stargazer613 said:
I loove this conditioner!!! Thank you Nice & Wavy!!! I remember your review on it a while back, so I finally went out and bought it last week at Trader Joe's, and it is definitely going to be a staple of mine from now on. I love the slip, the ingredients, and I find it to be quite moisturizing. And the price you just can't beat.:) :) :)

BTW: Your sister is so pretty!;)
Nice & Wavy said:
Girl, what are you waiting for? Get your hands on some Elucence and some Hello Hydration.....:D

i have to wait on my other gf. she gets a discount on the hair stuff. :D i guess since i have all my aveda, it just fell to the backburner, you know?:)
have you tried the nourish spa shampoo? they had this other conditioner there that had cherry something in the name or in it. do you know what that is and/or have you tried it too...anyone? it smelled heavenly... :)
Nice & Wavy said:
BTW: Your sister is so pretty!;)

Awww, thank you!!!! :) She's my 3rd oldest sister, and one of my bestest friends. I've been trying to get her to join this forum for the longest time....maybe one day...:)
honeybadgirl said:
i have to wait on my other gf. she gets a discount on the hair stuff. :D i guess since i have all my aveda, it just fell to the backburner, you know?:)
have you tried the nourish spa shampoo? they had this other conditioner there that had cherry something in the name or in it. do you know what that is and/or have you tried it too...anyone? it smelled heavenly... :)

No, I haven't tried the shampoo yet and I don't remember the other conditioner, I have to check that out too! I love the smell of cherry!
i may try it later down the road but for now....i'm all nourish hair!! i cant wait to use it again. i think i will in a little while:grin:
aroberts said:
Hey if she's your big sis too, does that make us half sisters?! :lol: Hope you are enjoying her as much as I am!

Sure does make us sisters too!! Nice and Wavy is the best. She always answers all my questions.

Not what is this burnt sugar stuff? I am currently using elasta qp mango butter for my edges but I am almost out.
Oh no! Why did I come in here?!:cry3: There's no trader joe's anywhere near me. Can you find it online anywhere?
Chanel's Tresses said:
Sure does make us sisters too!! Nice and Wavy is the best. She always answers all my questions.

Not what is this burnt sugar stuff? I am currently using elasta qp mango butter for my edges but I am almost out.

i'll have to find the link to where you can buy it or niceandwavy can tell you. its a pomade and it really holds my edges down and makes it oh so pretty:D. my mom saw me yesterday and said, the side of your hair looks nice....whatever you have in it. (she was sitting next to me thats why she said the side of my head:lol: )
I am all about the conditioners! So when my paycheck comes the hubby and I are going to Trader Joe's to pick this what is this burnt sugar pomade that you speak of? Is there somewhere that I can order this from?
honeybadgirl said:
i have to wait on my other gf. she gets a discount on the hair stuff. :D i guess since i have all my aveda, it just fell to the backburner, you know?:)
have you tried the nourish spa shampoo? they had this other conditioner there that had cherry something in the name or in it. do you know what that is and/or have you tried it too...anyone? it smelled heavenly... :)

Are you thinking of the Trader Joe's Essential Herbal Conditioner? That stuff smells sooooo nice! I use the Nourish spa also, but I always mix in the Essential cause I love the smell so much:D
Braided~Beauty said:
Are you thinking of the Trader Joe's Essential Herbal Conditioner? That stuff smells sooooo nice! I use the Nourish spa also, but I always mix in the Essential cause I love the smell so much:D

that could be!! i think the bottle was a cherry wood kind of color:look:
it smells very good!!!
Blackoutzangel05 said:
I am all about the conditioners! So when my paycheck comes the hubby and I are going to Trader Joe's to pick this what is this burnt sugar pomade that you speak of? Is there somewhere that I can order this from?

First of all....girl I love your hair!!!! It looks so good. Congratulations on your big cut!

Burnt sugar pomade can be purchased at:

honeybadgirl said:
that could be!! i think the bottle was a cherry wood kind of color:look:
it smells very good!!!

The bottle is purple, it does have "prunus serotina (wild cherry) bark extract" listed as one of the ingredients. And yup, it smells GREAT :lol:
Braided~Beauty said:
The bottle is purple, it does have "prunus serotina (wild cherry) bark extract" listed as one of the ingredients. And yup, it smells GREAT :lol:

Yeah the Essential conditioner is good and it's only $1.99! :eek:

I loooove the Nourish Spa line, I used the poo & condish today, just heaven.
Braided~Beauty said:
The bottle is purple, it does have "prunus serotina (wild cherry) bark extract" listed as one of the ingredients. And yup, it smells GREAT :lol:

you're absolutely right!!! thats it!!:grin:
does it do your hair like the nourish spa??
Nice & Wavy said:
First of all....girl I love your hair!!!! It looks so good. Congratulations on your big cut!

Burnt sugar pomade can be purchased at:


Thanks! I'm ordering...LOL Girl I thought you knew that I cut it...and we were suppose to texlax in the fall together weren't we? Well now I am 100% natural until I reach stretched MBL or longer...then might use chemicals. Right now I am having fun with my hair and enjoying the awkward looks I get from the DH...LOL
honeybadgirl said:
you're absolutely right!!! thats it!!:grin:
does it do your hair like the nourish spa??

I have only been using it for a little while now, but I like the nourish spa much better. The essential is not as thick and creamy and I have to use WAY more of it than I do the nourish spa. But because I love the smell so much I just keep mixing it into my nourish spa anyway:cool:
Braided~Beauty said:
I have only been using it for a little while now, but I like the nourish spa much better. The essential is not as thick and creamy and I have to use WAY more of it than I do the nourish spa. But because I love the smell so much I just keep mixing it into my nourish spa anyway:cool:

maybe that is what i'll do too, mix it. i do love the smell of the essential but NOURISH SPA is absolutely excellent!!! i'm finding that i like to use as the final rinse/instant conditioner. i'm just so so amazed at how i can just finger comb my hair with it practically eliminating the comb!! i dont even need to comb my hair out but i guess its just a habit and i feel compelled to:(
honeybadgirl said:
well thanks poka!!! :) i want to thank everyone involved!!:lachen: but i do know i better start to put my order in when its half gone....they are slow in delivering!!:grin: its cool though, its exactly what i wanted
:lol: You're welcome. It was just one of those things that I loved and had to share w/ everyone. I'm glad that you and Nice & Wavy like it. I have some in my hair right now and it smells gooood:lick: . I recently found out that it is excellent for braid-outs! I got those deep shiny waves that are so hard for me to get when I do braid-outs.
:lol: You're welcome. It was just one of those things that I loved and had to share w/ everyone. I'm glad that you and Nice & Wavy like it. I have some in my hair right now and it smells gooood:lick: . I recently found out that it is excellent for braid-outs! I got those deep shiny waves that are so hard for me to get when I do braid-outs.

YES! it didnt take me long to discover that too:lol:. i didnt really put a whole lot on because i didnt know what type of affect it would have on my loose hair but i could tell by the little i used that it would look really nice....and it did. i put it on wet. i do think i need to add a little more to my hair when i do it today!!:grin:
oh and at 1st i didnt like the smell but now i do. it grew on me:)
This is a new favorite for me. Now I can finally use up the others conditioners in my stash. I may cowash everyday for a while just to use up that other stuff cluttering up the bathroom.