The Back of my Head is Ridiculous. Help Please.


New Member
Ok.. before I found LHCF I was scissor happy. I can't exactly remember why I cut the back of my head, but I did :grin:

Now it's growing longer, I just duno what to do with it. It's not long enough to be with the rest of my hair.. but when it's left out, damn it just looks tacky. I've tried to braid it, but it just doesn't stay braided :wallbash:

I'm tempted to cut again, but what's the point if I'll come back to this stage.. where the back of my head looks ridiculous :look:

Plaits don't work, what else can I do?

ETA: I think I got my answer. So silly... I didn't think of that. Sheesh. No wonder my hair hasn't grown all these years.
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it looks long enough to be pinned up. have you tried that?

ETA - definitely don't cut again, no point.