That Moisturising Recipe that MonRae posted is DA BOMB


Well-Known Member
After washing and deep conditioning my hair overnight, I saturated my hair with the moisturising mix that MonRae posted sometime last week. The recipe was made by someone else on YouTube and MonRae was nice enough to post it here. Well I made the recipe and applied it to every section of my hair before braiding it. I then applied frizz serum and wonder 8 oil on my hair ends. I braided my hair saturday AM and took it down sunday AM and my hair was so defined, moisturised, soft and it also had a sheen. It was also bouncy, light and very full. This was by far my best braidout and I owe it all to that moisturising mix. I have applied more to the back/nape area because I know this area is vulnerable to breakage and I don't want that to happen. I have slight breakage in that area and I'm trying to protect it. All I can say is this is my new moisturising mix. I measured each ingredient and whipped with wire wisk until pudding consistency. I put it in an old Nexus pump container and it comes out like a thick creamy moisturiser. I am so excited about this because my hair is evidence that it is in fact working on my hair. I had my husband take pictures so look for the continuing segment to this post. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, MonRae for posting this recipe!
I can't wait to see the pics either!! I've been looking for a great moisturizer and this sounds really good!

Sounds great, i would love to know what the recipe is and can't wait to see pics.
Ah Ha, i think i found it. Tell me if im wrong.

I just made a batch of MzTeaCake's The SUPER Moisturizer for Type 4b/4a Hair. She is really on to something! For instructions click -->

Here what I used:

Raw Shea Butter
Rose Water
Vegetable Glycerin
Aloe Vera Gel
AO Honeysuckle Rose Condish (she used Coconut & Papaya Lotion)

And I threw in 3g of MSM for good measure!

Sorry ladies but the eyeball method was used so I can't tell you the exact amount of anything (other then the MSM).

I have never brought anything that moistured my hair like this! It is really drenched which is a very good thing b/c I use MT and really need a powerful moisturizer to combat all that protein.

Try it! You will not be sorry!
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That's cool OP, my braidouts start out moist and by the end of the day feel dry.:(

I agree. This is my third braidout and all my others would start out moist, and then 1-2 hours later it would be dry. I'm rubbing my hands over my hair as I'm writing this post. My hair is still moist, soft and very lubricated and it just looks very good. I received many compliments about my hair yesterday. I have only put a little bit more of this moisturising mix in the back/nape area to protect my hair from rubbing against clothes/coat etc. I am truly impressed. There were others that tried this recipe too and had good things to say about it. Check out the link for other pointers.
yeah thats it

I kind of remember it now

I guess I passed it by due the glycerine-I already know that doesnt ever really go well for me

I know its wonderful for some others though

Irresistible have you ever tried honeyquat? I think if i'm not mistaken that it can be a substitute for glycerine.
I am going to cosign on this!! This is probably the best moisturizer I have tried. And you really dont have to apply it everyday. At least I dont.
Hey fancypants...long time no talk. :)

How is the hair doing? Are you still relaxed?
The recipe you used sounds very nice, I may have to give it a try. I just have to exclude the glycerin...
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This is the bomb. I made some but I used (eyeballed)

avocado butter that was thinned with grapeseed and avocado oil
aohsr ~1 large squirt
rosewater and glycerin in the bottle

It was so light and fluffy, and works really good. I may add some aloe vera to it. I was worried about hardness
Hey fancypants...long time no talk. :)

How is the hair doing? Are you still relaxed?
The recipe you used sounds very nice, I may have to give it a try. I just have to exclude the glycerin...

Hey there, my hair is doing fine except for my scraggly ends. I have not been consistently getting my hair trimmed and I believe that my stylist may have overprocessed my fine texture hair because I'm seeing more and more splits. I found another stylist and I will be asking her to trim my scraggly ends. I know it will be at least 3 inches cut off and I'm hoping it will grow back fast. I made some changes to my hair regime and this moisturising mix is really da bomb.
I tried it but mine is too thick. Not sure if it needs to be whipped. Maybe I'll use more rosewater or lotion instead of the AO conditioner??
I tried it but mine is too thick. Not sure if it needs to be whipped. Maybe I'll use more rosewater or lotion instead of the AO conditioner??

I know that many that have put together this recipe used the 'eyeball' method. Well I didn't. I put 'exact' amounts in my mixture except for the rosewater. After placing all my ingredients in my bowl, I then added my rosewater and whipped it until it was the pudding consistency. My mix was actually medium in consistency, not too thick and not too thin. I put the mix in my pump container and it came out very thick and creamy. I also spread this stuff on my hands and they were so moist yesterday.
yeah thats it

I kind of remember it now

I guess I passed it by due the glycerine-I already know that doesnt ever really go well for me

I know its wonderful for some others though

I don't think my hair agrees with the Glycerin either. What does it do to your hair? I think it makes mine dry and lack sheen. I'm trying to figure out if that is what it is...thanks.