The Afro Hair & Beauty Bible


New Member
Hi Ladies

I went to the Afro Hair and Beauty Show on Monday in London, It was really good far better than previous years.

I came across a stand selling a new hair book for natural and relaxed heads, I got one as it was only £9.99.

Anyway I thought I would let you all know as it is quite good it has some really good tips and methods that ‘we’ would approve of it is called The Afro Hair & Beauty Bible I found it on Amazon too

Thanks Butterfly wings. How you doing?

Did you pick up any nice products whilst there?

I'm def going next year.

Thanks for letting us know about the book.
Hi I haven't been here in a little while, I'm doing well just enjoying the sunshine!! I hope your well too!!

Yeah this book looks really good and it looked quite popular, I didn't manage to get mine signed though :(

Yes I got some lovely shea butter, some neem soap and some magazines, oh and a leave in