
New Member


So long ago I began slowly cascading
Slipping into the unkown
I held on tight
& fought and fought and fought
I blamed everybody and any body
everything and any thing
even God
just depended on the day
and how much I felt the loss
tasted the fear
absorbed the pain
I had to give it a name
I looked to others
I looked within
I looked to God
please dont let me go
save me , save me SAVE ME
make it all ok
oh please
Let every prayer be answered
or the abyss will be where I lay
sinking into lost faith
falling into no such thing
as love everlasting
LORD please keep me from this awfull chill
my soul freezing over
Ice I see in hearts all around me
Icicles clouding my vision
Help me see
I am walking blindly
falling, falling, falling
spriraling quickly
what I beleived in failing
bracing for the dive of being uncovered
by their lies, and disdain
they impose upon me shame
for they understand not
by true ignorance
they are driven
Crimsom Blood on their hands
For how my heart did bleed
let every toungue that rises against me
be truly condemned
but when? oh when?
its dark in this place
so closed in
who can penetrate it
Ice cant quench
whats already solid
Fire Cant burn
without its Element
no more appeasing
for I am already bent
No more cost to pay
For I am already spent
no hand comes to lift me out
by some willingly, knowingly
I was sent
into the Abyss
others wish
if only
They could change it all
I cried for help along the way
I gave them all my hand to save me
not their problem
'you missed'
they live with smiles on their faces
while I fight the Abyss
oh but not forever
I shall rise so high
and fly forever
on the wings of His Love
while so high
flying ova the hilltops
voices all around me
I hear them calling me
I want to save them
but know they must stay
for it is the season of their harvest
upon them
it is what has come to those that served my dish
and made me eat of it forcefully
it is their Abyss
it is Righteous , it is Just
I will shed a tear for them
and blow them a kiss
'welcome to the Abyss'
you must find your way out
the same way I did
I cannot help you
I will only pray
you dont live forever
in your self made dark, cold
Self Righteous
Like the brothers of Joseph
your hearts that saw fit
I be thrown into a pit
lack of honor follows you
into your season of famine
when drought comes swiftly upon you
unquenched , unrelenting thirst
The Feast of my pain is over now
I have already forgiven you first
for you did not destroy me
truly I was saved
by the pit you threw me in
For I found more and more of God
in the Abyss
Yes, you betrayed me with one
but now I bless you with
A Kiss
may He also save you
from yourself
and the enemy
Be Sure to
Let God Speak Louder
Than Anything or Anyone
in the dead silence of the the pit
Surely you will Think of me
and my soul's greatest wish
That was never granted by you
While you fight your way out of
The Abyss