The all purpose JBCO


Active Member
I don't want to gross anyone out but I just had to share how GREAT JBCO is. ( some of you may already know this) For the first time in my life I developed a painful painful :censored: Boil. Of course friends and family had there own remedies, Hot rags, soaking in epson salt etc. NOTHING WORKED to bring this thing to a head! So Last night I went online to do my own research :user:and to my surprise what did I find? If you soak cottonballs in castol oil, place it over the area, cover with guaze or a bandage over night it will bring it to a head and burst. I tried it Wahlaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!!! :yay::yay::yay::yay:it burst and draining as we speak :blush: sorry if you are getting a visual!.. They actually said Castol Oil period but since I had JBCO I used that... I hope this was usefull info.

I know you guys love pics for proof soooooooooooo see below (sike!) just take my word for it :lol::lol::lol:
Glad you found it helpful. Castor oil in general can be used for many purposes. It really is some great stuff.
:yep: I took it when I was 2 weeks overdue with no sign of going into labor. I was scheduled to be induced and I really wanted a natural birth. 24 hours after taking it I had my perfect natural birth and healthy baby
Castor oil is good stuff. I had an eye infection a couple of weeks ago (it's been going around at work) and I washed my eye out every few hours with lemon juice mixed with water than put a drop of castor oil in my infected eye. Did this four times a day. After a day and a half, the infection was gone. Didn't have to go to the doctor.