his main focus in life

Loves me with all my faults and problems

We've been together 10 years and it's now better than ever

I know that his body in just for my pleasure :blush:

He's a hard worker

A good father

I know he can and will protect me and our family

He kinda jumps when he walks :yep:
He lives out his Christ-likeness- I told my husband when we first got married that he was a living example to me of how a christian should leave when no one else is watching.

He makes my happiness his main focus.

He is a very caring father to our daughter.

He tells me sweet 'things' like 'when I look into your eyes, my heart melts with :love:' :kiss2:

He can coooooooookk:lick:

He loves for us to pray together.

He is not afraid to show me his tears:yep:

He is a go getter and excels at what he puts his mind to- work/school.

He is very hard working and plans ahead of time for any and everything.

He loves to hang out with me.........
stephluv how appropriate! Thx 4 bumping this:yep:.
Shimmie, have you been peeking at my list?:lol:
I'll add to Shimmie's list b/c it's almost verbatim what I would say.
*The ability to deal with my dry sense of humor.
*The ability to understand that I am just not normal:look: in any sense of the word.
*I also like men who are both street smart and able to handle themselves if need be:boxing: while being well versed intellectually too:bookworm:.
I am single.

But as far as physically, I never really had a "type" or been into all the physical side that much because I believe a person's personality makes them attractive and I wouldnt want to pass up someone that is great, but be turned off by their looks and miss out on a good thing (this is just me)

But first and foremost my husband would have to:
He must LOVE GOD, not just a church-goer but dedicated and flat in love with God.

Be a man of praying and fasting

He has to love to talk (I am a talker and I need someone to converse with)


He has to be dominate and able to lead. I know alot of women don't like that, but that is actually attractive to me, someone who know what it means to be a man and not afraid to correct me or instruct me.

Someone who just calls to hear my voice or just send me text messages
just because he misses me, or just love to watch me sleep :look: ( ok i probably went to far with this one, but hey its my list...:look:)

Someone who loves to labor for God and work in the ministry

Someone who notices the small things about me, if I change my hairstyle, or my nail polish, or even trimmed my ends, or bought a new shirt he would notice it

Someone who is in-tune with my spirit and know how I am feeling without me having to say a word.

Someone who respects my alone time with God and he wont try to compete with it, but understands that even though he is my husband, he could never take the place of God.

Someone who doesn't just see me as "wife" but sees me as a woman and servant of God.

Someone who can teach and wash me with the word of God.

Someone who brings everything to God and isnt hasty about making decisions.

These are just a few :look:
Thank you for bumping this thread stephluv.

:wave: Hi Prudent1 and Alicialynn86

I was thinking about creating a special Christian Valentine's thread when I saw this was bumped. I honestly forgot that I created this thread. :lol:

I love writing about love and marriage. Marriage will always be my Ministry, to support it as well as to protect it. With all of the negative comments being spoken over Black families and their relationships, it is blessng to overcome them.

When I originally wrote this it was more for Married couples and it still is. :love2:

For those who are engaged and / or desire to marry I wish all of this and more for each of you.

Here's to Love :heart2: as God so designed for us.

Amen... :love2:
At the bolded, I can relate... :lol:

I remember telling a friend years ago what I was looking for in a mate and he told me "Dude isn't born yet" lol... Years later, I wasn't 'looking' and DH came along, lock stock and barrel. I believe God had a good laugh on the day we met.

stephluv how appropriate! Thx 4 bumping this:yep:.
Shimmie, have you been peeking at my list?:lol:
I'll add to Shimmie's list b/c it's almost verbatim what I would say.
*The ability to deal with my dry sense of humor.
*The ability to understand that I am just not normal:look: in any sense of the word.
*I also like men who are both street smart and able to handle themselves if need be:boxing: while being well versed intellectually too:bookworm:.
aawww i dont know if i should put anything lol

i love everything about this new guy and he fits majority of all the things mentioned above except he isnt the go hard Christian i would love him to be.....***le sigh*** off to pray about it
aawww i dont know if i should put anything lol

i love everything about this new guy and he fits majority of all the things mentioned above except he isnt the go hard Christian i would love him to be.....***le sigh*** off to pray about it

Definitely pray... :yep:

Also Stephluv ... Most. . . Men . . . are not as 'we' are when it comes to our faith. I've made mistakes in the past turning several men away, because they were not a 'task master' like me, yet they truly loved the Lord and were growing in their faith.

I've had to close my eyes and allow God to reopen them to see what He sees. It took me a while, but I've learned and I thank God for His mercies.

So definitely pray. I love the way God shows us 'the one'. :yep:
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I have to admit my list is similar to alot of you ladies.

I just wanted to add....Must like pets and he must be white, preferable European.
Ok mine aren't atypcial of the christian chick

*Must be yummy to me
*Must be intelligent
*Must not be a push over or soft-I hate feminine's digusting
*Must be about making money in order to have something in this world
*Must be radical-I'm not the softest flower out there and still being reeled in so he needs to be someone who isn't scared of taking a stand on something that he really believes in.
*Must not be a overly fake christian-I don't need no dude who is like always saying those played christian cliches like just pray it away and what not..
*Must be in to health-I may be fat now but I'm on my way to being skinny
That's about it for now..Im open to race as I have always been told it would be a shocker if I married or dated black.