The amount of times you wash your hair..


Well-Known Member
I'm suprised that you have any left on your head..

^^ that's what my aunt just said to me.


I wash my hair often, because my hair thrives when it's washed.

So when she said it to me she I kind of just laughed it off, and said my hair likes the attention.

She said 'Black people's hair doesn't grow when it's washed too much'

She washes her daughter's hair about once a month.


Just another statement about my hair that makes me laugh, hahah, if my hair is still on my head, obviously it's working.. HAH
I was telling my co-workers that I wash my hair twice a week and they looked at me like I was crazy. One said, " that's why your hair is breaking." So being me told her that since she didn't comb my hair, what would make her think that my hair is breaking? Of course, She made no reply. Then I hear the comments oh yeah you grew up in a white neighborhood. Girl, don't you know you're not white. I was thinking wtf:mad: , but then I just smiled cuz they're the same women saying ooh your hair is really growing girl:lachen:
nikkipoo said:
I was telling my co-workers that I wash my hair twice a week and they looked at me like I was crazy. One said, " that's why your hair is breaking." So being me told her that since she didn't comb my hair, what would make her think that my hair is breaking? Of course, She made no reply. Then I hear the comments oh yeah you grew up in a white neighborhood. Girl, don't you know you're not white. I was thinking wtf:mad: , but then I just smiled cuz they're the same women saying ooh your hair is really growing girl:lachen:


How doe she know your hair is breaking? LOL, growing up in a white neighbourhood? LOL, oh man :lachen:

I think I wash my hair about every other day, maybe every two days. Since I only comb when it's wet, and my new growth is something special, LOL.

But this same aunt keeps talking about my how my hair is getting 'taller'

I wash my hair about every three-four days depending on how dirty it feels. I do conditioner washes for the scalp stimulation. I've been baggying for about a week now though and with all that product biuld-up I've been tempted to wash it more than that...but the product isn't on my scalp so I don't need to wash it. And for the record...BAGGYING IS THE GREATEST THING EVER!! I'm a hands off kindof girl and its sooooooo easy. Get you a little weave bun that matches your hair texture and wear it over the bag. I got this dark brown curley poof, put some S-curl on it and no one can tell the difference! But anyways...if I were you, I'd just wash when your hair tells you it's time and ignore everyone else. The world is full of haters....
I'm suprised that you have any left on your head..

^^ that's what my aunt just said to me.


I wash my hair often, because my hair thrives when it's washed.

So when she said it to me she I kind of just laughed it off, and said my hair likes the attention.

She said 'Black people's hair doesn't grow when it's washed too much'

She washes her daughter's hair about once a month.

Obviously they are misinformed. They probably still refer to stylists as beautitians. LOL (that made me laugh) :lol: I wash my hair every five days and co wash every other day. My hair loves it to pieces.

I wonder....What condition are their heads are in?:confused:
What I wonder is where black people got the idea that hair should be washed so infrequently. Maybe it has to do with times past when shampoos were harsh or something. I cannot think of any other group who has this myth of hair washing being bad. It's kind of like the medieval period when people thought if they bathed daily they would get sick and die. Very strange. The idea has to come from somewhere, I just wish I knew.

I wash and condition my hair, braids or no braids, every other day and rinse with conditioner on the alternate days.
Oh sorry, when I say wash, it's co-washing I do every other day. I shampoo once a week, or every 10 days, it depends.

But my aunt had to cut of all her hair due to severe breakage. And my cousin's hair is natural, but has been at the same length forever. I've caught up, and now I'm creeping past her length.
newflowers said:
What I wonder is where black people got the idea that hair should be washed so infrequently. Maybe it has to do with times past when shampoos were harsh or something. I cannot think of any other group who has this myth of hair washing being bad. It's kind of like the medieval period when people thought if they bathed daily they would get sick and die. Very strange. The idea has to come from somewhere, I just wish I knew.

I wash and condition my hair, braids or no braids, every other day and rinse with conditioner on the alternate days.

I wonder where it came from too.

I was talking to my mom about it, and she said she doesn't know why she believed it, because since she's been doing co-washes (she's a LHCF lurker) her hair is wonderful.

She sent me her update pictures, lol, I'm jealous!! :lol:
I have found that water is the best moisturizer for my hair. Lately I have been wetting and conditioning my hair atleast every other day and washing atleast weekly. I don't know why we think dirty hair grows? It may work for some people but I would think a clean scalp w/well moisturized hair will thrive. I think all that heavy grease and oil left on the hair too long can't be healthy. I remember my Mom teaching me the same thing when I was young, she only washed my hair like once a month. My scalp used to itch like crazy and she would grease it but I really needed some water for my dirty scalp. Why do we think it's a white thing to wash your hair? That doesn't make any sense. I used to think oh I can't get my hair wet it will mess up, it will shrink etc... but my hair has been doing soooo much better since I started using water more.
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I have co-washed this week and just washed my hair. I will probably co-wash this weekend as well. I am baggying my hair and don't really like the weighed down-ness that my hair feels but my hair is just fine. Right now I am testing things out and I feel that as long as its healthy who cares what the haters say...just shake them off

And for the record...I grew up with a white crowd too so does that make me just as "confused" as you LOL
I wash my hair 2x per week in the winter and 3x times in the summer.

I can't understand how friends who are otherwise very clean can keep a dirty scalp for weeks at a time. I think about the dried sweat, sebum, dead skin and old product just collecting under their hairstyles and I itch. But they wouldn't let any other part of their bodies get that funky for anything. :confused:
I wash( co-wash) my hair about every three days in the winter. In the summer every 1-2 days. I love the clean feeling. I think my hair has thrived from this.:D
Only once 1 - 2 hair tangles and groups together in little...groups... when wet... I might have 4 groups of hair say in a small area of my hair when wet...
My hair responds well to water and oil and i love the clean feeling...when i was younger i would only get my hair washed every 2 weeks and i loved wash mom hates that i wash my hair so much, but i love it...and i know she will join the team when she see how well and fast my hair grows
I was just washing it 2x a week... but now that the weather is goal is to do con. washes daily and still use shampoo only twice a week when I deep condition. I know that my hair only thrives better when it is replenished with moisture daily. I love that shower sprayer on my scalp:lol: and I know that my hair thanks me as well.;)
My hair has been doing really well with frequent washing, every 2-4 days. Keeps the scalp clean and healthy, and the length of your hair more moisturized.
The amount of times that I wash depends on what forum post I read that week. I used to wash once a month then I read a post where this girl hair grew very long and she washed every week. So for now I am washing every week. I am sure next week it will change.
OMG! I get the same comments. My RA for my dorm building said "You wash your hair almost everyday (i only was 2x /wk) don't you know you black" right in front of my "white" roommate. I was so embarrassed that my roomie had to hear that. But all the black people who say that are the ones who are wearing ponytail weaves, partially bolding from braids being too tight, and what not. In highschool I even had some people pull my hair and when my head jerks they say "Oh its real?! Your hair is getting longer and longer" Because of those things is why I kept my hair at shoulder length but now I don't care if 'black' people thing my hair isn't real so I'm growing it to mid-back
My husband was just complaining about me frequently washing my hair like 3 weeks ago. Now he's starting to see the fruit of my labor and he can't stop commenting on how great my hair looks. I just keep my mouth shut, and let my hair do the talkin :D
I love the clean feeling too. I love for my hair to smell good and clean; and it always feels so soft after being washed. I love washing my hair so much now, it takes everything I have to keep from washing it everyday. :D
LOL, I'm so excited to wash my hair again, LOL.
I just bought some more MN and Amla Oil.

I love wash days, I love how my hair feels afterwards!
seraphinelle said:
LOL, I'm so excited to wash my hair again, LOL.
I just bought some more MN and Amla Oil.

I love wash days, I love how my hair feels afterwards!

Oh gosh!!! Me too!!! I need help! I wish it was ok to wash my hair everyday. :grin:
My mom used to make that same comment to me. Then one day I heard her telling someone who much I wash my hair and then she said but it seems to grow like crazy.
Adrian said:
My mom used to make that same comment to me. Then one day I heard her telling someone who much I wash my hair and then she said but it seems to grow like crazy.


That's what I'm saying.

If my aunt sees me wash my hair every other day and my hair has gotten thicker, and I have very minimal breakage, it must be doing good and not harm.

I think I understand the reasoning behind alot of people thinking that you shouldn't wash your hair often. They basically have that low manipulation/ saving your hairstyle way of thinking. Also, they probably think that we just use any old shampoo, possibly skip conditioning, and blowdry which probably would kill your hair if you did it multiple times a week. Also I think the whole water is evil thing comes from people who live in hard water areas and don't know that it can mess up your hair also. This is just speculation, they could just think we're trying to be caucasian for some reason.
I wash every three to four days. My hair thrives on it and I enjoy it. Before LHCF, I used to wash every week to every week and a half...depending on how busy I was. Twice a week has been a great help in keeping my moisture levels up resulting in hair that's supple, fluffy and bouncy.

Some people just don't know. Thank God for LHCF and other boards and the numerous books on proper hair care.
newflowers said:
What I wonder is where black people got the idea that hair should be washed so infrequently. Maybe it has to do with times past when shampoos were harsh or something. I cannot think of any other group who has this myth of hair washing being bad. It's kind of like the medieval period when people thought if they bathed daily they would get sick and die. Very strange. The idea has to come from somewhere, I just wish I knew.
Its not all that mysterious. Our hair *tends* to be extremely dry and most (if not all) shampoos in the past were very harsh. Our scalp appears to produce less sebum / oil. There is no doubt that most of us don't need to cleanse our hair as often as white folks, many of whose hair actually gets greasy if they don't wash every day or every other day (even though they don't moisturise).

However, now shampoos are less harsh. And what people should realise is that even if you don't need to have the oils stripped from your hair by a strong shampoo every day, it does your hair good to get wet and be conditioned often.
ebonylocs said:
Its not all that mysterious. Our hair *tends* to be extremely dry and most (if not all) shampoos in the past were very harsh. Our scalp appears to produce less sebum / oil. There is no doubt that most of us don't need to cleanse our hair as often as white folks, many of whose hair actually gets greasy if they don't wash every day or every other day (even though they don't moisturise).

However, now shampoos are less harsh. And what people should realise is that even if you don't need to have the oils stripped from your hair by a strong shampoo every day, it does your hair good to get wet and be conditioned often.

I think it came where ever the other myths came from:
Myth 1: Trimming will make your hair grow.:lachen:
I do not have a set regiment on how i wash my hair, I wash it whenever I feel like it. Mostly everyday or every other day or i would just do a co wash. I love to wash my hair but I don't like the other stuff. I always forget which should go first and end up not adding something. Right now I wash and condition and put leave in in thats all. Nothing else. I worry about "sealing" my ends. I never really got that, not with this bush. But I love to take a shower and I love to get my hair wet its so soothing I hate to take a shower and not get my hair wet so I just do it each and every time. I don't always add anything I just let the water run.