that lil white bulb


New Member
When ur hair sheds and it has the little white bulb at the end is that considered breakage or just dead hair that has finished its growth cycle? How much hair is supposed to shed?
I believe that's hair that's finished it's growth cycle. And just from memory, I think it's considered normal to shed 50 to 100 hairs per day. (
Hmmm...does sound like a lot now that I wrote it, but I'm pretty sure that's what I read. Someone correct me if I'm way off.)

[EDIT: I just checked and I am right about 100 hairs per day. Here's my reference.]
yeah, that's the normal amount per day. it does seem like alot though, nonie!

sunny, it's considered breakage when there is no white bulb at the end. that means only part of the hair strand has broken off. you want to see as little of that as possible.