The Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, Mississippi and probably parts of the Ohio too!


Yes ladies, these are the bodies of water I ran over my head last night while washing and doing an Aphogee hard protein treatment. I pre-pooed, poo'ed, Aphogeed, conditioned with the Aphogee Balancing conditioner and then conditioned with my Humectress, rinsing out each one before putting in the other. I though I would never get the sound of running water out of my head! :eek:

After I put the Aphogee hard treatment in, I discovered that my hard hat dryer did not work, so I had to blow dry it in. Ouch.:( My arms still hurt.

The upside is my hair is wonderfully, soft and feeling strong today. No breakage! The water treatment plant should recover in time for me to do it all again eight weeks from now. :grin: