That's Some Serious Color!

I seen the second video the other day. Her results had me :drool:'in. I also love electrik. She's does what she wants and has great retention while doin' it.
Girl, she got me wanting to brave the snow for some Manic Panic! (I'm not sure if that's what she used, but I'm color clueless lol)
Awesome hair!!! The blue hair was just striking! And the red curls......ugh man ya'll stop tempting
OMG! I wish I could have hair this color again! She is like my technique twin. I use all the same products she uses and I flatiron exactly the same way. I love that redken leave in.
I thought you meant colormebeautiful is that her name? Rarely see green hair, funky and cute. Loving that color on the first girl and I am a sucker for red hair.
Electrik's hair is purple now..she was platinum blonde for a few days then she dyed it purple.