Thanks to extensions, I'm bald now! With pics, so you can SEE.


Well-Known Member
Thanks to extensions, I\'m bald now! With pics, so you can SEE.

Psych. But damn near! -_- Feel free to whip me, anky. /images/graemlins/frown.gif

See, I was lazy and didn't feel like doing my own hair. I decided to try and get extensions for the first time because I think I'm prettier with long hair. And I am. I'm sorry if that makes me sound vain.^_^;;

Anyways, I have my cousin glue them in. I didn't have the money nor materials to have them sewn in at the time, and /images/graemlins/censored.gif had to be somewhere the next day. I did the standard procedure,perm with a children's relaxer (my scalp can't take adult ones)wash and condition with the Breakthru line of products, let air dry, and then flat iron with ishloads of Breakthru's heat styling cream.

She put the tracts in the regular way, I guess...glue, press to scalp, blow dry to dry the glue. You know,normal.
I thought my hair would be fine as long as I kept it moisturized underneath the tracts.

Well, I kept them in for two weeks exactly. Because the Lord gave me a hair color and texture that's exactly like the Number 2 Yaki, I was whippin that hair. I was lookin' good, ya'll. No one could tell it wasn't my hair. And...I kinda didn't tell them any different. *chuckles nervously* Pictures of me with weave?

I slept with a satin cap on, detangled gently, sprayed with oil sheen, and kept them up nicely, I think. Well, I took them out last night. Caaaaarrrrefulllly. Saturated with olive oil, and gently removed them. My hair looked the same as it did before, or so I thought. I washed with dark and Lovely's 3-in-1 moisturizing shampoo, and followed with their Cholesterol Conditioner for Dry Hair with Shea Butter. I slept in that. When I got up this morning, I rinsed that out, looked at my hair, and cried. For a long, long time. It may just be my imagination, but my hair seems significantly shorter. This is my hair before. It's curled in this picture, but it's about 2 inches longer than this.

And this is my hair now. It's a bit scrunchy because I'm letting it airdry, but yah.

See how it's longer on the sides and the middle looks choppy? Oooh, I'm steamed.

So beautiful people, where'd I go wrong? Is there something I should have done that I didn't do? Is there a technique to taking out bonded extensions? And for next time, what do I do to make for a minimum of breakage?
(I say next time, because I'm getting more put in tonite, but only because I have to take pictures that require me to have long hair. Don't worry, I'm not keeping them in for long. x_x)

I mean this is my fault, so there isn't any use in crying over spilled hair glue. I just want to rectify it in the long run, and get the best way on how to take these things out.

Thing is, everyone thinks it was my hair. I have to wear a bun now while my hair is recovering. And I most certainly enjoyed the attention from men. My ex-boyfriend even said I was pretty! He didn't even say that while we were together! Long hair has given me the sun, and the moon, and the stars...and even brought me this close to getting laid! I mean laid as in laid on the couch...where I could eat cereal...or something, heh heh. ^_^;; *forgot kids frequented these boards* /images/graemlins/sekret.gif Dammit, hair that looks like mine! *cries*

Fudge this, I'm going natural. /images/graemlins/mad.gif

Hellllllp, peoples! /images/graemlins/wallbash.gif
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Re: Thanks to extensions, I\'m bald now! With pics, so you can SEE.

First, realize that your are beautiful with or without hair. Hair does not make you, I speak from experience on this one. I would suggest that you invest in the remover that is sold to dissolve the glue when you take the tracks out (Sold at most beauty supply stores). I will also say stay away from the glue!! I just did a girls hair this weekend, and she kept complaining about not having any hair on the sides (the glue had pulled her hair out from the root),and that her hair is not growing, and I'm like you keep using that hair glue, Hello!! /images/graemlins/spinning.gif

Also, how often did you wash your hair? I don't want to assume anything. I know that my hair cannot go more than three days w/o washing, that could have also been a culprit. Anyways, I am sure that others will give you more pointers soon. By the way where are you located? If your not too far I can hook up a sew-in for you!! /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: Thanks to extensions, I\'m bald now! With pics, so you can SEE.

I think it was the glue that did that to your hair. No matter how careful you are with your hair, when you take them out, hair is bound to get broken and weak because of the glue.
I've never had anything glued to my hair, but I almost did. I decided not to when I read how damaging glued weaves are. I had mine braided. I haven't worn a weave in a loong time, but if they are done right(without anything glued to your hair), and if you keep it moisturised, it won't do you any harm.
I hope your hair gets better soon. why don't you try an instant weave? You would be able to take your pictures with long hair, and it wouldn't damage your crowning glory.
Just my 2 cents. /images/graemlins/rosebud.gif
Re: Thanks to extensions, I\'m bald now! With pics, so you can SEE.

<font color="brown">I could have written this very same post three years ago. Don't worry girly. No matter how gentle you are, glue and hair just don't mix. /images/graemlins/nono.gif I used to fool myself and think that if I nurtured my hair under the tracks it would be okay. Nope! If you really want long hair try making tracks that are glued to haircombs so that you don't have to sacrifice your hair next time. /images/graemlins/smile.gif

In the meantime, don't worry about what you did wrong. Get a nice trim to even up those ends. Perform a deep condition, and apply an oil treatment. Try to do a rollerset or another air dry technique and keep plenty of moisterizer on those ends. Practice this for at least the next month and you will be fine. You're a beautiful girl, you don't need long hair to prove that. /images/graemlins/kiss.gif</font>
Re: Thanks to extensions, I\'m bald now! With pics, so you can SEE.

Thanks. I usually wash my hair once a week. It's like my hair waits until that one week point to startmisbehaving, so I can't go any longer than that. I made an exception this time, and see what happened. :P

And I live in New Orleans, so you're going to have to get on a plane to do my sew in. Trust, if I was in Texas, I'd be calling you right about now. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: Thanks to extensions, I\'m bald now! With pics, so you can SEE.

*nods* I was thinking about those instant weaves. When I was in the hair store yesterday, I looked but they only had it in blonde and red tipped. :-/

I'm definitely going to look into alternatives now. Thanks.
Re: Thanks to extensions, I\'m bald now! With pics, so you can SEE.

Wow, that is a really good idea, about gluing the hair to the combs. I may just run out and get some combs and try it. It's still early. See, I don't have a creative bone in my body, and I don't think of stuff like that.

Thanks for the kind words and advice. /images/graemlins/kissing4.gif If it wasn't for boards like this, I'd be f'd up worse than I already am. :P
Re: Thanks to extensions, I\'m bald now! With pics, so you can SEE.

/images/graemlins/whip.gif /images/graemlins/spank.gif /images/graemlins/spank.gif /images/graemlins/whip.gif

Now that I've beaten you severly I can give you some love. Remember when we met that day? well I didn't know it was a weave until you told me. and then when you said that you had it glued in I just froze.

You are frigging beautiful! And I didn't have to look at your hair to see such. You are wonderful, witty, smart! I can go on and on... none of that has to do with your hair.

The ladies have already given you good advice. My advice would come to my house and enjoy the wonderful world of Salerm. *hee hee* If you need any help just PM the pros. I can even give you tools and products if you need anything (I am a walking salon).

Remember when you saw my hair last week? Well it wasn't always so pretty:

But I found this fourm and it was the best thing that happened to me.

You can do it. I know you can. I hope to hear from you soon. Cheer up... or die /images/graemlins/whip.gif /images/graemlins/laugh.gif

PS: oh my goodness, i cant believe we work for the same company /images/graemlins/shocked.gif I am so blessed to have met you. Good luck!
Re: Thanks to extensions, I\'m bald now! With pics, so you can SEE.

Oh Lord, Starian! I'm so sorry! I wore extensions w/glue once and that was enough for me! Like others have said, glue and hair don't mix!

I'm sure with some TLC, your hair will grow back and be healthy again. Don't cry! /images/graemlins/kiss.gif /images/graemlins/Rose.gif
Re: Thanks to extensions, I\'m bald now! With pics, so you can SEE.

I'm sorry to hear this. I know with some TLC your hair will grow back but that glue is hair poison, it's like ripping your hair out from the roots that stuff is so bad. And the stores keep selling it -they are sooo wrong.
Re: Thanks to extensions, I\'m bald now! With pics, so you can SEE.

You're pretty with and without the long hair. I looked at your weave pictures first before reading your post and thought that was your real hair too! Keep taking good care of your hair and reach your hair goals! /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: Thanks to extensions, I\'m bald now! With pics, so you can SEE.

The weave was off the hook /images/graemlins/up.gif Sorry to hear about the setback though /images/graemlins/frown.gif If you're going to wear one, just have your cousin sew it in. That and some TLC on your hair should have you back in shape in no time. /images/graemlins/smile.gif Good luck!
Re: Thanks to extensions, I\'m bald now! With pics, so you can SEE.

I feel your pain. Years ago when I was poor I would do my own glue in weaves. Yes they were beautiful. I even knew how to cut the weave hair to make it look like an actual style and to make it look more natural. But girlie after wearing that stuff on and off for about a year my hair was JACKED UP. It was so dry and chewed up looking. When I finally decided to get more serious about my hair care I gave up the glue. Right now I am having a major set back due to a bad relaxer and the temptation was there to glue in a few tracks to even my hair our and add fullness. But I thought about what my hair was like and I instantly gave up that thought. I like the suggestion of Lorraine to glue hair to combs. I may try that for the holidays! Thanks for the rec.

Re: Thanks to extensions, I\'m bald now! With pics, so you can SEE.

all i can say is sorry since everyone already said to leave the glue alone. maybe some protein/moistrizing treatments will help
Re: Thanks to extensions, I\'m bald now! With pics, so you can SEE.

I'm so sorry about your mishap. Believe me I feel your pain. I had a MAJOR glue mishap about a year and a half ago ago. I had healthy shoulder length hair about 6 months later and a couple of weaves, my hair was so short my sister could barely grasp it to put it in conrows. So atleast your working with more than I was. My hair is now about 7 inches. I never did the big chop I dusted my ends and I only have about a little of an inch of relaxer on the ends. I keep it in individuals and never got another weave, relaxer, nor have I been to the salon and I'm lovin' it . So don't trip, just clip, it will be back before you know it.
/images/graemlins/cheers.gif So, here's to the future of no more glue and a lovely mane. Your hair was already beautiful, anyway!!!
Re: Thanks to extensions, I\'m bald now! With pics, so you can SEE.

Thanks for all your advice, you guys. Once my hair dried, (and after Anky calmed me down :P)I could see the parts that were uneven, and I had my Mom trim my hair with an unused pair of manicure scissors. They were surprisingly sharp. O_o Air dryed hair always looks 10 times worse anyway. But it was still pretty chewed. :P

It's about even just looks like I have layers. Depending on the way it falls, it looks like a bob, even. Until I can get it back to a healthy state, I'm doing the baggie method with the phony pony and already it seems like my hair is doing a tad bit less shedding. It certainly looks better. LOL

So, next time I want long hair, I'm going to either glue the tracks to the comb like Lorraine suggested, or the quick weave. Hell, I might have both just so I can have a plan. I will never, never, never put glue in my hair again.

Arigato gozaimasu! (Thank you very much in Japanese)
Re: Thanks to extensions, I\'m bald now! With pics, so you can SEE.

msportugal said:
all i can say is sorry since everyone already said to leave the glue alone. maybe some protein/moistrizing treatments will help

[/ QUOTE ] /images/graemlins/smile.gif