The "Annointed Holy" Phony Pony...too Funny


New Member
This is from my friend timehascome28...She posted in the wrong area

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Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: Birmingham, Alabama
Posts: 2

The "Annointed Holy" Phony Pony...too funny
hello ladies i'm what you call a newbie to the forum, and i'm just picking up on the lingo so please bare with me. yesterday was my first day as a paid member and man was it interesting....i've been working these protective styles for a few weeks now, silk scrunchies, moisturizer, baggie and all and it's been great but last night was quite unfortunate for me. I'm in church getting my praise on when my pastor starts giving thing away! so i go up to the alter with another guy, we run into each other and he knocks me down, so while i'm laying there rubbing my aching hip i notice something lying ever so still beside me, i give another intense look and i realize it's my phony pony. i guess it needed to get closer to Jesus than i was because there it laying on the altar. not to mention my very stable, put in place baggie never moved so there i was on the floor in the front of the church with a baggie right on top of my head!!! so grap the pony crawl under the pew and my First Lady and band of sister crowd around me to help me out. but that didn't work out cause they put it on backwards which mean you can now see the comb that's attatched to the pony as well as the net and the handy dandy little draw string that holds it all together. at this point my Pastor felt the move of the Holy Spirit to go out into the crowd to lay hands on every one, which i then ran from because the annointing would have knocked my very unsturdy phony pony off again to be trampled on by the multitude!!!!! protective styles? for the hair maybe but not for the ego:lol: i don't get embarrased, i just love to laugh even at my own expense so please have a chuckle on me. and when my hair is down my back we will all know it's because i am the owner of the "Annointed Holy" Phony Pony!
Oh please believe she is not lying I was THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!:bouncy: :bouncy: :bouncy: :bouncy: :bouncy:
After she came back to her seat some more of us had to crowd around her so I could take it off and put it back on straight. I couldnt even go into worship after that because everytime I closed my eyes all I saw was her getting knocked down and her hair flying..... to the left to left all the hair she owned was on the alter to the left.........LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
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yes it really did happen and yes i put it in the wrong forum i told ya'll i was new. note to everyone out there we have to secure our protective styles, all that hair ain't ours yet, and it will fall out!!!:D :grin: :lachen: :lol: :perplexed :grin: :lachen: :lol: :D :D :band:
timehascome28 said:
at this point my Pastor felt the move of the Holy Spirit to go out into the crowd to lay hands on every one, which i then ran from because the annointing would have knocked my very unsturdy phony pony off again to be trampled on by the multitude!!!!!

You should have let him lay hands on your phony pony after it fell in the spirit.
Next time you better bind that phony pony on your head so it won't be loosed in church. ;)
victorious said:

You should have let him lay hands on your phony pony after it fell in the spirit.
Next time you better bind that phony pony on your head so it won't be loosed in church. ;)

You better preach Victorious!!!!!!!!
BAWAAAAAA!!!! that is too funny! I'm so glad that you are able to laugh at yourself. Homegirl said "to the left, to the left".... toooooo funny!

welcome to the board!
i couldn't run fast enough because just as i was about to reach my pew his hands were on my head!!!! but i had my girls around me who then covered me and helped me out!!!:lol: thank you God for the covering!!!
:) lol!!!

Be sure you bring the now legendary phony pony to the meetup Saturday!! Who knows what powers it now holds!!!

while i won't actually be wearing the pony of praise, i will definitely bring it. thank God for my sense of humor, that was just the funniest thing!
We will definitely take pictures of the legendary phony pony on saturday at our meeting. Man, I only wish I thought to break out the camera phone when it happened but I was crouched overs in tears laughing so hard.
I wish I had my digital camera also, Cholet112. That would too much if I had that whole ordeal on camera!! The pony just wanted some of the Fire Annointing!!:lachen:
laugh all you want but when i'm 2 inches of hair growth every month ya'll are gonna be throwing your ponies on altar too!! watch what i tell you;)
timehascome28 said:
laugh all you want but when i'm 2 inches of hair growth every month ya'll are gonna be throwing your ponies on altar too!! watch what i tell you;)

Girl, if you can get 2 INCHES of hair growth a month you need to spread around that annointing because that is unheard of!!!!!! But then again we do conform to the ways of the world! SO......... I believe! I believe! I believe (from the movie shrek)!