The Aveda Poverty Fund


New Member
Y'all...I need some Aveda DR SO BAD! I been trying cheaper products and all it's doing is making my hair a mess.

Would somebody whoop me up side my cheap head and make me plunk down the cash for some aveda ... honestly with all the cheap products I've tried I could have MORE than paid for my Aveda. When will I learn.:(

So at this time I'm accepting donations for my Aveda Poverty Fund. Just 10 cents a day can stop a girls breakage and leave her hair soft and manageable. GIVE TODAY!!!;)

:grin:man, when I get out of school and get a real job, maybe i'll finally be able to see what all the hype is about with the aveda line!...One time My stylist back home sprayed my hair with some hair perfume by aveda..anyone know what its called?
Y'all...I need some Aveda DR SO BAD! I been trying cheaper products and all it's doing is making my hair a mess.

Would somebody whoop me up side my cheap head and make me plunk down the cash for some aveda ... honestly with all the cheap products I've tried I could have MORE than paid for my Aveda. When will I learn.:(

So at this time I'm accepting donations for my Aveda Poverty Fund. Just 10 cents a day can stop a girls breakage and leave her hair soft and manageable. GIVE TODAY!!!;)


Why is this funny :lol: I've never tried it and I don't think I should. Sounds like another form of creamy crack.
You feenin' :eek:


You betta find some Aphogee... Aveda's broke lil play cousin. :lol: 10 cents at a time ain't gone get you nowhere near your Aveda. :lol:
Aveda and Ojon were two products I really wanted to try but couldn't justify the price...well one day, H&M were having a sale and I was walking down the streets of downtown DC, and realized, if I didn't purchase all those clothes that would fall apart after a few washes, I could splurge on my hair...
So I did...and I haven't regretted it yet!
You are too funny! I need to start a fund myself...I want to find a haircare line and stick to it, but I just can't seem to fork up the money on all the products so fast and all at one time...
Why is this funny :lol: I've never tried it and I don't think I should. Sounds like another form of creamy crack.

LOL, that is what I think too. But, I'm also in love with the other creamy crack (relaxers).

I'm making myself wait until I get to Baltimore this October to try it. I'm hoping I hate it! I can't figure out which line I really want. With double processed hair, I probably need DR, but, the other lines look interesting too.

Whatever happens, I'll probably be concentrating more on the conditioners and treatments. IMHO, specialty ingredients in shampoo do my drain more good than they do my hair.
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Will a few folk in church offer up .50 oz of DR for the misses? We have a sista in need ya'll, and what you need is a blessing, so give en you shall recieve. Good measure, shaken nagether and runeth ova is yo cup.

Can I getta amen?

Sista chayil0427: Just stand and don't be moved, the Lawrd will bless thee.

**Pastor leans over and whispers into deacons ear: "We got sum stinge folk up in here, but you ain't heard it from me :sekret:" Deacon knods: Ummmhmmm....
LOL...yea...I just washed with Nexxus and it just aint matter how much I love my Nexxus. Yes I'm FEENIN!!! Can somebody put some in a zip lock and pop it in the mail LoL.

Hey, y'all i'm in the newbie zone. I'm curious, how much does Aveda DR usually cost anyway?

In all honest, it's not that expensive when you consider the amount you really need per use. I only use a dime size or less when I poo and con. So even if you buy the smallest size, it should last a long time. I expect my liters to get me into March 2008 or so and I wash my hair every week.

You can get it on ebay for a lot cheaper than from Aveda directly. I have seen DR sets (liters) sell for 70-80 bucks on ebay. I bought my Aveda Smooth Infusions set for $150 on ebay. I wish I had waited because they are now going for like $30 bucks each (poo and con) for a liter size on ebay.

Because the pricing are not as inflated as before, I'm considering stacking up on the Smooth Infusions and the DR.

I haven't used any other product that gives such generous lather with so little amount.