Thanx Naturalgurl!!!!!!


New Member
Thanx Naturalgurl!!!!!! (JUST PUT THE PICS IN.........SCROLL)

After beating myself up about drying my hair out :wallbash: I took your advice. I Dc'd with the Evoo and honey (added a bit of my Profective condish and extra virgn coconut oil) got under the dryer for 20min, rinsed, and air dried in bantu knots. My 4z 9 week post 2inch new growth is melted!!!!:grin:
My hair is so hydrated and supple.......I was gonna give up on my strecth, but thanks to you I've got my game face on... I really hope this helps someone that was in the same situation or prevents it form happening:yep:
APL i'm comin for you!!
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Thank you , that was a rare good day LOL................... I wanted to post the new pics but the back of my haed was still wet in the bantu knots... I'll try to post them tonight.
I'm going to have to try that, I added honey to my conditioner and shampoo after seeing a few people recommend this and didn't notice any difference in my NG.
Wow thanks this looks great, I'll try these on my next wash. I'm almost 8 weeks post and I'm trying to do more curly styles