That's it, I've had it- Back to a Perm for me!


Well-Known Member
That\'s it, I\'ve had it- Back to a Perm for me!

Hello all

Ive been natural since 2000 and while I enjoyed the freedom of not having to deal w/ chemicals anymore, my hair is now out of wack. Since becoming pregnant and having my daughter last year my hair has been going through serious changes. When she was 3 months old, my hair fell out in clumps and I got bald spots. I had to perm the hairline of my hair and apply beeswax nightly to get it to grow back. I've been wearing weaves/braids off and on and my hairline started to groiw again. I just took my weave out and again, bald spots in the same place. I am too through. My hair is not coroperating anymore and quite frankly, I'm getting bored with my natural. My hair seems to grow much faster with a perm for some strange reason. Since it's been a while since I had one, which perms do you recommend for virgin hair? Other than Beeswax and Organic Roots temple balm, any suggestions how I can stregthen my weakened hairline? The rest of my hair is real thick. Suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Re: That\'s it, I\'ve had it- Back to a Perm for me!

Good luck with your hair goals. I hope your hair grows back healthy and long!
Re: That\'s it, I\'ve had it- Back to a Perm for me!

Bklynqueen said:
Hello all

When she was 3 months old, my hair fell out in clumps and I got bald spots. I had to perm the hairline of my hair and apply beeswax nightly to get it to grow back.

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I'm sure you meant when you were three months pregnant not 3 months old. I don't know what perm to suggest but have you tried Surge for your hairline? A lot of ladies on here have gotten good results from it on their hairlines.
Re: That\'s it, I\'ve had it- Back to a Perm for me!

You are so pretty!

I recommend Affirm mild lye relaxer. I had a big fro until April of last year when I got my 1st lye relaxer. Can't complain, just don't exceed 17-20 minutes of application time during touchups.

Use Surge hair revitalizer 14 on the bald spots.

I'm putting coconut oil on my scalp lately. It's MUCH LESS sticky than wild hair growth oil or olive oil.
Re: That\'s it, I\'ve had it- Back to a Perm for me!

Alot of ladies use Affirm. I recc. Surge. My hair fell out too especially around the temple area. Surge brought it right back!
Re: That\'s it, I\'ve had it- Back to a Perm for me!

Thank you all for your wonderful suggestions! To Wolftrap: I meant to say when my daughter turned 3 months old, that's when my hair fell out.
. To Megan: Thanks for the compliment! Does the ego good whenI'm having a crappy hair or frumpy day.
And to everyone else who suggested surge- I'm using that as we speak- hope it works for me and I would like to try Affirm- can I apply this myself or would a professional do it? How is Soft & Beautiful products?
Re: That\'s it, I\'ve had it- Back to a Perm for me!

I use Cream of Nature and really like it.

I think you might want to search the site a little tho and see if some of the tips the naturals here have may not turn around your experience with your natural hair. Once it's relaxed, it's relaxed, after all, and you can't go back except to cut it all off.

I now it's scary to be losing hair, but we have some GOROEUS heads of natural hair on the board - maybe have a look at some of thier albums and posts!

And welcome!
Re: That\'s it, I\'ve had it- Back to a Perm for me!

i like your natural hair!

y dont u try Surge Hair Revitalizer Plus 14 for your hairline and bald spots.

A good relaxer for virgin hair...Hawaiian Silky
Re: That\'s it, I\'ve had it- Back to a Perm for me!

First of all, I think your hair is beautiful (and so are you)
I hope you can find some answers on the board that work for you, and help you to decide what to do next.

I would suggest giving your hair lots of tlc before relaxing...lots of moisture, a good protein treatment, and as little manipulation as possible.

I suggest scalp massages for the thinning/bald spots. That can help stimulate your scalp.

As far as a relaxer suggestion: I like Revlon Realistic Lye

HTH and good luck
Re: That\'s it, I\'ve had it- Back to a Perm for me!

Bklynqueen, being as you're having hair issues and your hair is all natural I think the best thing would be for a pro to do it. This is not a simple touch-up. Good luck girlie!
Re: That\'s it, I\'ve had it- Back to a Perm for me!

Bklynqueen said:
I would like to try Affirm- can I apply this myself or would a professional do it?

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I'm not courageous enough to do anything beyond a touchup. Realize that it takes more time and chemical to do an entire virgin relaxer than a touchup. Have a professional get you started. Go to the best salon in your area.
Re: That\'s it, I\'ve had it- Back to a Perm for me!

Bklynqueen said:
Hello all

Ive been natural since 2000 and while I enjoyed the freedom of not having to deal w/ chemicals anymore, my hair is now out of wack. Since becoming pregnant and having my daughter last year my hair has been going through serious changes. When she was 3 months old, my hair fell out in clumps and I got bald spots. I had to perm the hairline of my hair and apply beeswax nightly to get it to grow back. I've been wearing weaves/braids off and on and my hairline started to groiw again. I just took my weave out and again, bald spots in the same place. I am too through. My hair is not coroperating anymore and quite frankly, I'm getting bored with my natural. My hair seems to grow much faster with a perm for some strange reason. Since it's been a while since I had one, which perms do you recommend for virgin hair? Other than Beeswax and Organic Roots temple balm, any suggestions how I can stregthen my weakened hairline? The rest of my hair is real thick. Suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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Your not aIone. I experienced the same thing with both my preganancies. Because your body was going through "hormonal changes", some ladies experience shedding, and a change in hair texture. Be patient…this will pass. My hairline finally grew back after 6-8 weeks.

I wouldn't suggest putting in a relaxer right now. I did this after 3 months of my first pregnancy and regretted it. This only makes the condition worse and I was natural at the time. You can either try Surge or rub in some good ol castor oil around your hairline. Try flat twists or 2 strand twists to give your hair some needed rest. Less manipulation…the better.

Also, stay off the weaves at this time. Give your scalp some air to breathe! Those bald spots will go away if you massage some castor oil into the area. Weaves will only exacerbate the condition.

Good Luck!
Re: That\'s it, I\'ve had it- Back to a Perm for me!

When I was relaxed, I used CON and I stand by Dark N'Lovely Cholesterol. Surge Revitalizer Plus 14 is terrific! I ran out of it; gotta get some mo today...
Re: That\'s it, I\'ve had it- Back to a Perm for me!

I suggest surge and rosemary oil. By the way you are a beautiful lady. Good luck to you.
Re: That\'s it, I\'ve had it- Back to a Perm for me!

Thank you all for your suggestions, I have a hair appointment next week and will take all of your suggestions into consideration. And for Poohbear and Poetess- thank you on the compliments ( I think they were for me, wasn't sure if the compliments were for Tracey or me- so if they weren't for me, please correct me- wouldn't want anyone to think I'm conceited).
Re: That\'s it, I\'ve had it- Back to a Perm for me!

Oh, my goodness, I forgot to thank: Dahomey, MIZK9, Blaxlrose, Megon and Loveofnaps. Actually, I'm quite experienced in perming my hair, applied my first virgin hair(perm) when I was 10 and have done hair for others. Due to bad experiences with beauticians ruining my hair, I don't trust too many to put them in my hair. I was thinking of getting a partial weave for the back of my hair ( grows my hair wonderfully) and leaving the front the HELL ALONE. For MIZK9: Actually, the shedding of pregnancy-related hair loss ended for me after 6 weeks so the rest of my hair is not shedding or damaged, just my hairline is weak. For BlaxlRose: I know it sounds weird, but perming my hairline has always grew my hair in the past ( something in the chemical must agree w/ my hair). It even grew it in when the pregnancy hormones first caused my hair to fall out. The same thing happened to my MOM ( RIP) and my sister and perming it grew it back real well too. But I will keep surging and using beeswax and olive oil. I'll post a pic so that you can see the results soon. My hairline should have some kind of growth within the next 4 weeks.
Re: That\'s it, I\'ve had it- Back to a Perm for me!

Can I ask you typically wear your natural hair straight?
Re: That\'s it, I\'ve had it- Back to a Perm for me!

Bklynqueen your natural hair is beautiful and I certainly see where your baby girl gets her good looks from- she's so precious! Having my son almost 2 years ago I went through the same thing losing my hairline. It grew back in pretty quickly though. Once he weaned is when i had the major clumps of hair shedding like crazy. Surge completely stopped the shedding and my hair is still on the road to recovery. Its been a few months and I'm in braids to hopefully get some of length back that I lost due to all those hormonal changes.

I agree with the other posters- I'd try to go as mild as possible because those hormones can cause some changes to your scalp and hair. You definitely are not alone- I can't tell you how many natural women I know who wound up returning to relaxers for a spell after having their first child. I hope your hair returns to its optimum health soon and that the shedding stops.
Re: That\'s it, I\'ve had it- Back to a Perm for me!

Your natural hair is beautiful. Good luck with whatever you decide.
Re: That\'s it, I\'ve had it- Back to a Perm for me!

Bklynqueen your hair is gorgeous! I would wait a few months then if you are still intent on getting a relaxer Creme of Natural Professional is a very good relaxer.
Re: That\'s it, I\'ve had it- Back to a Perm for me!

ITA w/the other posters, Bklynqueen. You, your baby doll daughter, and your natural hair look gorgeous in the pics. I've never been pregnant, but I've had many a "rough" day as a natural. I wish you the best in whatever you choose and keep us posted as to what the doc says.
Re: That\'s it, I\'ve had it- Back to a Perm for me!

Hello all! Again, thanks for the wonderful response! I love this board! Well, I have changed my mind from yesterday. Thanks to this site, I made an appointment w/ Curves Hair Salon to get a "Silkening" treatment. Maybe this way, my hair wil start to behave itself and I can still retain some "kink". For Divastate: Thanks! You and your son are beautiful, PookeyLou- I don't wear my hair straight, only if I put a ponytail. I usually wear a weave or two-strand twist. And RicaMoreno- thank you for the compliment.
Re: That\'s it, I\'ve had it- Back to a Perm for me!

Are you sure you want to relax again?? Have you really thought about it or were you just upset at the time? You wouldn't want to do soemthing you will regret. Whatever you decide, good luck!!
Re: That\'s it, I\'ve had it- Back to a Perm for me!

I just grew my hair back for the first time since loosing my hair after my son 5 years ago and then wearing microbraids...
I have had fgreat results with surge and the stinky Apogee...less than 6 hairs lost per day..No joke.I have to update my pics though so the proof is there.I'll let you know when i update pics so you can see the glory of surge.mabey a silkner /texturizer would be the best thing since it is not soooo drastic.
ps:I wish I could hlook so hot after having a baby.
Re: That\'s it, I\'ve had it- Back to a Perm for me!

Thanks everypne for your support and compliments! Ya'll are great for my self esteem!
Re: That\'s it, I\'ve had it- Back to a Perm for me!

Hey BK Queen!

Before you do relax, you may want to look into a non-chemical relaxer. Although I have already been relaxing, when it was time for a retouch, I used Smooth N Shine Non-Chemical Relaxing Balm and it worked great. I have very thick and poo-fy (beyond puffy) hair and it worked just like a chemical relaxer. Since I found it I've been researching others and there are quite a few out there. Just something to consider in case you decide to go back to natural.

Texas Q-T